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Forums » Introductions » Hellooooooo toooooooo alllllll!!!

My name is BlackJack. I picked the name because I like watching and playing Black Jack. My favorite thing to do is Rp,but I could use a little bit of improvement. Anyway,IT'S NICE TO MEET ALL!
Sanne Moderator

Hi BlackJack! Good to have you here. :D I've never played that game and know nothing about it, unfortunately. XD But I know RP! It's awesome when people are willing to learn more about roleplaying. :3

What sort of RP have you been doing so far? And where?
BlackJack Topic Starter

I mostly go for general Rp for a reason I dont even know of. Befor RPR I would just Rp on Facebook. Really I haven't been rping That long. I've started about a month ago.
Welcome, BlackJack! I love that game, by the way. A few of us even tried to figure out how to play it using DICE. XD (We were bored, what can I say?)

There's always someone up for an RP, so if you see a thread that's (Open) feel free to jump in. Or just PM someone to ask if you can join. :) Hope you have fun here!

And don't worry about being new to RPing. We all had to start from somewhere; and frankly I'm still learning some tricks of the trade. :) So welcome, and feel free to join us in chat over at the Smalltalk forum!


You are on: Forums » Introductions » Hellooooooo toooooooo alllllll!!!

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