You and several others were taking a small cruise around the Pacific coastline off of California for a little sightseeing and relaxation. All seems well; the sun is shining, the birds are chirping, the fish are fishing, and the water is sparkling. It all seems perfect, absolutely nothing could go wrong, right? Wrong. Very wrong. As the cruise goes on, a storm happens to wash over you guys. This storm causes a massive tidal wave, knocking your ship towards an ancient island, one that even the most experienced of pirates and sailors avoid despite the riches that lie within in it. Miraculously, y'all survive the tidal wave and are now stranded upon the island. You must now work together until you manage to escape the island or simply await for death to do you in. As you work together on this island, you begin to explore it and discover the riches and secrets that the island holds. What happens from there is purely dependent on your choices.
As the name suggests, this is a simple island survival type RP. It takes place in a modern fantasy setting. I'm looking for 1-4 players to join me in this RP. Simply reply down below and we can discuss details. Romance is possible, there is a high chance for character death. I don't mind magic, but make sure it isn't overdone. The plot runs mostly on character interaction and their decisions.
You're free to join at anytime, but read over what's going on before jumping in. I'll be closing this at a certain point.
On a nice day in the Pacific just a hundred miles off the coast of California, Roy and his daughters were taking a small vacation. They had arrived to that world just a few years prior. It had been three years since Nowi passed away, leaving Roy to take care of two children. Nah was only three when her mother passed, she is now six years old, just months shy of turning seven. Morgan was five, she's eight years old now. Nah didn't really know her mother too well, but she feels the sadness that her father and sister have from losing someone so important to them. Morgan is still an energetic, loving girl; though she has hints of depression in her eyes. The three were currently reclining on the upper deck, Nah snuggled up and napping peacefully with her father. Morgan watched as the clouds passed on by. "Father, look. Those clouds" She spoke curiously. Roy studied them for a moment. "Storm clouds... We'll be fine." He assured Morgan with a smile. Little did he know, those storm clouds were going to have a profound impact on their trip.
Soon, the storm hit the ship like a wrecking ball. Roy immediately brought his children down to the lower decks. Waves were pounding at the ship like Poseidon was swinging a sledgehammer against it. Roy held Nah and Morgan close to him, fearing the storm would only get worse. Lightning flashed, thunder boomed, the situation was getting grim. Nah and Morgan shook fearfully, while neither of them were generally afraid of storms, they've never experienced anything like this in their life. Roy hasn't experienced a storm this strong in his near thirty years of living.
The storm raged for hours, the frantic waves making it impossible for the captain to steer the boat safely. Even if that wasn't an issue, the captain had passed out for reasons unknown. A bolt of lightning struck the ship, causing a massive fire to break near the bow. Thanks to the powerful waves and raging fire aboard, the ship slowly but surely fell apart. The rattling and shaking caused Roy and his daughters to fall unconscious, now stranded on pieces of wood. Morgan and Roy miraculously landed on the same board, Nah wasn't as lucky. She drifted a fair distance away from her family.
Several hours had passed by, Roy and Morgan had eventually reached an island, both remained out of it for awhile longer.
Roy and his children were lucky and survived, however they were now stranded on some unknown island. Roy looked around and about panicked when he realized someone was missing; his youngest daughter. "Nah! Where are you?!" He shouted. Him and Morgan were now on the western edge of the island.
Also separated from the family, the mother had gotten separated. Nowi was stranded on Eastern Serentia, Nah was stranded on Northern Serentia, while Roy and Morgan were stranded on Western Serentia. Confused and panicked, Nowi curled under a tree and silently cried. She missed her family, just hoping at least her daughters were okay. While she deeply loved Roy, she was just a bit more concerned for her children. "Morgan! Roy! Nah!" She'd shout multiple times, but nothing. There was no response. She sobbed under the tree, not sure what to think.
On the other side of the island was Nah. She woke up and panicked, unable to find her sister or her father. She curled up under a few trees and cried, terrified and lost. Afraid her family were gone for good. "Daddy.... Sis... Where are you?" She sobbed in a panic. "Mama!" She shouted, no response. She continued to sob; which was understandable considering she had just barely turned six.
