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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Ralora, School Of Magics

Rae (played by Saturngoesferal)

Rae kissed Tiff on the forehead. "For as long as I am alive, all I want is for those I care for to be happy. I care for you, so much. I want you to be so happy." She placed a gently hand on Tiffany's cheek.
"Jack, grab Elesa. We're leaving this area."
Lilim (played anonymously)

Elesa would follow Jack and knelt beside Tiffany, "Wait... Don't move her just yet... Just hold still... I'll get you well again." she says before bringing up her charm and using the same green glow that she used to heal Jack just moments before to heal Tiffany's wounds. Once again it would take several minutes, but once Elesa was done, Tiffany's only problem would be her own doubt and exhaustion.

Replacing her charm, she'd turn her attention to the bouncing bundle of slime and moved to try and grab him. If he dodged her, she'd try again, again if dodged, Elesa would giggle and chase after the slime, treating it like a fun and innocent game of tag.

If she managed to catch the slime, she'd hold it close to her chest like a pet and tried to support Sim with her arms, "Hehehe, you are just the cutest." she says happily, an innocent and friendly glow to her face. Elesa believed the fighting was over, so she was just happy to be able to be around others and make an attempt to play and make friends. She was just a child after all, and she loved to play. She didn't much care for fighting and wasn't nearly as unforgiving as the older magic users around her. Maybe this time she could be a positive influence that could end the fighting between humans and monsters, because Elesa believed the fighting was over, and she wanted to try making friends.
The Corrupt Prince S (played by dana3400)

Sim smiled at Elesa. "You're cute too." he enjoyed the girl petting him. it's remind him of his mother back before Sade became the Prince. Those were good memories. later Sim would play hide and sneak with Elesa and would return to Prince Sade. while Peachy would be furious about this. She would still have high respect for him.
Lilim (played anonymously)

Elesa would look to Peachy as she returned with the monsters behind her, "Hey Peachy?" Elesa called out before the skeleton girl got all the way passed her, approaching her and surprising her with a warm hug, "Thank you for bringing the message that the fighting is over." Elesa says gratefully. Placing Sim back on the ground, she'd step back and wave to them as they left, hoping that a little show of positivity would give them something valuable to remember from the encounter.
Tiffany Keith (played by duckling_)

Although Tiffany had no other physical injuries, Elesa somewhat helped with her mental injuries somehow.
Tiffany silently cried as she hugged Rae close, shaking her head continuesly.
"God, the world doesn't deserve you let alone me." She whispered to her, smiling through her sad tears.
Ricky wrote:
((I've missed so much! Can someone catch me up?))

Basically we all got to the school and it turned night. And pretty much we got attacked by Sade. So, we fought them, and now the fighting is over, at least we think so
Sun Saturn (played by dana3400)

Sun slowly walked back inside the school cover in blood with nothing but his sword in his hands. He quickly closed the door. He had fail in getting the head of the Blackin. Sun had noting to return to Sade. This battle which he knew would turn into war, isn't over. He decided if he going to get the heart back, he would need the others help and find something more powerful then the god's heart or make a fake Blackin's head. Before Sun could take act .He fainted due to the lost of blood.
Ricky (played by EeveeMaster)

Ricky looked at Sun.
The Corrupt Prince S (played by dana3400)

Sim and Peachy Returned to Sade with the group of once trapped monsters by their side. Sade clapped very impressed with them. "Good job you two, Now it time for all you to go back in my hand ." The monsters kneel down as Sade used his magic to unsummon them. Now there were no more monsters roaming the school or it's halls. Sade sighted Sun had been gone for a hour he decided to look for him. He walked down the halls of school with no worries.
Ricky (played by EeveeMaster)

Ricky sniffed Sun out of curiosity, due to being a Felyne.
Jack felt sun's energy shift. Something was wrong. He warped over. He saw a felyne which was odd, but cool. "Hi!" Jack said, putting his fingers on sun and the felyne. He warped all of them to Elesa. He didn't particularly know what happened, but he'd help her with anything she needed.
Ricky (played by EeveeMaster)

"Nrow!" Ricky mewed, not willing to speak Felyne English until everything was clarifyed.
Jack looked at the felyne. It sorta growled at him. "Look cat, I speak most human languages, but I don't understand your tongue. So, NROW to you too. Are you hurt?" He asked the felyne
Ricky (played by EeveeMaster)

Ricky stood up on two legs and said in Felyne-English, "Well, for your information, someone coming out of no where and teleporting you somewhere else is very weird. And I'm fine right now."
Lilim (played anonymously)

Elesa would gasp as Jack brings back another pair of students, one appearing gravely wounded and the other... A cute little cat creature?... No time to question it as she pulls her Plant charm from her belt again, kneeling to Sun's side, "Seal of Plant. Heal." she says as she sets to work once again. Elesa would have a worried expression on her face as she works this time. This student was a lot stronger than anyone else she'd met so far, and his energy almost seemed to be repelling her magic.

She'd use a delicate approach though, and coaxed his body to accept her aid. As wounded as he was though, Elesa would spend a bit longer trying to heal him than she would have spent on the others. Where everyone else took anywhere from a minute to 15 minutes at most, Sun's unique condition would have Elesa focusing and staying with it for the better part of half an hour or possibly more before he was fully healed up. Elesa had great envy and visions in her head for those that could take an ally that was near death and with but a single spell would instantly have them back on their feet like none of the damage ever happened, and that was a feat Elesa wanted to learn how to do.

She was unable to do so though, and her healing took time. When at long last she was done, "Phew... I've healed his body, but he's still exhausted... He'll need to rest to get his stamina back, but he'll be alright after that. That's the best I can do for him for right now..." she says as she lowers her eyes to her knees, putting her charm back on her belt. Elesa didn't want to admit it, but she was now exhausted and would love to return to her assigned bed. It was getting to be early morning and half of the school was a mess, and there was no telling just how long any of them would be allowed to rest.
Ricky (played by EeveeMaster)

Ricky looked at Lilim.
Jack looked at Elesa scared. He took out the needle looking thing he had earlier and wrote a symbol on her arm, and the same on him. It was a special rune he crafted himself. He made it about four thousand years ago when he was trying to save Mason. He focused his magical force into it to power it. This particular rune needed his energy pattern to activate. And no one's energy is quite the same
Ricky (played by EeveeMaster)

Ricky watched the human.
Jack turned towards the felyne. "Excuse me? May I have a drop of your blood?" Jack asked, totally looking like a creep, but jack was never very humble
Ricky (played by EeveeMaster)

Ricky shook his head and started to back away from the strange human.

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