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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Ralora, School Of Magics

Tiffany Keith (played by duckling_)

Tiffany winced again as she felt the flower surrounding her. No matter, she screwed her eyes shut and sighed.
Ricky (played by EeveeMaster)

(Can a Felyne join?)
Yes. It's an open rp. But the school's currently under attack, so you'd have to work around that or doing enrollment papers
Ricky (played by EeveeMaster)

(Ok. Thanks.) Ricky walked into the school. "Nrow! It looks like a tornado hit here!" he mewed as he looked around.
Tiffany Keith wrote:
((The RP is almost dead T^T
No ones responding.))

Well I mean. I'd respond, but my stuff kinda only works if they continue it
The Corrupt Prince S (played by dana3400)

(to be honest have no idea what to reply next. any suggestions?)
The Corrupt Prince S (played by dana3400)

"Oh, Am Sim and that Peachy, We bring new form the great Prince" said the slime look at Peachy. the female skeleton sighted. "The Price and his army will back down if you give the monsters back." "Which means this battle his over!" fished the slime with a smile.
The Corrupt Prince S (played by dana3400)

(Thank you :) )
Lilim (played anonymously)

Elesa would sigh in relief and smile happily, putting her charms away once they heard the news, "Phew... That's good to hear. Thank you for delivering the message, Sim and you too, Peachy." she says with a warm smile to them. Turning to the others, "Looks like we can relax and regroup... Is anyone injured? I can help with healing if need be." she offers eagerly.
Tiffany Keith (played by duckling_)

Tiffany weakly shook her head. She was now curled up into a ball on Rae's flower, her eyes screwed shut and her face was spread with an annoyed expression.
Damnit. Why the hell must she have gotten hurt?
And of all people, her?!
She let her guard down. She humiliated herself.
No one else got hurt, right?

She was just stupid.
Jack just got pissed. "Why the hell should we give 'me back?!?! All that's happened is you attacked our school and hurt our peers. If anything, I want to kill you." Jack said, clutching his side to stop the blood
Rae (played by Saturngoesferal)

Rae quickly darted over to Tiff and hugged her gently. "Here, I'll try to carry you back to our dorm so I can heal you better … or Elesa can help?" Her voice was soft and caring. But worry and anger were etched into her voice. "And Tiff, never scare me like that again …"
Jack glanced back at the girls. If he didn't know any better he'd say they were a couple. "If you need help with healing I could possibly be of some assistance." Jack said, turning back to the monsters. His hands started having frost form on them
Lilim (played anonymously)

Elesa winced as Jack yelled, but reached to pull a charm from her belt and moved to take Jack's hand that wasn't holding his side, "Jack... Please try to calm down... I can help you if you let me... Now that the fighting is over, we can tend to everyone that got hurt. Here... Let me see your wounds..." she says in a calming tone, moving to pet his hand gently to coax him to move it and let her see his injuries.

"Seal of Plant. Healing mist." she says calmly, clenching her charm to make it glow a soft green. This light would wash over Jack's body and slowly start to heal his wounds and cure any poisons or toxins he may have been afflicted with during the battle. It would take several minutes of Elesa's attention before Jack was fully healed, but at least her efforts made it quicker than ointment and bandages and trying to recover naturally over time, which would have left him with scars.

Elesa would hope that the lack of pain would help to calm Jack down a bit more and reassure him that Elesa was able to help. Plus, she always had her Time charm so she could undo all the student deaths once things were clear, even though using it would put Elesa out of commission for two whole days while her magic power built back up, if she was allowed to use it or asked to use it. She'd explain about all of that once Jack was fully healed if he wasn't feeling better emotionally when she made sure he was feeling better physically.

She'd also want to see to Tiffany when she finished with Jack, so she hoped Rae wouldn't carry her away too quickly. Elesa was still learning about her magic and could only do so much at a time. It was easier to make flashy attacks that dispersed threats than it was to perform far more delicate healing, so she hoped the others would be patient while she tended to one person at a time, not quite knowing how to perform simultaneous multi-person healing yet.
Tiffany Keith (played by duckling_)

Tiffany quickly shook her head, tears starting to pour down her cheeks.
"N-No, I can walk, I'm fine now... Thanks to you." She said, smiling weakly up at her.
She then shoved her head back into her ball shape and continued to cry.
"I-I'm so pathetic, I'm so weak, I'm so stupid, I just keep people behind, I slow them down." She muttered to herself through her crying fit, hitting her head against her knees multiple times.
The Corrupt Prince S (played by dana3400)

"You should keep them busy, while I escort these monsters back to the prince." whispered Peachy looking over at Sim.
" Ok, I will play board games with the humans!" shouted Sim ran over to Tiffany. Peachy sigthed rolling her eyes heading towards the trapped monsters.
Rae (played by Saturngoesferal)

Rae picked Tiff up. "Tiff' don't say that about yourself. You are brave, beautiful, caring, and amazing. You risked yourself to save others. Now it's time for me to help save you. You can rest in the firm while I brew some herbal tea."
Tiffany Keith (played by duckling_)

Tiffany shook her head, still muttering to herself and crying as she weakly tried to struggle, failing dramatically as she let her arms fall beside her sides and she just cried, screwing her eyes shut and tilting her head down.
"What happens if i-it comes down t-to protecting y-you and I... I c-can't." She whispered shakily, slowly opening her eyes to look at Rae.
Jack turned his attention away from the monsters. He had more important matters to handle. He warped over to the girls and crouched. He would help the best he could
The Corrupt Prince S (played by dana3400)

Peachy swifty helped the trapped monsters. Trying her best to get as many out as possible. Meanwhile Sim was jumping around the group of humans trying to get their attention, but it seem like most of them were focused on the hurted girl. with didn't had any affect on the plan. But Peachy knew it won't take long for them to heal her, they need to act fast. Peachy knew these humans won't have mercy. It been like that for over ten thousand years.

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