Suta looked at Kuro. "Who are these people?" he asked in her mind. "A few people who helped me and want to join us." She said to him. She looked at both of them. "Angel, well you stop bugging her about it. I use to be the same way before what happened in Russia." The emotion in Kuro's eyes disappered, it was a way to hide her emotions when she didn't want to talk about something.
"AHA! You Do feel. I saw the annoyance in your eyes, Everybody has a soul therefore everybody feels. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" he backed off and stopped bugging her but he was going to help her with her emotions even if it's the last thing he did. "I'm done i'll stop" He said to Kuro and then looked at Suta "Hey Suta, My name's Angel" The song that was playing now was 'Good Feeling by Flo Rider'
Suta shifted into his human from. He was only 4 foot 2 and had short silver hair with green eyes. "Angel? I've never heard of a guy being named that." He said simply, always being a blunt rude ass. Kuro hit him in the back of the head, the emotion returning to her eyes. "Damn it Suta, you can't be nice to save your life."
Usha rubbed her forehead before looking at Suta." I am Usha. It is a pleasure to meet you." She bowed her head. She didn't mind if Suta was rude to her. She couldn't feel anything anyway.
Angel laughed "Nice one kid, but ya don't see children flying around like Tiny dragons these days hunh Spring chicken" He stuffed his hands in his pocket, he switched the song to 'Ghost In The Machine by B.O.B' It suited Usha "Usha this song is for you" He smiled
Suta growled at Kuro as he stood up then glared at Angel. "Shut it. I might be young but I'm stronger than any of you." Kuro rolled her eyes and put one elbow on Suta's head, using him to lean on. "Yeah, when you are a dragon, but when you are human, you're no stronger than me."
Angel Got some fire wood that was laying around and laid it on the floor. He held his hand out as a fire ball appeared in it and dropped it on the fire wood creating a camp fire. He looked over at Suta and had a big goofy grin "Spring chicken, anyone can play with fire" He chuckled
"Stop calling me that and WILL YOU GET OFF ME!!" Suta yelled at Kuro and Angel, swating Kuro's arm off of his head. Kuro laughed at Suta, then sat down next to the fire. "Oh, calm down and relax, Suta. You know we're only kidding with you." She had a grin on her face.
Usha sat down against a tree a little away from the others, took off her katana and closed her eyes. She wasn't asleep, just thinking. One of her hands rested on her katana.
"Anyone hungry?" he asked as he stood up and dusted off his 3/4 shorts from and diet on them "What about you spring chicken?" He grinned at Suta, He loved to tease some people, especially the rude kind "Usha what about you?" he looked over at her. "Come sit by us" he smiled at herthe flame flickered in his light green eyes
"I'm fine where I am and I'm not hungry." She said without opening her eyes. It was obvious she was used to staying away from people.
"I got some food in my bag." Kuro said, pulling her backpack off her back and going through it. She soon found some left over deer that she had caught a few days ago. "Stop. Calling. Me. That. I'm a dragon, not a damn chicken." Suta growled at Angel. Kuro noticed Usha sitting away from them. "C'mon, Usha. You could at least come over and talk to us. The fire is nice a warm." Suta sighed with a little blue fire coming out of his mouth, he was trying to calm himself.
"I'll say it again, I'm fine where I am. Besides I can't feel heat like you can." Usha opened her eyes to look at Kuro.
Angel gathered a little more fire wood and put some down near Usha, He lit it the same way he did with the other fire. "Well if your not going to come sit with us then this should keep you warm, Usha you really are a ghost in a machine" He sighed. He smiled at Suta "Are you sure you're not a Chicken? you sure look like one when your a dragon"He looked over at Kuro with a Grin "Hey Kuro maybe we should eat the chicken instead"
Suta snorted, clearly not in the mood to be messed with. "She knows that I can sense her ever emotion and healt status. Anyways, between all four of us, I'm the one who knows everything about her past and her DNA." He said, a smug look on his face. He was proving that he was knew more about Kuro than it seemed. Kur nudged him in the side, hard. He fell over to the ground on his side. "Ow, damn it Kuro." He mumbled. "He's right."
Usha sighed and picked up her sword. She gently took it out of the sheath, revealing it's black blade. She inspected it,sheathed it and placed it beside her. She rested her head against the tree and closed her eyes, listening to the conversation.
Angel stood upright and popped his knuckles and neck "anyone want fish!?" the song on his headphones changed to 'Bangarang by Skrillex'. He changed into his non elemental wolf form and dashed to the nearst lake or stream, his fast reflexes let him catch 8 fish in 10 seconds. He dashed all the way back to the campfire.
"I'm back with some loot, pick your faviourite" be smiled before sticking them on a really flat price of rock and above the fire to grill. He looked over at Kurro "you have anything to give these fishes
A little twist in that bag of yours, do ya?"
"I'm back with some loot, pick your faviourite" be smiled before sticking them on a really flat price of rock and above the fire to grill. He looked over at Kurro "you have anything to give these fishes
A little twist in that bag of yours, do ya?"
"Uh, let me check." Kuro searched through her backpack, looking for something. She hadn't the slightest clue what could be used to give the fish a twist. She sighed and stop searching in her backpack and looked up at Angel. "Sorry, no. You can look if you want."
Usha opened her one of her eyes to watch. She let out a silent breath before shifting against the tree she had her back on.
"O well were just going to have to eat them just grilled then, Here" He handed Kuro a fish on one of the smaller flat rocks. he got another fish ready and stood up, the song changed to 'Both Of Us by B.O.B ft Taylor Swift' He kneeled down in front of Usha and held out the plate with a soft smile, his eyes were welcoming "Here eat up"
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