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Forums » Art & Creativity » Just a quick...

So I figured I should write something random. And I was pouring over some things. Old papers and the like and I found a very very old poem of mine. Though its more of a short story... Well here we go. I don't know if this is the right place to put it.

Man in The Mirror;

All is dark,
All is silent,
My eyes are heavy,
Dusk has fallen,

Shaking and bruised,
I tumble into bed,
A soft humming in my head,
Telling me to rest,

Fast asleep,
I dream of day,
Dream of that beautiful face,
And the voice to a company,

But soon it changes,
And a nightmare unfolds,
Like a tale from a horror book,
Yet untold,

A voice screams,
A woman crys,
The last yell of a man,
Standing in defiance,

All is silent,
All is dark,
I awake,
Blinded in the night,

Face wet from panic,
Eyes alert and at the ready,
Panting heavily,
I walk and creep in my home,

The room changes,
My mind is warped,
I rest in the shadows,
Staring into a reflection-less mirror,

The rest is a bit to smudged >.> I swear I need to rewrite it and make it a bit clearer.
JK, that's actually a really awesome poem. I like it a lot.
Kizen Topic Starter

LOL thank you, when I wrote it, it was about a guy who ended up waking up to his alter ego ripping apart a clan of vampires. Though he in turn got bit and changed.

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