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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » The Unusual Beings (Closed, Group)

(This is between ChaosTheMew, FallenAngel123, DontBeTrippin, and myself.)

Kuro had been walking through the woods when she came upon a town. She walked into the town, then looked up at the sky to see her pet dragon, Suta to fly over the town in a gray blur. She sighed and began to walk it the town. She was just about to pass a alley when someone grabbed her arm and put their othher hand other her mouth. Soon there was a dagger to her neck, threating to slit her throat. "You really believe that I would ever give up on capturing you?" A voice whispered in her ear. The voice was one Kuro knew all too well in it chilled her blood and sent her heart pounding. But it also filled her with rage and pain. It was the one person in the world that she could kill without remorse. Wang Sakuranbo.
Usha (played by ChaosTheMew)

Usha heard the commotion from the rooftop. She saw the girl and another man. Usha dropped down from the roof and landed on the man. She pushed the other girl away from him." I really don't like people hurting others." Usha's voice was unusually calm.
Angalo (played by Ambrosia)

The night sky Filled with a chilling wolf howl. The air became cold as a dark figure of a wolf was seen Jumping from rooftop to rooftop. Some called him a demon, some called him an Angel but he was neither. The howl was heard once more before the alley lit up in flames. At the opposite end of them 3 was a a figure of a wolf Completely engulfed in flames and crimson eyes "Lower the knife" it said as it Growled at the attacker "Before the Fury of a thousand Suns is released upon you"
Rabedtiel Daystar (played by FallenAngel123)

Rabedtiel saw the girl get grabbed and jumped on to a rooftop. She wanted to see what was going to happen. She frowned when she saw another girl pretty nuch save the other girl. She jumped down from the rooftop, looking all not too please. "Are you kidding me? Something fun happens in this town and someone always has to be the hero and ruin it for everyone." She said in a annoied tone. She found fun in watching others fight and fighting, being a dark elf and all. She hated it when people came around a saved the day. She looked over at the wolf in at the front of the alley and groaned. "Great, now we've got a wolf running around here trying to save people. How am I ever going to have some fun?!"
Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Kuro was caught by surprised by just the first girl coming to save her from her master, then a wolf, and next a elf. "What is the world?!" She though as she looked at all the people that came. She could tell that the elf girl was most likely just going to watch for who the hell knows what reason. But she didn't understand why the wolf and other girl came when she was being threaten.
Angalo (played by Ambrosia)

Angel stood besides Usha his flames no longer engulfed his body but now at their usual place. "Let, Her, Go!" Angel Barked at the attacker and at the same time flames were released too. He was on the offence as he waited for the right moment to strike.
Usha (played by ChaosTheMew)

Usha bristled slighty when others came. She watched the man she attacked before, her purple eyes showed no emotion. Her katana was strapped to her hip, she wore a short green kimono and her long gray hair reached her waist. Her hand rested on the black and red hilt of her katana.
Rabedtiel Daystar (played by FallenAngel123)

Rabe groaned, clearly annoied with this whole scene. "You people make it hard to have any fun around this town." She jumped back up to the top of the buliding, her white hair slightly glowing in the night. Most people would think she was an angel if they just saw her from behind but though differently when they saw her dark red eyes, always wanting to have fun in some kind of way.
Angalo (played by Ambrosia)

Angel stood in his human form with his hands in his pockets "Get a TV lady!" he smirked. His tank top made it easier to see the arrow tattoo that circles down his right arm and ends at his palm. He looked over to Kuro his head lowered but looking at her eyes "You okay there miss?"
Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Kuro hadn't relized that she was still sitting on the ground until the wolf guy had asked her if she was alight. She shook her head, getting back her senses. "Yes. Yes, I'm fine." She stood up and dusted off her jeans. There was a easy to see fadded slash mark on the side of her neck and a cut on it, from when the blade had slightly slit the side of her throat. She quickly put her hand over the wound and tried to act as if it wasn't there.
Usha (played by ChaosTheMew)

Usha noticed the cut and took a step forward to help. She stopped herself and closed her eyes then looked at Kuro."If you want I tend any wounds you have." Again she had no emotion in her voice.
Angalo (played by Ambrosia)

Angel walked over to a doorstep and sat down, his black 3/4 shorts were almost camouflaged. He leaned back on the door and looked into the stars, he always stares at stars, their Beauty and simplicity puts him in a trance always "So who was that gut anyway?"
Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Kuro shook her head when Usha wanted to heal her wounds. "It's alright. I'll be fine." She put on a fake smile then took off her backpack. She quickly wrapped a goze around her neck, slowing the bleeding. She looked back at the wolf guy who asked about her master. "Uh, well, he's my master, Wang Sakuranbo." She didn't look at either of the two.
Usha (played by ChaosTheMew)

Usha blinked when Kuro said the man had been her master." I know your master. He's friends with my own master." Usha looked at Kuro,understanding flickered through her eyes but vanished quickly.
Angalo (played by Ambrosia)

Angel snapped out of his trance and stood up and walked over to her kneeling down and now level her face "My name's Angelo By the way" He smiled at her with a big goofy grin "But please call me Angel" he held his hand out for a hand shake.
Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Kuro was surprised by Angel kneeling infornt of her. "I'm Kuro Sakuranbo." She was taken off graud by Usha and Angel. She shook Angel's hand then looked back at Usha. "Y-your master is friends with m-my master?" She was completely unpared for all of this. She never though that anyone could deal with her master's insane ideas and thoughts, let alone befriend him.
Usha (played by ChaosTheMew)

"I am Usha." Usha bowed her head to both Kuro and Angel. Her gray hair fell forward." Yes, my master was friends with your. Your master bragged about you all the time." Her voice held no emotion. It was obvious Usha had no emotions.
Angalo (played by Ambrosia)

Angel walked over to her and raised his eyebrow "Usha you seem as cold as Ice, Smile a little" He waved his hand in front of her face. Angel had headphones around his neck, the music was little loud but the atmosphere felt slightly better with the music, it played 'The City By Ed Sheeran'
"So Usha What were you doing hanging around these parts?"
Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Kuro sighed, not surprised about her master. "No surprise, he always wanted a daughter then he turned to wanting to have a half breed human." She pulled her backpack back on her shoulder and said "I shoulder get going, thank you both for the help."
Usha (played by ChaosTheMew)

Usha looked at Angel." I am trying to get away from my master and I cannot smile because I don't know what it's like to smile." Usha looked at Kuro." I don't think you should go out there by yourself. Your master might be waiting."

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