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Forums » General Roleplay » OF Mansion

Hello guys i have been so bored lately like no joke. I am only doing three rolaplays at the moment and want to start a forum. I thought of this a long while ago with a couple friends when I was wayy younger and wanted to bring it back to life! This roleplay is about a bunch of old friends who abandoned each other in fifth grade, reuniting in college through the Old Friend Mansion.

Lets me say the main plot of this. Wont take too long.

Well OF Mansion is a magical house with rooms designated for each person living there based on personality. No one has a blank room. Each of them are neatly painted and made for themonce they come. The exterior is beautiful. There is a beautiful garden and lake in the front and a very big pool in the back. The interior is even better. There are 10 bedrooms for each person living in that house, 4 bathrooms (10 bathrooms inside of rooms doy.) 2 living rooms, a cinema room, a kitchen, a loft with items for each character (Ex. Afriel- Character costumes and books.) And if you would like to add anything let me know.

How we met- When we were all young there was something wrong in each of our lives. We knew it wasnt right so we stood together and never let goof each other. It just broke our hearts ro see someone have to leave or get into fights with one another. We thought we were togther till the end. Not quite. In 5th grade we all started going through certain stages in our lives. We didnt think we understood eachother anymore. We just couldnt do it so e broke aparr. The remaining parts of school we remained loners and sad bums. But coincidentally we all ended up in the same college and in the mansion. We all had something about us and thats why we stuck together like puzzle pieces and why we were chosen to be in the mansion. They needed to dig up those pieces from the dirt and make the picture again.

So what do ya say ah? Please join if you find this somewhat interesting. Thank you for taking time out of your day to read this! Hugs and kisses~ Snugglez.
Ashley Oshiro (played by duckling_)

Hell yeah!
This seems amazing!
I'd love to use Ashley for this.
Kaori Miyazono (played by lemondrxpsx)

Ashley Oshiro wrote:
Hell yeah!
This seems amazing!
I'd love to use Ashley for this.

I'll join if Lexi is.^*^ I think Kaori would go good with this.
Count me in! :D
Nate (played by LillyBlack79)

This seems quite interesting I would love to join
Afriel Gavreel (played by _-Snugglez-_) Topic Starter

Okay!! All of you can join and I hope more people come!
Isamu Dahl (played by _iNk3d)

May I join this roleplay w Isamu? Also, apologies if some of the responses are somewhat late, still trying to rest my head.
Afriel Gavreel (played by _-Snugglez-_) Topic Starter

Yeah sure! That would be awesome and I hope you feel better soon.
Isamu Dahl (played by _iNk3d)

Afriel Gavreel wrote:
Yeah sure! That would be awesome and I hope you feel better soon.

Ah, alright. Thanks. ^^
Afriel Gavreel (played by _-Snugglez-_) Topic Starter

So do you guys wanna do it here or through a group pm?
Isamu Dahl (played by _iNk3d)

Afriel Gavreel wrote:
So do you guys wanna do it here or through a group pm?

If you want others to join along the way, then here. If you're ready and set with who we already have, then you can close the topic and start a group PM.
Afriel Gavreel (played by _-Snugglez-_) Topic Starter

Uh, well probably here then cuz more people are always welcome.^^
Afriel Gavreel (played by _-Snugglez-_) Topic Starter

Can I start or does someone else want to start?
Isamu Dahl (played by _iNk3d)

Afriel Gavreel wrote:
Can I start or does someone else want to start?
You can begin if you'd like. If not, I could always start.
Afriel Gavreel (played by _-Snugglez-_) Topic Starter

You can start I have to go take medicine Lol.
Isamu Dahl (played by _iNk3d)

Alright lol

Arriving to his newly profound mansion, Isamu took note of the large lake presented in front of it, along with admiring the tended garden. He gazed across the house itself, feeling himself grow farther from it with every step he took towards it. He held on to his luggage with a drive of self-confidence, stepping in front of the door and opening it, feeling a rush of somewhat dread come to him. He walked inside the house, his eyes flickering towards the large interior, before realizing he was the first one who had made it here. He faintly smiled to himself, glad that he didn't have to deal with any interactions or conversations, and walked upstairs, finding his supposed room.
Afriel Gavreel (played by _-Snugglez-_) Topic Starter

Once she arrived at her mansion, Afriel looked around and messed with some of the waterin the rover nearly stumbling into it twice. She ran around it for a little while looking at all of the gennery and flowers noticing that each rose was a different color. She smiled at them and walked back to the dorr grabbing her luaggage and kicking open the door. "Honey, Im home!" She yells thinking that she's alone in the mansion. She looked at the interior of the house gasping for air. She was usually just living in small apartments with like a room with a bed and a couch but this had everything she could dream of. "This is gonna be fun." She says skipping upstairs putting her suitcase in her room. She stared at her room in awe and started to unpack some of her clothes.
Amber (played by Mathgeek124)

(May I join?)
Amber (played by Mathgeek124)

Afriel Gavreel (played by _-Snugglez-_) Topic Starter

(Sure Amber!)

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