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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Ralora, School Of Magics

Sun Saturn (played by dana3400)

Sun finally stop at the end of the hall where he saw Sade sitting on a throne. "So you met again Sade." Sade grinned nodding his head. "It's nice to see you again Sunny!" replied Sade hopping off his throne. "Are here to fight me or talk?"
"Talk, I don't want to fight you today. After all ,you do have the god's heart." Sun sighted. "Yep, and I ain't giving back." said Sade cheerful. "What if a gave you my sword" offered Sun showing the golden sword. "I know you wanted for the longest time. " Sade looked the sword like a kid looking at candy. "A very good offer Sun, but the god's heart is way more powerful than a golden sword" rejected Sade still looking at the sword. "The only thing that will do, is the head of the Blackin." Sun eyes widened as slowly put his sword away. "Sade, you know that is impossible.Even for you." Sade smile faded. "Look Sun, nothing is impossible for you. Trust me i know, You been kicking my monsters butt even before i meet you." Sun blushed rubbing his head. "Well, I had help from Iquine, without her I won't be here." "Oh please,Your friend is just a side character compared to you. she's nothing but a small mouse in the food chain. While you're a large lion ready for your next meal " Sun blush turn bigger. "Um thanks?" "Moving on bring me the Head of the blackin and i'll give the heart back." "What about the monsters around here?" asked Sun. "Don't worry about them. I'll unsummon most of them." Sade smiled snapping his fingers. Some of the monsters disappeared into the mist while other are still attacking students. "Now go and bring me the head of blackin. Sun sighted but then nodded his head exiting the school yelling "This better not be one of your tricks."
Rae (played by Saturngoesferal)

Rae looked at the little girl and grown boy. "We'll help you." She nodded, causing her hair to bounce.
Tiffany Keith (played by duckling_)

Tiffany squealed as some of the monsters disappeared from their barrier, causing her to latch onto Rae's shoulder. She growled as the remaining Ines and pushed her barrier as far as it could go, wanting to start to kill off the unlucky remains.
Jack looked at the girl, and saw the monsters. He saw her work her magic, and some of the monsters that had gotten through. "You want me to take care of those?" He asked, looking at her
Lilim (played anonymously)

Elesa smiled brightly as everyone in the room agreed to help, seeming to get even more excited as she got a chance to say her favorite phrase in the world, "Thank you, everyone! Heehee, I can't tell you how happy it makes me to hear that. Thank you so much, all of you." She'd say with a warm glow to her cheeks. If only they knew a bit more about Elesa's past, they'd know why she likes the phrase 'thank you' as much as she does.

She'd bounce a little before the attention in the room shifted to the water and vine lock in the corner and several of the trapped monsters inside seeming to vanish. Elesa would gasp and stop her bouncing, just in time for her 12 charms to clang together all at once on her belt with a loud "Ting!" Just as they clashed together, the charms would all glow with their energy, growing stronger from exposure to Elesa's Aura. The wave of energy that would get sent out in all directions would feel like stepping through an area with a drastic temperature difference, the power being a potent 'ping' of strait up Cosmic energy.

The ping would allow Elesa to sense for a split second where every living being was around the whole school, even allowing her to get a brief reading on the makeup of the monsters. The monsters, for some reason, would be shrieking(?) from the sensation of the Cosmic energy as it washed over them, seeming that something in the 12 elements that made it up hit them as a weakness. The ping was a rare occurrence for Elesa, but it would likely answer Tiffany's suspicion about Elesa being pretty powerful at such a young age. The energy that got used just then was something that Elesa could not yet control, so it wasn't a power she could freely use as of yet. Perhaps her time at this school would allow her to work on being able to control such power. Or maybe it was just dumb luck that she got it to activate at all. Whichever was the case, she'd have to learn more about it.
The Corrupt Prince S (played by dana3400)

The female Skeleton and some other monsters returned. they were snaking in fear and were barely alive. "Price Sade,We need to retreat. There too powerful." yelled one of the monsters. "And the monsters you left behind might die.If we don't fall down." said the female skeleton. Sade eyes whined he couldn't believe that a buch of teengers were beating his vast army. "Ok, well back down for now.." Sade sighted. " I'll Send a messenger to stop these teens from killing more monsters." Sade look over to small silme with freckles. "Me sir?" asked the slime surprised. "Yes Res, just don't get near the teens." ordered Sade. "Right away sir!" said the slime cheerful skipping away. "Should i go with him?"Asked the female skeleton. "Yeah you should." reliped Sade.
Kitsumi (played by Raven14)

Kit fell asleep while doing paperwork her mother grabbing her things.
Jacob (played anonymously)

(Can I join)
This forum is open but currently the school's under attack so it'd be wise to work with that
Tiffany Keith (played by duckling_)

((Nuuu this ain't dying just yet))

Tiffany nodded at Jack and smiled as she ran after one of the escaping monsters, only to be caught off guard by an incredibly big wave of energy. She came to a halt, almost falling over with the rush of energy and glanced back behind her to see the source. The little girl- She could barely finish her thought before the monster she had ran after shrieked, making her slam her hands over her ears. Oh, guess the energy caught up with them. She winced slightly with the pain of her ears, sadly she had been standing directly next to the monster, it ready to attack her. That wave of energy however stopped it and gave Tiffany the chance to quickly summon some water and drown it before it could shriek anymore. She winced again as she heard many more monsters shriek. God, this teeny was strong.
Rae (played by Saturngoesferal)

