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Forums » Looking for RP » The Lost Sister (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Marth and Erika Seve (played by KansasVenomoth)

Marth is a young mercenary that has been working on tracking down someone that was very dear to him. His younger sister whom he practically raised like a daughter was kidnapped just three years prior and has now been circulating in the slave trade throughout the nation. In his desperation, he's taken on many mercenary jobs; specifically ones that go after slave owners and slave traders over the past three years, but nothing's come up. He's almost positive that his sister had died by this point, but he has to know before he does himself in. Perhaps your character could provide some help.

Maybe your character is a fellow mercenary whom happens to be taking a similar job and they happen to tag along with you, maybe your character is a slave that's traveling with Erika's caravan, maybe you and Erika are currently living with the same owner, if you have other ideas, let me know :D

I'd like this to be a 1x1 RP that takes place in a medieval fantasy setting. Combat is to be expected in some portions of the plot, swearing is likely, and romance (preferably MxF) is possible, though it won't be likely until after Erika has been reunited with her brother. Reply or shoot me a PM if you want to try :D
Magic 70%
Magic is fairly common. Players and NPCs important to the tale may have it. Mistborn.
Technology 30%
Combat 30%
Distant war may be part of the setting, but any scenes that happen to involve combat will likely be summarized, not played out in detail.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.

This sounds super interesting! However, I don't have any suitable characters for this. But I'm planning on making a character in a medieval setting soon. I'll pm you then :)
Marth and Erika Seve (played by KansasVenomoth) Topic Starter

Starfish78 wrote:
This sounds super interesting! However, I don't have any suitable characters for this. But I'm planning on making a character in a medieval setting soon. I'll pm you then :)

I look forward to it :D
Hey! This sounds like fun. Would it be alright if I used my mermaid oc? She can turn into a human, but she'll have scales on her legs and arms.
I was thinking that she could be suspicious of what is going on with Erika's owner so she starts stalking him and eventually learns who he is, and what he's doing.
Or she could be Slave with Erika, but she's a slave only for her scales. Mermaid scales are worth a lot of gold coins.
Marth and Erika Seve (played by KansasVenomoth) Topic Starter

Raewaffle wrote:
Hey! This sounds like fun. Would it be alright if I used my mermaid oc? She can turn into a human, but she'll have scales on her legs and arms.
I was thinking that she could be suspicious of what is going on with Erika's owner so she starts stalking him and eventually learns who he is, and what he's doing.
Or she could be Slave with Erika, but she's a slave only for her scales. Mermaid scales are worth a lot of gold coins.

The latter option sounds good! I'll PM you :D
Ariel Zadai (played anonymously)

I'm super interested still open?
Marth and Erika Seve (played by KansasVenomoth) Topic Starter

Amelia Perring wrote:
I'm super interested still open?

It is indeed! Shoot me a PM :D
Sheree (played by LucyFerina)

I have just arrived today but my char history seems to fit this perfectly, is it still open?
Marth and Erika Seve (played by KansasVenomoth) Topic Starter

Sheree wrote:
I have just arrived today but my char history seems to fit this perfectly, is it still open?

She'd work wonderfully! I'll shoot you a PM :D
This sounds really good, I've been wanting to develop a medieval version of my bounty hunter OC! Really, any of my three would work.

Mace makes a good fellow mercenary and has a sore spot about slavery. It's entirely likely he's out to take down the entire political regime that's allowing this, and thought Ericka's owner was a good place to start.

Nathan makes a good fellow slave, although he's incredibly insolent if he doesn't like you, probably has run away multiple times, and frankly I'm not sure how he wouldn't have been killed yet. Maybe there's a law against executing children that are too troublesome, I don't know. But he's certainly a lot of trouble for anyone he doesn't respect.

Atonai would make both a good ally force and a good slave. He's an excellent cook, and if the fantasy setting includes magic, he's got some skills there too. Either way, his left hook is a force to be reckoned with.

I'm pretty new to this site and I'm not sure how things work yet, but I just had the crazy idea of fitting all three in. Or you can pick whichever one would fit best.

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » The Lost Sister (closed)

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