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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Ralora, School Of Magics

Jack sat there holding the girl. He felt better while they were hugging. He heard her whisper thank you to him. After a while, jack pulled away and grabbed something out of his pocket. It resembled a smooth black stone, almost like jet.

"Here, I want you to have something. My mother made it." Jack said, looking at the object. "It's enchanted to make, basically, calls across most distances. Whenever you want to speak to anyone, just think of them and the call will be made. It's basically a FaceTime for magic. But unlike phones, the connection can be made across worlds, or even dimensions." Jack said
The Corrupt Prince S (played by dana3400)

Sade finally went out of the girl bathroom with his army of monsters by his side. He Grinned "New plan! take over this school!" The monsters nodded and started attacking random students and Teachers in the halls.
Jack suddenly stopped, the emotion of the school changed. He felt all the pain. He felt all the wounds inflicted on the students and faculty. He took the needle looking object and drew something on his wrist. He stopped feeling their emotion. "I'm so sorry! I have to go." Jack said, standing up. "Don't leave the room. No matter what you hear." Jack commanded

Jack left the stone and ran out of the room. He turned around, and put up his most powerful wards and protections on Elesa's room. It would keep the attackers from entering her room. He turned back to where the emotion was coming from. He summoned two swords and put protective charms on himself. He started running towards the commotion. He cast a spell while running. He summoned golems to protect Elesa.

He felt a very powerful energy coming from the direction. He hadn't felt that in a long time. It was Sade. Jack knew what he'd have to do
Lilim (played anonymously)

Elesa would look at Jack curiously as he started to act like something was wrong, following him to the door, "But... But... Jack, wait..." she begs as he closes the door behind him and sets the protections outside her door, she could almost feel their intensity and would honestly be grateful that Jack cared enough for her to try and keep her safe, but she'd try her bouncing again and make her charms jingle again and again, finally growling at how annoyed she was that she couldn't just trigger the skill at will and jumps hard, slamming her feet on the floor. Finally with that last stomp her charms would clash together and trigger her Cosmic Sensory, sending another pulse of magic all around the school, using it to look around the school and see what the rush and everything was all about. She'd feel that there was a threat and Jack was going to meet it.

Elesa would be left standing there in the room as her skill fades out. She'd lower her eyes to the floor and stand quietly for several seconds. She didn't like being locked in a room all alone, protective intent as it had. Elesa had enough of that from her time as a child slave, and she began to think. I cant just stay here... What would Big Sis Lilim do?... She'd fight that's what. Big Sis is really strong, and she counts on me for support... I have to get stronger too. For her! She thinks to herself as she steels her determination and grabs one of her charms, "Seal of Darkness... Cloak travel." she says briefly before Elemental Dark magic cloaked around Elesa and turned her into a shadow, allowing her to slip under her door, passed the seals and golems, and allowed her to travel hidden as she raced toward Jack's side. She believed she could help Jack with her magic, and would do her very best to do just that, keeping her big sister in her mind as motivation to fuel her bravery and determination.
Henry (played by starsta)

Henry heard a tap on his shoulder. He turned around to see a big, burly, strangely translucent ghost traveling around him in circles. He let out a little yelp. He swatted away the ghost and caught a little glimpse of red. "Sun! I think I saw Sade! He's this way!"
Rae (played by Saturngoesferal)

Rae swiftly grabbed Tiff's hand. "So we don't lose each other." She whispered. Half of what she said was true. She also just loved the feeling of holding another's hand. It makes her feel safe.
Jack prepared for a battle he might not win, when he saw Elesa come out of a shadow form. What was she doing?!?!?! She might get hurt. This was something jack might not survive, and jack didn't want Elesa to risk her life. Jack read her energy, and there wasn't anything jack could do to change her mind.

With a sigh, he just decided to try and keep her safe. He cast protection charms on Elesa. "Do you need any weapons?" Jack whispered to her. He felt another group's energy. It was the man who jack saw earlier. It was Henry. He was with someone... could it be? Was it sun? Jack grabbed Elesa and ran behind cover. If she was going to be involved in something like this, there was no way they'd go in with no plan.
Lilim (played anonymously)

Elesa would emerge from her shadow form and replace the charm onto her belt, only to have protective charms cast on her again. She'd look herself over and finally see Jack, but gasping as he asked if she needed weapons. "N-no... I don't use weapons... I have my seals." she says as she shows off her belt. Twelve little metal charms hanging like decorations from her belt, each with a different centerpiece ruin and a different element they controlled.

