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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Ralora, School Of Magics

Henry (played by starsta)

Henry threw a punch at a faded ghost with fangs and four eyes. He ran around the corner of the hallway and saw two figures out of the corner of his vision. He got closer and stopped to take a breath. "Oh my god are you okay?"
Tiffany Keith (played by duckling_)

Tiffany sighed and started to stroke Rae's head. She jumped lightly when she noticed a stranger had approached them and turned to look at them, water at her fingertips just in case. She sighed with relief when she noticed it was another student and shook the water away from her hands. She nodded and them and smiled weakly. "Yes, thank you. Rae here is just... confused." She explained, still hugging Rae close.
Rae (played by Saturngoesferal)

Rae was still shaking. "D-Do you know … w-who did this?" Her voice sounded raspy and low. Which was different from her, about a pitch higher voice.
Sun Saturn (played by dana3400)

"Sade, did this. ." answered Sun walking towards the two girls. "I still not sure why yet. But do have some theories."
Tiffany Keith (played by duckling_)

Tiffany sighed. "I knew there was something off with that kid the moment I saw him." She admitted quietly. "He's making Rae panic, and that's not cool. He's gonna pay for what he's done, he's destroying everything!!"
Sun Saturn (played by dana3400)

"If your planing to hurt him. That out of the question, Sade may be a jerk but we can't hurt him." Sun sighed blushing a bit..
"It's better we just find a way to talk him out of it."
Rae (played by Saturngoesferal)

Rae looked at Sun and Henry. "I-I might be of h-h-help in the talking …" she held onto Tiff rightly. "Tiff … send a blast of w-water out, trap the m-monsters in a c-corner."
Tiffany Keith (played by duckling_)

Tiffany nodded and ran over to the pillar, hiding behind it as she threw out a huge wave of water, attempting to make a barrier around the remaining monsters.
Rae (played by Saturngoesferal)

Rae stepped out from behind the pillar. She took a few deeps breaths before spreading her arms out, and quickly bringing them together, clapping at the end. This causing 2 waves of flowers and vines to enclose the water and latch it around the monsters.
Sun Saturn (played by dana3400)

Sun was very impressed by the girls magic skills. He what to said "wow your very good at magic" but this wasn't the time. He thought that Sade would probably be at the end of hall or near a exit. So without saying a word to the girls or Henry he head out into the north hallway fighting monsters along the way.
Lilim (played anonymously)

Elesa would see several monsters gathering around Jack, thinking quickly so she could get him out of danger, "Seal of Darkness! Shadow step!" she calls out as she gives a jump, only to vanish into her own shadow and reappear behind Jacks back, "Seal of the Mind! Telekinesis!" she calls out before spreading her arms wide with a grunt, forcing the monsters to be sent flying into the walls. A way out being opened to the South, where a few monsters were traveling with their backs turned, "Jack, this way." she says as she turns and tries to pull on his arm, finding herself too weak to budge him.

Again she'd have to think fast, and reaches for another of her seals, only for one of the monsters to take advantage of the moment and attack Elesa, knocking the seal out of her hand and slamming her into the wall. By some miracle she would only be shaken, likely saved by one of Jacks previous barrier chants. She'd run and dive for her charm again, grabbing it and rolling onto her back, "Seal of Ground!! Stone Dome!!" she calls out quickly, causing the floor itself to rise and surround both Jack and Elesa in a barrier of solid rock. Taking a page from her Sister's book, she'd then use the barrier to take them into the ground and transport them to a safer place, much like an elevator by comparison as the barrier channeled around them to make an air pocket, returning the rest of the ground around them to its full solid state until they reemerged.

The safer place in question being in the room with Tiffany and Rae. The stone barrier Elesa summoned would pop up again in the room with them before opening up and letting them free. The floor under them would return to normal before Elesa's spell played out completely. Now exhausted, Elesa would return her charm to her belt and stay laying down on the floor, "Phew... Too close..." she whispers in relief.
Jack was in a trance when chanting a spell. He didn't notice Elesa being knocked around. She managed to save the both of them. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry Elesa!" Jack said. "Come on, I think we should group with the other." Jack said
Kitsumi (played by Raven14)

Kit up til midnight was working on the papers to transfer to rolora for the rest of her highschool they had dorms after all she was a freshman but her family would visit over the summer and she could always call them she wrote down the info need to transfer as she heard foot steps and the scent "mom your still up?" She sorta googled and said "sweetheart why are you still up it's half past midnight?" Kit replied "well I need to get these papers signed if I wanna go to rolora they only take me if I go this weekend so I have to hurry an get these done!" Kitsumi's mother watched her with a smile then set a cup of coffee next to her on the dinning table
"just make sure you get some rest my young pup" Kit's ear twitched pup? Gah I'm no pup! She though.
Lilim (played anonymously)

Elesa would be panting a little from using her magic a little too quickly, and would have to rest for a moment to catch her breath. She'd look to Jack and shake her head slowly, "I'm ok. Just out of breath... And... We have company over there, Jack. Other students..." she says weakly as she points to where Tiffany and Rae were likely looking to them from. Elesa's magic allowed her to sense other friendly beings that would be able to help them.
Tiffany Keith (played by duckling_)

Tiffany smiled at Rae, proud of her as she took her hand, about to follow Sun when she noticed a child sitting nearby. "What the heck?" She whispered to her, furrowing her eyebrows at the stranger.
Jack heard a girl say what the heck, and turned to see if she needed help. He saw her looking at Elesa. Apparently she didn't see him, so he stood there, watching. He could sense her energy. No doubt it was powerful, and he felt even more power coming from the people close to her. Oh great, sun's here, this must be bad. Jack warped himself near Elesa, still in the background.
Rae (played by Saturngoesferal)

Rae stayed close to Tiff as she looked at the little girl. After a few minutes she noticed the other student, it was a boy. "Tiff … there's another student."
Lilim (played anonymously)

Elesa recovered quickly from being out of breath, standing up and looking to the other students, "Um... P-please excuse us for barging in... Through the floor... But we've been fighting monsters in the Northern hall and there's just too many of them for the two of us. We could really use some help... Would you be willing to stand with us against the monsters? I understand if you don't want to... I've had my share of being told to do things I didn't want to do, so I know what it's like... But... Won't you please help us save the others?" Elesa asks as nicely as she could, holding her hands against her chest timidly, but swallowing her fear just to ask for help. It really helped her to be braver knowing that Jack was with her, even if she did just barely know him, he had offered to help her not feel so alone in this place, so she held him in pretty high regard pretty quickly.
Henry (played by starsta)

Henry stood up, and offered his hand to Lilim. "Yeah of course.."
Tiffany Keith (played by duckling_)

Tiffany watched this little girl ask for help and instantly admired her courage. Once she had finished she nodded her head. "Of course we'll help. Well, Rae has a mind of her own of course, but I'm sure she'll be happy to help too." She said, smiling at Rae before remembering her statement. "O-Oh! Another one? Where-" She started, only to be cut off when she noticed the other student. "Oh, shoot. I'm sorry I didn't notice you. I was just fascinated by how young she was." She muttered, smiling sheepishly as she motioned towards Elesa. 'I'm surprised how young she is, she must be very powerful to get into this school' She thought to herself.

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