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Forums » General Roleplay » The new hero's

Gregor McCourt (played by Fireflamer386)

Hi it's me Gregor I'm going to do a hero roleplay with your own super powers you must ask or you will be reported but do it in pm ok so this is how you lay yourself out

Heres me
Name gregor Mccourt
Age 18
Power teleportation and as a tail


Gregor walked the streets just waiting for something to happen he had yet not found how to master his powers he just needed a mentor who could teach him the ways
Jenna (played by powdaddie)

Name: Jenna
Age: 18
Power: The ability to control and use sound
Gregor McCourt (played by Fireflamer386) Topic Starter

sure lets hop in
gregor plugged in his ear phones and closed his eyes bouncing his head to the song

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