This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
"Collect the storm seeds, take them across the sea, reunite them, and I shall be free." Her father's last sentance, breathed at the end. The frail man, white haired and wrinkled, was the Emperor of the Tellirin Empire. Cyprian Glycias Bet'Luna had breathed his last. Or had he?
With these words, etched into her memory, Ryiah will embark on a quest across the sea. Her first task - escape the Tellirin Empire to retain her freedom. Falsely accused of her father's murder, a price on her head by his closest advisors, betrayed, Ry is on the run. But she has hope: The words of her father, the few obsidian dragon scales which glittered the deepest of purple in the light found only on her right shoulder blade - kept covered nearly always, a map which she can't yet decipher, a strange rod, and her ship the Nonesuch (if she can commandeer it without being captured).
She will need help of course. No doubt those who wish to keep her father's true nature a secret will follow in an attempt to capture or kill her. No doubt bounty hunters will be after her as well, and any who join her. If you wish to roleplay this story idea with me, either as the opposition (we will message and I can give further details) or to aid Ryiah, please feel free to send a message or comment here!
Of course, I retain the right to be selective. I am looking for those who can include detail, proper grammar, and keep to at least two paragraphs (preferably more). I hope this gains some interest. It's my first rp prompt so bear with me as I have not lead one before. I love to write, and this was a fun idea I had that I'd love to flesh out some more.
Perhaps no more than 3 others will be chosen, but the number is up in the air depending on who it is that people want to play.
please no overpowered characters. Creative use of magic will be considered, as well as perhaps other humanoid races (such as elves ect.)
With these words, etched into her memory, Ryiah will embark on a quest across the sea. Her first task - escape the Tellirin Empire to retain her freedom. Falsely accused of her father's murder, a price on her head by his closest advisors, betrayed, Ry is on the run. But she has hope: The words of her father, the few obsidian dragon scales which glittered the deepest of purple in the light found only on her right shoulder blade - kept covered nearly always, a map which she can't yet decipher, a strange rod, and her ship the Nonesuch (if she can commandeer it without being captured).
She will need help of course. No doubt those who wish to keep her father's true nature a secret will follow in an attempt to capture or kill her. No doubt bounty hunters will be after her as well, and any who join her. If you wish to roleplay this story idea with me, either as the opposition (we will message and I can give further details) or to aid Ryiah, please feel free to send a message or comment here!
Of course, I retain the right to be selective. I am looking for those who can include detail, proper grammar, and keep to at least two paragraphs (preferably more). I hope this gains some interest. It's my first rp prompt so bear with me as I have not lead one before. I love to write, and this was a fun idea I had that I'd love to flesh out some more.
Perhaps no more than 3 others will be chosen, but the number is up in the air depending on who it is that people want to play.

Some magic. Few can use it, but most of the players probably won't have it. Magical characters will likely believe that they are all alone.
Combat is expected as part of the storyline but it won't dominate the plot.
Kendra would fit right in here, she's a pirate so she could help sail, and she has combat training of the royal navy. I'm quite interested in this story as it seems like there is not only a lot of interesting story, but I'm sure there will also be many good character interactions. So if you're still looking I would love to join this RP.
Why hi stranger, it's lovely to see you still about!
Knowing Cara's adventurous side, I can easily see her overhearing this in some manner and thus look to help her on this journey. But that's only if she's a good fit, of course!

Carabia wrote:
Why hi stranger, it's lovely to see you still about!
Knowing Cara's adventurous side, I can easily see her overhearing this in some manner and thus look to help her on this journey. But that's only if she's a good fit, of course!

Kendra wrote:
Kendra would fit right in here, she's a pirate so she could help sail, and she has combat training of the royal navy. I'm quite interested in this story as it seems like there is not only a lot of interesting story, but I'm sure there will also be many good character interactions. So if you're still looking I would love to join this RP.
Awesome! I will set up a forum under fantasy and message you both so we can get a starting point

((Any space left?))
Tusitala2017 wrote:
((Any space left?))
I will message you!
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