Is it possible that if we befriend a player, not a character, that we don't have to see their character's updates or notifications of what their character posted about in a role play thread?
- Go to your dashboard
- Select "Your friends" from the submenu
- Uncheck "Watch characters" next to the person whose characters you don't want to see. This won't stop you from seeing updates about any of their characters that you have specifically friended, just characters you have no connection to.
Aha! Thank you kindly m'dear.
I was wondering what those options were for.
I was wondering what those options were for.
Hmmn. Any suggestions how it can be made more clear what those options do?
Well, seeing as how it deceived me maybe a small text to indicate what the 'Watch Characters' does. Other than that, I've not a clue since it now makes perfect sense. I'm probably just a pinch tired is all.
Not directly related but this got me thinking, maybe we should have a hints and tips sticky. Anytime someone has a question like this, we add the answer to it for others to find in the future.
I must say I like that idea. Would help me to look less of a fool in an online gaming environment.
I wasn't aware you looked like a fool

That is because of the bag I wear over my head. No one will be the wisest.
Perhaps a pop-up tooltip on mouse-over to give a brief description of various features around the site? This is a common feature in many websites and games.
"Uncheck this to stop receiving update about this player's characters."
"Click this green checkmark to get a preview of your post for proofreading, before you submit it."
No doubt a tedious task; however, once the inital code is written, it seems like it would be a lot of copy-pasting + changing the text string as appropriate, so at least it's not impossibly difficult.
Perhaps have an on-going stick suggestion thread where users can submit their documentation ideas? Give out accolades for the best ones! People are suckers for that incentivizing stuff.
"Uncheck this to stop receiving update about this player's characters."
"Click this green checkmark to get a preview of your post for proofreading, before you submit it."
No doubt a tedious task; however, once the inital code is written, it seems like it would be a lot of copy-pasting + changing the text string as appropriate, so at least it's not impossibly difficult.
Perhaps have an on-going stick suggestion thread where users can submit their documentation ideas? Give out accolades for the best ones! People are suckers for that incentivizing stuff.

Oh, the code for tooltips is no problem. They're already in use in a number of places around the site, it would just be a matter of implementing them.
I do like the idea of getting people to help out with documentation. Sometimes the purpose of things seems so clear to me it doesn't occur to me that there might be a need.
I do like the idea of getting people to help out with documentation. Sometimes the purpose of things seems so clear to me it doesn't occur to me that there might be a need.
Here's one: I recently did a little more organizing, and noticed there is a maximum of five pages for a character. Once a person has made the fifth page for a character, consider replacing the "plus" icon with an exclamation point in a yellow triangle (or anything that stands out). Mouse-over: "Each of your characters' profiles can have a maximum of 5 different tabs. Extra tabs cost twenty bucks a piece."
That last part is optional.
That last part is optional.
I think rebuilding the FAQ to be... neater, with simpler phrasing, might prove to be an outcome. It's not that the information isn't THERE, it's just sometimes hidden beneath some slightly peculiar phrasing that doesn't always make sense to everyone.
Basically, we need an RPR "Guide for dummies"!
More specifically for the friends system, maybe force the choice of options while friending? Display the checkboxes for "Do you want to receive notifications for..." when you select the character to friend them.
Basically, we need an RPR "Guide for dummies"!

More specifically for the friends system, maybe force the choice of options while friending? Display the checkboxes for "Do you want to receive notifications for..." when you select the character to friend them.
Or at least a message that says "Click here to change your notification settings for this person."
darth_angelus wrote:
Or at least a message that says "Click here to change your notification settings for this person."
I like that more.

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