As the name suggests, this is a simple island survival type RP. It takes place in a modern fantasy setting. I'm looking for 1-4 players to join me in this RP. Simply reply down below and we can discuss details. Romance is possible, there is a high chance for character death. I don't mind magic, but make sure it isn't overdone. The plot runs mostly on character interaction and their decisions.
The Island Of Serentia

Little is known about the island except that it harbors some strange, dark secrets. Even the most hardened pirates do well to avoid the wretched island despite the riches that lie within.
Western Serentia:
The Forest Of Deceit: This is the place The Deceitful Shadow,
Rin calls home and has lived there for over two thousand years. The Forest of Deceit gets its name from the deceitful shadow demon that lives within the forest. It has a unique structure and design. It is home to the legendary Lake of Eternia. A single sip from this lake can cure diseases, heal injuries, clear one's mind, and grant one immortality. The Deceitful Shadow guards over the lake rather fiercely for three reasons. One reason is that the lake is responsible for keeping the forest thriving. The pure, special water in the lake keeps the trees lush and green. The flowers and grass thrive in the forest, the fruits that grow in the area are among the juiciest and sweetest you'll find anywhere; or at least that's what Rin will tell you. The lake is also what keeps Rin alive and healthy, without it Rin would die a rather slow death. Lastly, according to Rin; immortality is more of a curse rather than a blessing. He often tells those who enter this; "Watching the world grow old while you sit there essentially imprisoned in a never changing body gets dull. Who would want to see their loved ones grow old and die while you remain on your body is frozen in a never ending cycle? Immortality isn't what it's made out to be."
Those who drink the lake water are said to be forever connected with the lake and its forest. If the lake is drained of the water, the ones who have taken sips will also perish. If the water is separated from the lake, it must be consumed within an hour of its separation, otherwise it'll become useless. In the center of the lake is a large, flat rock in which Rin sits as he awaits someone who can outlast him. The lake and the forest are connected to one another like a single living organism, the people that drink the water are also connected to the forest. If the forest experiences some pain, so will those who have drank the water. If a tree is cut, the people who have drank the water will feel as those they've been cut by an unseen force.
In addition to the lush plants and fruit, there is a small cave that Rin keeps various things he's stolen from the foolish humans that dared to wander in his abode. Some items include old broadswords from the 1400s, Native American headdresses from the 250 BC, and even cellphones from 2015. One of his most prized possessions is a golden necklace with a blood red ruby pendant.
Southern Serentia
The Ashen Mountains: A small mountain range that is dotted with volcanoes. It is unknown whether any of them are active or dormant.
The Serentian Mountains: A circular mountain range that is known for housing ancient ruins of an unknown tribe. Some claim it was home to the ancient Spilosoma Moth Demon Tribe.
Eastern Serentia
The Forest of Puppets: This forest is rumored to home to the legendary Master of Puppets, though this has never been confirmed.

Little is known about the island except that it harbors some strange, dark secrets. Even the most hardened pirates do well to avoid the wretched island despite the riches that lie within.
Western Serentia:
The Forest Of Deceit: This is the place The Deceitful Shadow,
Rin calls home and has lived there for over two thousand years. The Forest of Deceit gets its name from the deceitful shadow demon that lives within the forest. It has a unique structure and design. It is home to the legendary Lake of Eternia. A single sip from this lake can cure diseases, heal injuries, clear one's mind, and grant one immortality. The Deceitful Shadow guards over the lake rather fiercely for three reasons. One reason is that the lake is responsible for keeping the forest thriving. The pure, special water in the lake keeps the trees lush and green. The flowers and grass thrive in the forest, the fruits that grow in the area are among the juiciest and sweetest you'll find anywhere; or at least that's what Rin will tell you. The lake is also what keeps Rin alive and healthy, without it Rin would die a rather slow death. Lastly, according to Rin; immortality is more of a curse rather than a blessing. He often tells those who enter this; "Watching the world grow old while you sit there essentially imprisoned in a never changing body gets dull. Who would want to see their loved ones grow old and die while you remain on your body is frozen in a never ending cycle? Immortality isn't what it's made out to be."
