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Forums » General Roleplay » The Rust (inactive)

Dean king (played by Ambrosia)

(Only Humans and Experiment)

The World is no more, what we once knew, is no longer what is. The world is taken over By a Plague, called the Rust. It feeds on everything, Metal, Concrete and even plant life. It's developing, and now it even takes over humans. It corrupts their minds and slowly eats from the inside out. There is no way to stop it, the world is almost extinct of all life. The only thing we can do is travel from place to place in hopes that it won't catch up to us. Only the government experiments and other non governmental experiments are immune to it but even they don't want to live in a world that is slowly being destroyed. Infected humans attack others because they start to lust for blood. Their eyes turned red as they go crazy day by day, spil;ling blood of others and when there is no blood left to spill... They spill their own.

No place to live, no place to hide. The Earth is taking it's revenge on it's inhabitants for creating contraptions that were slowly killing it.

How long can you survive?
"Vhat do you mean? I vill be zee last person on Earth and it will be wonderbar!" Doc exclaimed happily with a clap of his hands, scaring the fox cub in his lap. He was speaking to a decimated corpse that he had set up in a chair in the decimated remains of a coffee shop.
"You are foolish to say such things of me!" Doc yelled at the corpse, jabbing a finger at him.
"I object! I am superior to all!" he cried out. This conversation had been going on for about ten minutes now. "How dare you?! I vill kill you for such obscenities!" Doc stood suddenly, flipping Keera, his fox, off his lap as he tackled the corpse to the ground.
Dean king (played by Ambrosia) Topic Starter

Heavy footsteps were heard out on the street, following them was a single gunshot. "Dammit!, I had to use a bullet!" A man in a black leather jacket, grey shirt and Black Jeans was fleeing from a horde of infected.
"Let us... SEE YOUR BLOOD" One of the infected yelled out in a crazy manor, his body slowly deteriorating. His right eye was no longer there as 4 of his finger were nothing but bones. His torso had patches of skin missing. The Rust Ate from the inside out.

Dean vaulted over rubble from collapsed buildings and remains of cars. A Jackknifed truck blocked his way but he didn't stop, No, he ran up it and easily pulled himself up. He was panting as he turned to face the horde of infected "I guess I'm fighting" Dean smiled as he released his arm blades, They pierced through his middle finger and ring finger knuckles as they revealed themselves.

The coffee shop was close, able to see everything that took place.
Doc had just finished strangling the corpse when he heard the gunshot. His head jerked around as he now looked for Keera and gave a relieved sigh to see that she was cowering underneath of a bar stool and he picked her up before wandering outside to see what the commotion was all about, his AUG cocked and ready in one Han and Keera held tightly in the other.
He smirked when he saw the man standing on top of the cars, although no one could see behind his beaked gas mask. He looked so much like the infected it was uncanny, but Doc didn't care. He didn't care about much of anything besides Keera: the one thing that kept him somewhat sane.
He walked nonchalantly by the man, completely ignoring the infected and he gave a small salute to him, "Have a woderbar day," he laughed maniacally and kept walking.
Dean king (played by Ambrosia) Topic Starter

Dean was covered in infected blood, his short dark dark brown hair glowed in the sunlight. He looked at the strange man, he sure smelled like an infected "there's a plague going on" he asked the crazy man, his blades still out from the suspicion of the Doc. Dean's reflexes were impressive, like, dodge bullets impressive. He was ready for any attack from the Doc the bodies of the slain surrounding him, Dean cocked an eyebrow at the Doc unsure if he was going to attack or not
(His body is covered from head to toe. There's no way to see what he looks like, just FYI. If you've ever played Assassins Creed II/Brotherhood, his mask and hat look like the doctors fok this games)

Doc turned and looked at Dean, the man reflection showing in te red lenses of Doc's gas mask. The mad German cocked his head to the side a bit before laughing maniacally again, "Zee blood! Vhat glorious mess!" he threw his had back as he laughed and turned away, letting his AUG swing around at his side on its sling and held Keera in both hands, scratching her ears, "Zee day of reckoning has befallen us!" he said loudly, his back still turned to Dean, "And my shiny gun is lustful for zee blood of zee infected," he whispered that part. If one thing he had said was true, it was that his gun was shiny. The assault rifle was polished to a sickening sheen and one could almost see their reflection if they looked into its pale, greenish tan paint.
Dean king (played by Ambrosia) Topic Starter

Dean was still suspicious of the man "yeah I can see that the day of reckoning is here, but why are you so happy. How the hell did you get so much ammo?" Dean had a hand gun holstered on his waist and only seven bullets remaining, coming by ammo was a rarity for Dean. Dean stood upright, his blades still showing for he was still not comfortable around the 'doc' "just to be on the safe side, are you infected or not?" Dean was immune to the plague since he was a government experiment, immune to every illness disease etc known to man
"Pfft, hardly," Doc turned to him, "Although I have been shot at more zan once when I do not wear mien gas mask," he said and pressed a button on the side of the sharpened beak of the mask and a loud hiss came from it as it unsealed from his face. He pulled the mask off with one hand, revealing his utterly destroyed face. He no longer had cheeks, just bare bits of sinew holding his lower jaw to his upper one and giving him a very skeletal appearance when he closed his mouth. His lips were barely there and the sickening white of his teeth showing just between the bare bits of skin. His eyes were deep and sunken. The irises were a bright, vivid grin that made him seem decievingly lucid. His nose was no longer there either, just bare cartilage over the bone. Doc gave Dean a skeletal grin.
"Also, I do not lat for blood in zee same vay zat zee infected do."
Dean king (played by Ambrosia) Topic Starter

