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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » The Unusual Beings (Closed, Group)

Usha (played by ChaosTheMew)

Usha looked Angel." I'm not hungry." She said as she closed her eyes.
Angalo (played by Ambrosia)

Angel sat besides her and leaned against the tree after placing the fish in front of her, he looked at the stars "Everybody feels, everybody smiles, everybody loves and that love turns to pain. the smiles fade and the feelings stop but theres always a reason to smile, some smile because the have woken up for a new day, even death doesn't stop emotions. Even if it seems that there is no reason to smile... smile anyway"
Usha (played by ChaosTheMew)

Usha opened her eyes to look up at the sky." Why are you trying to help me anyways? You can't change someone whose been the way I've been for most of thier lives."
Angalo (played by Ambrosia)

Angel looked at he as she looked at the stars, his headphones switched the song to 'Nothing by The Script', his light green eyes turned to look at the stars once more "Because iv'e been where you are, no reasons to smile or to feel like there is no need for feelings anymore, but i realized that just waking up the next day and exploring this world is just about enough of a reason to keep smiling, to meet new people, to find love and happiness is what everyone needs" he took out a picture of his family and showed her it "It won't make them happy to see me emotionless"
Usha (played by ChaosTheMew)

Usha looked at the picture of Angel's family." I don't remember my parents and my master didn't treat me very well." She rubbed her back as the memory of her master whipping her flooded her mind." I guess you can say it made me worse at feeling things."
Angalo (played by Ambrosia)

"sometimes what you have now, and the people you are with are enough to smile for. just like there is a reason for sadness, there's a reason for happiness" Angel stood up "Tomorrow when you wake up, please, smile for me" he said walking away and laying by the fire staring once again at the sky looking at the stars
Usha (played by ChaosTheMew)

Usha let out a breath as she stood up and vanished, only to reappear on one of the branches of the tree she had been sitting against. She sat against the tree trunk and let her thoughts fill her head.
Angalo (played by Ambrosia)

The next day birds were singing to the rays of the sun that shun on the travellers. Angel was already up, fishes were cooking on the DIY grill he made. He smiled as he watched the other 2 sleeping. "BREAKFAST!!!" He shouted at the top of his lungs so the other 2 would wake up. Music was in the air as Angel was playing 'Wonderful By Angel' From his headphones
Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Kuro almost hit her head against a rock because she was sleeping on the ground and near one. "HOLY SH- DON'T DO THAT!" She yelled at Angel. She hated being woken up period, having someone yell near her to wake her up was a little dangerous. She yawned and sat up. She rubbed her eyes, getting the sleep out of them.
Suta on the other hand was still fast asleep in his dragon from, he slept near Kuro's head and was curled up into a tight ball like a kitten.
Usha (played by ChaosTheMew)

Usha opened her eyes and simply jumped off the branch she was lying on, landing gracefully on the ground. She didn't sleep so she had spent the entire night thinking like she usually did. She brushed the leaves and bark off her green kimono then made sure her sword was firmly strapped to her waist.
Angalo (played by Ambrosia)

Angel smiled as he saw her awaken from her... whatever. "Morning sunshine, breakfast's ready" He looked at her with wide eyes to see if she would smile at him after the conversation last night.f
Usha (played by ChaosTheMew)

Usha looked at Angel and tried to smile but the effort didn't do anything." I'm not hungry." She said as she rolled her shoulders.
Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Kuro laid back down on the ground, going back to sleep. She was naturally very sleepy from fighting all kinds of demons. If someone woke her up, well, it won't be pretty.
Angalo (played by Ambrosia)

Angel stood up with the grilled fish in hand "Hey you tried" He smiled at her and put the plate-ish in her hands before placing his left hand on her upper right arm "We'll get there, there's nothing like a smile in the morning". He turned and slied before throwing a fresh wet fish at kuro's face "GOOD MORNING!!!" Angel laughed before going into his wolf form, His regular wolf form had no special abilities
Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Kuro sat up straight and glared at Angel. "F*ck you, I'm back to sleep." She said before throwing the fish back at him and going back to sleep. Suta was already awake and rolled his eyes. He shifted into his human and said "Damn, for a science experiment, you are sure lazy, Kuro." He laughed when Kuro opened her eyes and glared at him. She rolled over, her back towards the others and began to fall back asleep.
Usha (played by ChaosTheMew)

Usha watched Kuro for a moment before putting the food Angel had handed her down and sitting against the tree like she did the night before. She closed her eyes and without thinking about it, began to hum very softly. It sounded like a beautiful lullaby.
Angalo (played by Ambrosia)

Angel's music stopped playing, He heard Usha hum "You don't need emotions to express what your heart is feeling" Angel turned to his human form, arrow on his arm turned green as he put his hand on the floor. around Usha the grass grew slightly longer as flowers sprouted from the ground.
Usha (played by ChaosTheMew)

Usha stopped humming and opened her eyes to looked at Angel. Even though no emotion passed though her eyes, her cheeks turned slightly red." I don't know where I learned it, but somehow I remember them."
Angalo (played by Ambrosia)

"Don't worry, we'll figure it out, Just give it time" He smiled at her then looked over at the sleeping kuro. This time he turned into his elemental Water wolf form and sprayed Kuro with a huge amount of water.
Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Kuro jumped up out of where she was sleeping, soaking wet. She glared at Angel as a low growl rumbled in her throat. "Can't I get some sleep for once in my life? Damn, you guys just don't want me to sleep." She looked at her soaking clothes and groaned. "Great. Thanks Angel, now I have to change. You're going to hae to disappear now." She said, searching through her backpack for her other clothes.

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