"Tiff!" Rae squeaked. She instinctly raised her hands and a large flower wrapped itself around Tiffany. "Just stay there, okay!" She dropped her hands. "Okay R-Rae. You can do this …"
Jack saw the girl chase a monster. He summoned blades and ran at a group of about 20 monsters. His left hand blade hit one of the monster's neck before jack nearly fell over after feeling a surge of power. Jack knew it was Elesa. He knew by reading her energy she was powerful, but he had no idea she was that powerful. One of the monsters cut through Jack's side. He grunted quietly. He spun to the side, bringing his blade through the chest cavity of a monster. Jack tapped into his energy so that the wound wouldn't slow him down. The surge he felt of his own energy pulsating through his body. He kept it contained, careful not to let it loose. He stabbed, hacked, slashed, and jabbed until the group had all fallen around him
Lilim (played anonymously)

Elesa saw everyone starting back with the battle and reached for her charms to join in too. She wanted to prove herself useful since she was the one to ask for everyone's help. A song she had heard from a friend playing through her head for a moment as she gathers her energy.

They see you as small and helpless
They see you as just a child
Surprise when they find out
That a Warrior will soon run wild

"Seal of Fire!! Explosive orb!! Sea of Ice!! Crystal cover!!" she calls out as she merges the powers of fire and ice into a ball of clear ice energy with a core of molten fire, "Element combo! Cold Flame Star!!" she calls out before seeing what looked like another student coming down the hall followed closely by a small pet. Elesa's attack was fully charged and it didn't look like the student and her pet would get clear in time, so Elesa had no choice but to drop the attack on herself.

With a grunt she'd bring the attack strait down and dives out of the way with the help of her Ice charm. The attack would hit and detonate into a wall of flames that quickly turned into a 4 foot thick wall of solid crystal ice. Elesa would pant a little before looking to the supposed student and pet only to find that this was no student and pet, but in fact a skeleton and a slime! More monsters!

Elesa would start to tear up as she puts her fire and ice charms away and instead pulls off two others, getting ready to redeem herself when she starts to feel something different from them... Something... Passive? The movements of these two apparent monsters didn't look hostile at all, like they were trying to hurry through the fray so they wouldn't get attacked. Elesa would blink and calm herself, putting one of her new charms away but keeping the other ready in case it was a trick. "Wh-who are you?" Elesa asks curiously, wanting to give the skeleton and the slime the benefit of a massive amount of doubt. The wall of ice behind her preventing the others from getting to her if the monsters decided to attack her, but also ensuring they could speak if they came in peace.
Jack cut up, blasted, exploded, and many other things to the monsters. He felt Elesa using a vast amount of energy with her spells. He saw monsters approaching her, and he wanted to help her. He could feel her tearing up. He tried to warp through the ice, but her energy somehow blocked him. What was she? "Elesa! What the hell? Let me through!" Jack yelled
Rae (played by Saturngoesferal)

Rae put her arms in an X form across her chest. The floor below her began to break as she was tunneled into the ground and out the other side of the wall. She stood next to Elesa. "I don't want you getting hurt in case these monsters attack."
Jack saw Rae tunnel to the other side of Elesa's wall. "To hell with this!" Jack whispered, putting his hands up. "Ego dissolvam venenatis, tota corruit!" Jack shouted, hopefully breaking the wall
Lilim (played anonymously)

Elesa had stopped channeling magic into the wall of ice when she put her Ice charm away, so Jack's spell made it shatter like a pane of glass hit by a brick. Elesa would flinch at the explosion as her unintentional wall was torn down, but held up her arms as though signaling for them not to go past her, "WAIT!!!" she yells quickly, "Please don't attack these ones!! There's something different about them. Cant you sense it?... They aren't here to fight... They've got another task set to them. I can tell by their body language, they're here on different orders." Elesa says in the monsters defense, looking up to them, "Am I wrong?..." she asks curiously to the Skeleton.

Elesa was no expert on bone structure, but the skeleton's posture alone gave away that she was female, and her earlier movements suggested she was in fact not trying to attack and was trying to avoid getting attacked on a sheer suicide mission. Elesa picked up a lot in her 9 years of being a child slave, and reading body language thoroughly in dire times was one of them.

Elesa would have to remember to apologize to Jack for the wall later and explain that after her initial spell detonated she had no control over the resulting wall that formed and blocked the hall.
Tiffany Keith (played by duckling_)

Tiffany had watched the others fight their way through the monsters and had wanted to help, yet she could barely move for some reason. It hurt like hell. She watched the ice wall appear and disappear soon after, gasping as she watched them all. She bit her lip as she took a mere step forward, but choked with shock as a huge wave of extreme pain surged through her, causing her leg to give way which had her weight on it, which led to her whole body collapsing to the ground. She winced as she fell and held back a scream, not wanting to distract the others.
Rae (played by Saturngoesferal)

Rae looked at Tiff through the wall. She knelt down and gently pressed her hand to the floor. Soon enough a flower started to sprout around Tiff, it soon enclosed around her, slowly healing her.
Sun Saturn (played by dana3400)

Sun was outside the school fighting a Blackin that he found wondering around. Sun had been fighting it for hours. yet the Blackin didn't back down. "I just need your head, to end this madness!" Sun yelled cutting of the Blackin's Foot. The Blackin rolled his eyes as he picked up Sun then threw him onto the ground. 'If only my friend was here she would destroy this Blackin' Sun thought slowly getting up. He continued fighting the monster, praying for some help.

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