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Forums » Looking for RP » Low fantasy high seas adventure rp (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

The world of Eros is a planet of seemingly never ending and vast oceans. On this planet are small islands that inhabit nations, or entire races yet to be discovered.
Here nations with vast navys, or pirates with hearty crews rule the oceans. Though in one large city sits the merry old ship known as the rosemary. Who's captain has died recently from a shot, as per his will. Command of the ship and its crew passes on to his dear niece Seline Masters,who is about to discover a whole new destiny for herself.

(This rp will be multi paragraph, and story heavy. I don't care if you have to describe the colors of a leaf. You'll make it work.)
Raider-jack29 Topic Starter


Raider-jack29 wrote:
The world of Eros is a planet of seemingly never ending and vast oceans. On this planet are small islands that inhabit nations, or entire races yet to be discovered.
Here nations with vast navys, or pirates with hearty crews rule the oceans. Though in one large city sits the merry old ship known as the rosemary. Who's captain has died recently from a shot, as per his will. Command of the ship and its crew passes on to his dear niece Seline Masters,who is about to discover a whole new destiny for herself.

(This rp will be multi paragraph, and story heavy. I don't care if you have to describe the colors of a leaf. You'll make it work.)

Hey there! It seems like your having trouble getting people to join, yeah? Let me help ya out a bit. The first problem I see, is that you've basically set up a story, but you have not actually given the players a reason to help out misses Seline over there. Further detail is much appreciated with such things, as well as it can benefit you as well. How about adding on that she is currently looking for crew members to join her? That would give players a reason to pursue the story, a rather basic one, but just because something's primitive doesn't mean it's worse or bad!

Another glaring itch with you post is this. "(This rp will be multi paragraph, and story heavy. I don't care if you have to describe the colors of a leaf. You'll make it work.)" I myself am not very good with multi-paragraph RPs, I know a lot of people on here aren't good with them either. That could potentially be scaring away all your interested players. It's important to be lenient, especially if you're going to post in the All Ages LFRP Forum.
Raider-jack29 Topic Starter

Thank you, but I'm taking the advice of a good friend. I've been told that if I want to be a good role player, that I need to up my standards and keep to a nice base plot, while remaining vague at the same time.

Then again they are two years older than me.
Raymond Archer (played by JBGeitz)

Hey I have a pirate captain as one of my oc's. Would this be good?
Raider-jack29 Topic Starter

Can you post multiple paragraphs?
Do you have an open post for this on fantasy IC?

I got a handful of ruffians ready to rumble
Raider-jack29 Topic Starter

I've got a pm going for this.
Raider-jack29 Topic Starter

Just about to make an
IC forum.
Raider-jack29 Topic Starter

Raymond Archer (played by JBGeitz)

Yeah I can. I had to before in other roleplays.
Raider-jack29 Topic Starter

Also, good grammar is a must.
Raymond Archer (played by JBGeitz)

That too.
Raider-jack29 Topic Starter

Then by all means
Raider-jack29 wrote:
Also, good grammar is a must.

Well English is not my first language I try my best but sometimes isn't good enough
Let me know and I'll edit

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Low fantasy high seas adventure rp (closed)

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