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Forums » Introductions » Hey there.


I've been lurking this website for around a day before deciding to actually join. I'm a 16 years old french guy that loves videogames, especially fighting games such as street fighter. I've got a youtube channel where I usually upload gameplay of well... games.
I actually never tried RPing before, I once had the chance but the forum I wanted to rp on closed before I could come in the story (long story short I was rping a villain that was going to appear later in the story of the forum), so yeah, I'm completely new at this stuff, I just know a few basic rules.
Anyway I'm currently making my character right now, having a tough time filling up the wizard profile lol, hopefully it will come out decent once I'm done with it.
Sanne Moderator

Hello Boo! Welcome to RPR. :D Finally somebody else who lives on the same continent as I do. XD

I'm the local crazy Dutch cat lady. :3

If you want some help to get started on RP, I set up a group that helps newbies with questions and some general information! It's called The RP School. :) Feel free to check it out and join!
Boo Topic Starter

And I thought I was going to be the only european here hah! I'm definitely going to look at that group, thanks!
Sanne Moderator

Nope! Darth_Angelus is a Brit and SeraphicStar is from the most mysterious European country, too! :D There's a handful of other European members, but I'm unsure which ones are still actively around.

Don't hesitate to ask us questions if you have any. ;)

There's even some rprites in very obscure european countries. Don't worry. Welcome to the world of roleplay. Don't be afraid to get your hands dirty! We are a friendly bunch.
Boo Topic Starter

Whew, I finally finished creating my character, took me a while.
Minerva wrote:
There's even some rprites in very obscure european countries. Don't worry. Welcome to the world of roleplay. Don't be afraid to get your hands dirty! We are a friendly bunch.
Haha very obscure x). Thanks! And uh what do you mean by getting my hands dirty?
Kim Site Admin

Congrats on your first character and on joining us here on the site! :D Welcome welcome welcome. I'm certain you'll discover many patient people happy to help you start your RPing. :)
Applebloom (played by The_Ross)

Hi there, welcome to the site!


Boo Topic Starter

Applebloom wrote:
Hi there, welcome to the site!


*Ears bleed from the extremely loud welcome.* Thank you for the warm welcome! Just, don't be so loud next time, I think I almost had an heart attack @_@.

(Also yay ponies.)
Sweetie Belle (played by The_Ross)

See? I told you guys!
Scootaloo (played by The_Ross)

Whatever. It could've been at least twenty percent louder.

You are on: Forums » Introductions » Hey there.

Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus