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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Ralora, School Of Magics

Lilim (played anonymously)

Elesa nods to the idea, 'Yeah. My big sister taught me how to fight until an opponent is knocked out. I don't like seeing people die. I'll do everything I can to help. Are we ready?' she asks telepathically, giving a ready look to him, turning and quietly getting ready to race to the rescue of their fellow schoolmates.
'Yes. Just, promise me you'll be careful?' Jack asked her, making final preparations for the battle. He was worried about the school, especially Elesa. He hadn't known her long but she felt like a sister to him.
Tiffany Keith (played by duckling_)

Tiffany nodded as the water in between her fingers grew bigger. She grabbed Rae's hand and stared at her in the eyes. "Be safe, Rae. Okay?" She whispered to her as she held her hand close to her face, putting it against her cheek and smiling gently at her. Her expression then turned serious as she kept holding her hand and started sneaking towards the school entrance, waning to burst through there instead of going back out of their dorm.
Rae (played by Saturngoesferal)

Rae blushed profusely as Tiff took her into the school. She slowly put her arm out, causing flowers and vines to sprout and break through the floor boards. "You be safe too, Tiff." She squeezed her hand.
Lilim (played anonymously)

Elesa nods again, 'You too, Jack. I may have just met you, but you're the only one I know in this school... I'd never forgive myself if something happened to you. Now lets make these bullies go away.' she says telepathically before making a dancer-like spin to change her stance, just like she remembered her 'big sis Lilim' doing, "Spell change! Seal of Darkness! Shadow travel! Seal of Light! Illumination bomb!" she says before creating an orb of golden light behind her and sinking into the shadows to look like a dark spot traveling along the floor with a spot of light behind her. 'This is for you, Big Sis Lilim... I wish you could see me do it. I'll get stronger, for you. Just you wait and see.'

If her attack went anything like she planned, she'd get right up on the first wave of enemies before springing out of the shadows and throwing the orb she prepared, and when it connected with something solid, it would burst into a plume of blinding light that washed over all the enemies eyes to try blinding them for a moment, giving those that wished to protect the school time to gather and get ready to take them on.
Jack saw Elesa move into combat. She just flowed with it. It looked so natural, like she was born to do it. Whatever happened next left jack somewhat blinded. "Sana quod damnum" jack said, and his vision went back to normal. "Medetur percutit lucentis!" He said, a net forming and covering a group of monsters, electrifying them until death. Jack flashed between all his awful memories. Witnessing countless slaughter, famine, poverty, torture, losing mason. He wasn't going to let more people go through that. He had to fight for the school, for Elesa. He made an area close to cover for safe casting. He put up a shield. "Malum hoc quisquam murum desolati!" Jack said, adding an affect to the shield
The Corrupt Prince S (played by dana3400)

Sade sat in the middle of hall watching his monsters closely.When a female skeleton walk up to him holding a sword made by the himself devil. "Sir, Some of students are fighting back.We all ready lost fiveteen of our best troops." said the female skeleton. "We think Sun might be here." Sade eyes turned black then summoned a throne under him. "Well, spread the troops far down the hall.Make it seem like there a endless amount of monsters. " replied Sade with grin. "And what about Sun and your roommate?" asked The skeleton. "Bring Sun to me if you find him. As for Henry just leave him be."
The female skeleton nodded heading deeper into the halls.
Tiffany Keith (played by duckling_)

Tiffany smiled and squeezed Rae's hand before darting into the school, immediately sending a huge wave of water in front of her and Rae, attempting to knock down as many monsters as possible before the waved faded away, the ground and everything affected drying extremely quickly. She smirked slightly as she summoned her flood fingertips again, the water droplets circling around in her hands. She let go of Rae and clenched her hands together before slowly bringing them apart, revealing a ball of water levitating between her palms. She hid behind on of the colums and occasionally peeked out, throwing splashes of water at the monsters as they passed.
Rae (played by Saturngoesferal)

Rae stood firm as she trusted an arm forward, causing plant life to spring towards monsters, trapping most of them in place. "Stone. Created by a student. They aren't as strong as they would be if a professor created them." She stated her analysis. Her eye was darting around, searching for more information.
Lilim (played anonymously)

Elesa would jump back a time or two, putting some distance between her and the blinded monsters, "Seal of Fire!! Eruption trail!!" she shouts as the floor of the hall became lined with flames, suddenly the flames would erupt to consume everything in that area in front of Elesa. She'd focus her magic on the monsters and would start throwing her arms in different directions, out and down, down and out then up, cross and down, every direction she sent her arms another pillar of flames would erupt in that direction to consume another monster.

