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Forums » RP Discussion » Looking for Sci-Fi-ish roleplay, Xenomorph hybrid

Smile (played anonymously)


Smile is a free interpretation of the Xenomorph race from the epic movies/comics of ALIEN. A hybrid between human and Xenomorph, but really unique enough to allow me to play her without being forced to stay true to the canon plot.

She is currently roleplayed in TGT. Generally just for the amount of people present rather than its setting, and she doesn't feel like she fits there too well.

Is anyone interested in striking up forum RP, be it on the public forums or in a private group, or even in Furcadia someplace more suitable? She is perfect for heavy development. I can RP periods from her past and what/how she is now. She is still in early development IC and there are many possibilities open.

Please message me. Or if you prefer to, post here :)
Smile wrote:

Smile is a free interpretation of the Xenomorph race from the epic movies/comics of ALIEN. A hybrid between human and Xenomorph, but really unique enough to allow me to play her without being forced to stay true to the canon plot.

She is currently roleplayed in TGT. Generally just for the amount of people present rather than its setting, and she doesn't feel like she fits there too well.

Is anyone interested in striking up forum RP, be it on the public forums or in a private group, or even in Furcadia someplace more suitable? She is perfect for heavy development. I can RP periods from her past and what/how she is now. She is still in early development IC and there are many possibilities open.

Please message me. Or if you prefer to, post here :)

I will take you up on that offer! It'd be fun to have Stell meet a girl alien :D
THOUGH, I am currently on break from furcadia.
I suppose I could try another forum rp. I haven't done one in a while.
I'd prefer discussing things over IM, if that's okay with yah! I just find it quicker, and I'm on IM like, 24/7. XD Notes would work too, though, I suppose.
Smile (played anonymously) Topic Starter

You are on: Forums » RP Discussion » Looking for Sci-Fi-ish roleplay, Xenomorph hybrid

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