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Forums » Looking for RP » Rehabilitation (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Jack Gilt (played anonymously)

(Note: Right at the beginning I should let you know, the majority of my posts will probably be between 2-4 lines, I definitely do not write long replies, however feel free to right as long as you want)

Jack has spent the last 15 years locked up in a mental institution for undisclosed reasons, and now what is happening is they are giving you temporary custody for a week, for you to determine if he is mentally stable.

(Honestly, I realize that this idea is poorly explained, but if you are interested than I can try and explain it more, I am...Quite bad at fully explaining things, so it is easier if you just ask me for the exact details you need)
Persephone (played by pltjess)

I'm intrigued. Would something like a paid caregiver position work for whatever you're thinking? Or would it require someone in a more professional capacity?

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