She'd be able to get about 6 good hits in before the seal used up its power for that attack. Swapping seals, Elesa would brace herself, "Seal of Ice!! Frozen Impact!!" she says as she uses ice energy to summon thick balls of Ice in front of her, each one about the size of a basket ball, a single grunt was all it took to send the ice balls flying and impacting several monsters.

The ice would shatter, yes, but the monsters would be feeling the impact Elesa was using. She'd throw about 7 of these orbs, then she'd put her seal away and duck for cover, needing a moment to catch her breath. It seemed her magic power also fed from her stamina, which as a child she had a lot of, but using her magic back to back was a little taxing for her. She'd be fine after a moment though, and would be ready to jump back into the frey.
Henry (played by starsta)

Henry clenched his hands into fists, opened them, and blew the newly lit fire off of his hands and towards the spider ghost. It sreeched and lurched back in terror long enough for Henry to grab Sun's hand and duck into a nearby classroom that appeared to be free of monsters.
Tiffany Keith (played by duckling_)

Tiffany nodded over at Rae. "True." She said, almost yelling in case Rae couldn't hear her over the racket behind the column she was hiding behind. She peeked out again, sending another wave of water before fading. She grinned and then summoned a bow like shape but made of water. She held her hand out and an arrow shape formed in her hand, also made out of water. She slotted the arrow in just as a quiver started to form ,out of water yet again, on her back, full of more water arrows. She then attempted to aim the arrow at a close monster and fired, hoping it would hit them. She would then quickly load her bow many more times very quickly, obviously quite experienced with archery.
Rae (played by Saturngoesferal)

Rae hid behind a pillar. "How the hell did they get into here?! Did someone let them in?!" She quietly started panicking. After a few seconds she started to hyperventilate.
Tiffany Keith (played by duckling_)

Tiffany shook her head, continuing to fire arrows at the oncoming monsters. "No. I vote they were created." She yelled over to her, barely glancing at her in fear of messing up her aim. She looked back to her quiver and turned around, ready to create more arrows, when she noticed Rae start to hyperventilate. She gasped and leaped over to her, collapsing onto her knees before her. "Hey, hey, shhh..." She whispered to her, clasping her hands. "It's okay, just breathe, Rae. Just breathe. Slow breaths, big breaths." She whispered again, trying comfort her as she stroked her arm, clasping both of her hands with her free hand.
Sun Saturn (played by dana3400)

"Great, Now Sade is making monster again.." compiled Sun ripping of his cape. He throw his cape in the air. turning into a golden sword. "We need to help the other students, but whatever you do don't look into the monsters eyes. "
Henry (played by starsta)

Henry nodded. "Safety first. Then we find Sade." He opened the door a sliver to see if there were any monsters, making sure to look down for any feet instead of making eye contact.
Sun Saturn (played by dana3400)

Sun held his breath he look down at at the floor as he walk towards the ghost spider whom was staring at a poster. Sun quickly stabbed the ghost with his sword. The ghost screamed then disappeared.
Rae (played by Saturngoesferal)

Rae looked at Tiff, her eye wide and full of fear. "Who-Who would do this?! W-What if p-people die?! W-What if you die Tiff?! I-I j-ju-just met you t-tod-ay but I c-care so m-m-much about y-you!" She put her forehead on Tiff's hands.
Tiffany Keith (played by duckling_)

"Hey, hey. It's going to be okay..." She whispered to her, leaning her head on hers. "I promise. It'll be fine." She assured as she brought her head back up and held up her chin. She smiled weakly at her and got up, bringing her into a tight hug. "I promise, I promise." She kept repeating, as if she was trying to assure herself.
Rae (played by Saturngoesferal)

Rae put her head onto Tiff's chest. "I-I just… why … I-I'm confused … as to why … why someone would d-do this …" she whispered, her voice shaky.

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