Those who drink the lake water are said to be forever connected with the lake and its forest. If the lake is drained of the water, the ones who have taken sips will also perish. If the water is separated from the lake, it must be consumed within an hour of its separation, otherwise it'll become useless. In the center of the lake is a large, flat rock in which Rin sits as he awaits someone who can outlast him. The lake and the forest are connected to one another like a single living organism, the people that drink the water are also connected to the forest. If the forest experiences some pain, so will those who have drank the water. If a tree is cut, the people who have drank the water will feel as those they've been cut by an unseen force.
In addition to the lush plants and fruit, there is a small cave that Rin keeps various things he's stolen from the foolish humans that dared to wander in his abode. Some items include old broadswords from the 1400s, Native American headdresses from the 250 BC, and even cellphones from 2015. One of his most prized possessions is a golden necklace with a blood red ruby pendant.
Southern Serentia
The Ashen Mountains: A small mountain range that is dotted with volcanoes. It is unknown whether any of them are active or dormant.
The Serentian Mountains: A circular mountain range that is known for housing ancient ruins of an unknown tribe. Some claim it was home to the ancient Spilosoma Moth Demon Tribe.
Eastern Serentia
The Forest of Puppets: This forest is rumored to home to the legendary Master of Puppets, though this has never been confirmed.
You're free to join at anytime, but read over what's going on before jumping in. I'll be closing this at a certain point.
On a nice day in the Pacific just a hundred miles off the coast of California, Roy and his daughters were taking a small vacation. They had arrived to that world just a few years prior. It had been three years since Nowi passed away, leaving Roy to take care of two children. Nah was only three when her mother passed, she is now six years old, just months shy of turning seven. Morgan was five, she's eight years old now. Nah didn't really know her mother too well, but she feels the sadness that her father and sister have from losing someone so important to them. Morgan is still an energetic, loving girl; though she has hints of depression in her eyes. The three were currently reclining on the upper deck, Nah snuggled up and napping peacefully with her father. Morgan watched as the clouds passed on by. "Father, look. Those clouds" She spoke curiously. Roy studied them for a moment. "Storm clouds... We'll be fine." He assured Morgan with a smile. Little did he know, those storm clouds were going to have a profound impact on their trip.
Soon, the storm hit the ship like a wrecking ball. Roy immediately brought his children down to the lower decks. Waves were pounding at the ship like Poseidon was swinging a sledgehammer against it. Roy held Nah and Morgan close to him, fearing the storm would only get worse. Lightning flashed, thunder boomed, the situation was getting grim. Nah and Morgan shook fearfully, while neither of them were generally afraid of storms, they've never experienced anything like this in their life. Roy hasn't experienced a storm this strong in his near thirty years of living.
The storm raged for hours, the frantic waves making it impossible for the captain to steer the boat safely. Even if that wasn't an issue, the captain had passed out for reasons unknown. A bolt of lightning struck the ship, causing a massive fire to break near the bow. Thanks to the powerful waves and raging fire aboard, the ship slowly but surely fell apart. The rattling and shaking caused Roy and his daughters to fall unconscious, now stranded on pieces of wood. Morgan and Roy miraculously landed on the same board, Nah wasn't as lucky. She drifted a fair distance away from her family.
Several hours had passed by, Roy and Morgan had eventually reached an island, both remained out of it for awhile longer.
Roy and his children were lucky and survived, however they were now stranded on some unknown island. Roy looked around and about panicked when he realized someone was missing; his youngest daughter. "Nah! Where are you?!" He shouted. Him and Morgan were now on the western edge of the island.
Also separated from the family, the mother had gotten separated. Nowi was stranded on Eastern Serentia, Nah was stranded on Northern Serentia, while Roy and Morgan were stranded on Western Serentia. Confused and panicked, Nowi curled under a tree and silently cried. She missed her family, just hoping at least her daughters were okay. While she deeply loved Roy, she was just a bit more concerned for her children. "Morgan! Roy! Nah!" She'd shout multiple times, but nothing. There was no response. She sobbed under the tree, not sure what to think.
On the other side of the island was Nah. She woke up and panicked, unable to find her sister or her father. She curled up under a few trees and cried, terrified and lost. Afraid her family were gone for good. "Daddy.... Sis... Where are you?" She sobbed in a panic. "Mama!" She shouted, no response. She continued to sob; which was understandable considering she had just barely turned six.
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