Dean glared with wide eyes before finally looking away from the 'Doc' "please, for all that is good in this world, please, do NOT take your mask off again. I was hungry... But not anymore" he couldn't even look at the water in his backpack. His arm blades slowly retracted into his arms as he pulled out a compas, a world map and a more detailed map of America "I may regret asking you this but, what were you doing out here alone?" Dean had laid out the maps on some rubble and started to map direction along with his current position with a sharpie. If you listened carefully you could here him mutter what his next corse of action is...
"I vas having a discussion in zat coffee shop," he said witha shrug as he put his mask back on and resealed it. He listened intently to what Dean was saying, "Oh, don't go zere," Doc chuckled, "Zee biggest thing to see zere as a car zat hasn't exploded," he began petting the fox cub in his arms again.
Dean king (played by Ambrosia) Topic Starter

"well then I guess I'm going there" he said under his breath. He packed up everything and placed it into his backpack after that he took out a bottle of water that was a third full "so there's more of you? I mean a discussion usual takes more than one person" he looked at the 'doc' concerned, 'Doc's already crazy so, he wouldn't be surprised if he was talking to the fox. Dean put the bottle to his mouth, drank a little and then placed the bottle in his bag once again now almost leaving enough for one gulp.
"Yes, zere are people everywhere," he pointed to a skeleton, "Gutentaag good sir!" he called and waved to the corpse before turning back to Dean, "I vill go vith you zen. I could be a tour guide if you vill," he grinned behind his mask.
Dean king (played by Ambrosia) Topic Starter

Dean was almost positive that the 'Doc' was crazy "Umm yeah... My names Dean by the way" He turned and looked around, he went through his bag and found a radio "If anyone is listening, My name is Dean King, I'm heading west, my current location is New York. If there is anyone out there, i Have food, water and some medicine. follow my trail" Dean spoke into the radio, trying to see if there were survivors. "You want any food or water?" he asked the Doc as he went through his bag "Don't worry it's drink-able"
"I do not remember my true name, but during my time in zee military, I vas a doctor and so you may call me Doc," the mad man grinned a skeletal grin behind his mask. "And I need no such things. I can provide more zan enough sustenance," he pulled the pack off his back and dug around in it, tossing cartridges for his AUG to the ground and when he didn't find anything, he tossed the bag to the ground and started searching through the many apothecary satchels on his waist and attacked to his badnolier, tossing at least 50 more cartridges to the pile of 100 or so he had in his bag before finding a still steaming hamburger and a large, Purina water bottle. He tossed the burger to Dean and began loading all his munitions, including one, three foot long banana clip, back into his bags and satchels.
Dean king (played by Ambrosia) Topic Starter

Dean looked at the pile of ammo this crazy man was dropping, Ammo was a rarity for Dean and the Doc was loaded "Enough ammo there Doc?" Sarcasm was clear in his voice, the scent of the burger made his stomach growl. he lived off canned food for weeks, he could go about 2 weeks without food but he needed to keep his strength up, and so far he hadn't eaten for three days.
"Quite right, mien friend," Doc smirked behind his beaked gas mask and put the last clip in a satchel around his waist, "I gave you warm food, eat it. You taunt Keera by holing such meat and not eating it," he said and tucked the fox's face into his arm, makin her squirm for a moment before playfully nipping at his thick coat.
Dean king (played by Ambrosia) Topic Starter

"So 'doc' tell me about you" Dean hesitated before asking the question, he jumped up onto some rubble and sat down taking a big bite of the sandwich "God that's good!" he said under his breath. "Just to let you know, you do know that 'everyone' around here is dead right?".
Doc was silent for a moment, holding Keera up to his face and she licked the cheek of his gas mask, her bushy tail swinging to and fro.
"I do not know much about who I am. I am clinically insane, was a hired mercenary after zee war, I stayed in a highly radioactive zone for a very long time, vhich is vhy mien face is like it is..." he thought for a moment, ignoring Deans comment about everyone being dead before reaching into a pocket with a leather gloved hand and pulled a picture out of his pocket, he handed it to Dean.
It was a picture of a tall and thin but well built man with very blond, short hair, a happy smile and the same bright, vivid green eyes of Doc. Holding onto his arm was a beautiful young woman, in her early to mid 20's. She had long, wavy brown hair, light blue eyes and a broad, loving smile. She was about a foot shorter than the man and had a beautiful, curvy figure. They were standing in a park with lush green plants and a rainbow of flowers arpund them.
"I am not sure, but I think zat man is me. I found in zis jacket, but men who were dying often gave me pictures of zeir families, so it might just be one of zem. If it is me, zee only girl who I can remember is Keera," he pet the fox lovingly.
Dean king (played by Ambrosia) Topic Starter

Dean took few bites and looked back at Doc "well Doc, as crazy as you you look and sometimes act, you seem like a good guy. Plus the company would be great" he took another bite "I would shake your hand but I don't know what I'd be touching so welcome aboard" he smiled
"It's a robotic limb," Doc said sarcastically before removing a glove to reveal a bony, pockmarked hand with skin so tight that you could see the tondons inside of it and stretched it out to him, offering a shake.

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