Hey there! I found this site the other day and though it was pretty cool. So now i've come back and i intend to win over your frendship with my awesome pumpkin cookies!
Welcome to the site! We're so glad that you came back to visit us again.
Where did you learn to make your world famous pumpkin cookies? Is it a family recipe?

Which means I like you!
Welcome to the site you'll find all sorts, including crazy cubes and hopefully all sorts of fun!
Which means I like you!

As a Sith Lord, I fully approve of cookies. Welcome!
Cookies? Where? Did Darth steal them already? Mrrr...
Welcome to RPR! Heh. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
Welcome to RPR! Heh. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
That's good eatin'!
Thanks every one!
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