Looking up to Jack, "I'm here to offer my magic to help you fi- Eep!" she starts to say before she's grabbed and moved to cover. Murring as she recovered from being once again forced around, pulling two charms from her belt, "Seal of Light... Seal of Darkness... Combo visual obstruct..." she whispers as she covers both of them in what appeared to be an orange glow that looked like a twilight sky.

This may have seemed pointless at first, but Elesa would hide her seals against her chest while keeping them active and stay quiet, shushing Jack if he tried to speak, just in time to see someone rush right by them from behind and not even see either of them at all. Elesa's charms had apparently hid both of them from sight, while hiding her charms hid most of Elesa's magic from being detected and keeping quiet hid them from sound. It seemed that Elesa had hidden them from all detection temporarily, seeming to know how to hide when she wanted to.
Tiffany Keith (played by duckling_)

Tiffany smiled at her but her head snapped around to their window where distant screams were coming from.nshe furrowed her eyebrows and listened harder. Yes, those were screams. "Rae, I don't mean to scare you..." She started, squeezing her hand gently. "But listen."
Sun Saturn (played by dana3400)

Sun turned around and started following Henry."I swear,this is going to take the whole day to find him.."
Jack knew she'd sush him if he tried to speak. He tried using telepathy. 'Elesa, can you hear me?" Jack asked, forming different battle strategies. He'd have to use magic, but Sade had an army. He knew if sun was here than he could team with them. He also formed plans for Elesa. Sure, she could handle herself, but this is different. This just might be life or death. And if it comes to that, jack wasn't going to die again.
Rae (played by Saturngoesferal)

Rae lifted one eyebrow as she started to listen, tuning her ears. A few seconds past and her eye widened. "A-Are those screams?!" She looked at Tiff, fear evident in her eye. "W-What do we do?!"
Tiffany Keith (played by duckling_)

Tiffany listened for a little more, her extreme hearing kicking in. "Scuttling." She muttered. "I hear scuttling." She repeated. She listened harder and her eyes widened again. "Monsters. I have no idea what kind, but monsters." She finally said, stretching her fingers as water started appearing in between them.
Rae (played by Saturngoesferal)

Rae narrowed her eye. "Lets go! We have to help!" She was trying to conceal her shaking. "And let's hurry!"
Lilim (played anonymously)

Elesa would listen to her thoughts as she was reached out to telepathically, nodding and trying to speak back through her thoughts, 'Yeah. Good thinking with the telepathy... But try to keep your magic energy down. Being cloaked wont do us any good if we're detected.' she says through her thoughts. If he couldn't hear her then he'd only get her nod and maybe feel her emotions asking him to keep his energy level down so they wouldn't be detected. Or perhaps he'd only catch the nod and not hear her message at all. Only waiting for a reply would give her the answer she needed.

If he couldn't hear her thoughts through his telepathy though, she'd be out of luck trying to use her own. She already had 2 seals active and couldn't activate her Psychic Charm without deactivating one of her currently active ones, but that would mean breaking their cloak.
Sun Saturn (played by dana3400)

"Henry! behind you!" cried sun ponting at a large humanoid spider behind him. The spider held a long white sword and started to swing it at Henry.
Jack saw her nod, and he started to receive words in his head. He knew they didn't want to be detected, but what could they do to make a plan? 'If you don't want me to use telepathy, I could at least read your energy. It'll give me a pretty good idea of the thoughts of your mind.' Jack hoped she'd hear
Lilim (played anonymously)

Elesa would gently shake her head, 'No no. I'm glad you can use telepathy. I cant use mine with the powers I'm using now. My hands are full... Anyway, if we need a plan, just tell me how I can help. I can light up dark paths, teleport short distances, make several different elemental energy orbs... I can use healing moves, I can make protective barriers, and I can give an Elemental energy to someone else if they can channel the magic into another skill of theirs... Little things like that I can do, but I can only use up to 2 element types at a time, and I cant make my charms work if I cant speak to activate them.' she informs him calmly. She was a little holder type spellcaster that could do a little bit of everything, but like all magic users, her wealth of magic power had its limits, and once spent she would be useless until she gets some rest.
Jack thought of things to use for a plan. He felt more people going to help. He couldn't let them die. 'Okay, fight, but protect people as much as you can. I don't usually have plans, but I'm good in fights. I've studied and practiced many different types of combat and magic for millennia.' Jack said. 'Do you think we should team up with other people?' Jack asked her
This isn't related to the rp but I'm about to be hit by a hurricane. Hell yeah Texas!!!!

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