My name is BlackJack. I picked the name because I like watching and playing Black Jack. My favorite thing to do is Rp,but I could use a little bit of improvement. Anyway,IT'S NICE TO MEET ALL!
Hi BlackJack! Good to have you here.
I've never played that game and know nothing about it, unfortunately.
But I know RP! It's awesome when people are willing to learn more about roleplaying. 
What sort of RP have you been doing so far? And where?

What sort of RP have you been doing so far? And where?
I mostly go for general Rp for a reason I dont even know of. Befor RPR I would just Rp on Facebook. Really I haven't been rping That long. I've started about a month ago.
Welcome, BlackJack! I love that game, by the way. A few of us even tried to figure out how to play it using DICE.
(We were bored, what can I say?)
There's always someone up for an RP, so if you see a thread that's (Open) feel free to jump in. Or just PM someone to ask if you can join.
Hope you have fun here!
And don't worry about being new to RPing. We all had to start from somewhere; and frankly I'm still learning some tricks of the trade.
So welcome, and feel free to join us in chat over at the Smalltalk forum!

There's always someone up for an RP, so if you see a thread that's (Open) feel free to jump in. Or just PM someone to ask if you can join.

And don't worry about being new to RPing. We all had to start from somewhere; and frankly I'm still learning some tricks of the trade.

You are on: Forums » Introductions » Hellooooooo toooooooo alllllll!!!
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