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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Ralora, School Of Magics

Ricky (played by EeveeMaster)

"Why do you need this Sun character?" Ricky asked.
Tiffany Keith (played by duckling_)

Tiffany smiled to herself as Rae held her and felt safe from the enclosement of the flower. She just shut her eyes, falling asleep- or more like passing out, listening to Rae's humming.
The Corrupt Prince S (played by dana3400)

"Me and him made a deal and I need to see if he'd carried it out or not" answer Sade summoning a black sader foam the lava below. He started forcely stabbing the field with the sader
Jack laughed. Pity? "I admire your confidence in showing up here." Jack said, upgrading his shield to protect against stuff like mental attacks. He summoned energy, forming it into a blast of wind, making it very powerful, but jack didn't want to tear up the school. Jack sent the winds at the cat and the man attacking the shield. Jack put his hands on the sides of sun's head, he was going to revive him. If it came to it, jack wasn't letting the group with them die, he'd give up sun
Ricky (played by EeveeMaster)

"Oh," Ricky mewed before getting launched into the wall by the sudden wind. He fell to the ground, knocked-out.
The Corrupt Prince S (played by dana3400)

Sade wanted to laughed at their meaningless attacks, for him these 'powerful winds' was just a gust of air. "Tried all you like. You attacks are nothing but a tip of a iceberg" Yelled Sade walking over to Ricky. He picked up the cat and started to pet it.His pets healed Ricky.
Ricky (played by EeveeMaster)

"Meow?" Ricky meowed questioningly. He looked around.
Jack watched the man sit there. iiiiinteresting. Quite impressive. What was he? A demon? Probably not, but there definitely an evil energy around that being. "What do you want?" Jack asked him, exhausted from giving all his energy to Elesa, and healing sun. Jack shot lighting through the ceiling, and the shield was still up there. Jack, being a swamp elf, drew energy from the sun once in a while when he needed it
The Corrupt Prince S (played by dana3400)

"Just give me Sun, and i'll leave your friends alone." Sade grain walking back to the energy field. "If you said no, i'll break this field and take the little girl" The Prince looked over at Elsa
"Fine. And just so you know, she'd kick your ass." Jack said. "Wait. How do we trust you? You said there'd be no more battle and you're attacking my protections." Jack said, removing his hands from sun. He didn't care about sun, Elesa was the only thing jack needed to protect
Ricky (played by EeveeMaster)

Ricky jumped out of Sade's arms. He sat down and started to groom his fur.
The Corrupt Prince S (played by dana3400)

" I was talking about a battles between monsters and humans. and as you can see there are no monsters with me. I know I didn't make myself clear in the message but I could care less." Sade explained throwing another fireball at energy field. The fireball manage to make small hole in the field.
Ricky (played by EeveeMaster)

Ricky got back up on two feet. Then he place bombs along the shield. "BOMBS AWAY!" Ricky mewed as he placed a fused bomb, causing a huge explosion.
The Corrupt Prince S (played by dana3400)

Sade swifty summon a barrier around himself as the blast of the bombs grew larger.
Ricky (played by EeveeMaster)

The bombs were stacked so the explosion extremely weakened the shield, and Ricky said, "Try hitting it now, Meowster."
The Corrupt Prince S (played by dana3400)

Sade nodded Hitting the Field with a iceball, The energy field broken in half. "Good job Ricky, now grab Sun while i'll take care of the rest." The prince smirked running at Elsa with fire in hand.
Ricky (played by EeveeMaster)

"Yes, Meowster." Ricky mewed as he grabbed the unconscious human, and started to drag him away.
Lilim (played anonymously)

Elesa had been in a daze until Jack used Lightning around her. The Lightning made her yelp and scream as she huddled onto the ground, shaking like a leaf out of sheer fear. The ongoing battle tore at her heart, she could feel all the pain that was being caused and the ill intent that this new person radiated.

Elesa would barely get sat up again when she saw the boy charging at her with flames in hand. She recognized his hostile motions and her PTSD would kick into overdrive. Elesa would scream and grasp her head tightly, her charms all breaking free from her belt at once and moving over her head like a rainbow, which they honestly seemed to become as they all began to glow at once.

The fear would consume her and put her instantly in a trance and she'd start to cry as she was suddenly lifted into the air and her charms took turns blasting raw elemental energy at Sade. Time began to slow, causing Sade's movement speed to become hendered. A telekenetic blast attacked him from all sides, trying to make him lose his sense of direction. Water and Plants alike appeared out of nowhere to obscure and overrun his senses, blocking his path and trying to drown him. The ground itself would tear open, making it so Sade would have to fly to get near them, and even then he'd be faced with hundreds of stones attacking in a spherical vortex, attempting to slice him to ribbons. Hurricane force winds screamed through all available open gaps while flames, ice, and electricity all sparked and exploded all down the line, and to top it all off, the combined elements of Light and Darkness engulfing everything in their path in a destructive unified plasma that took up the entire hall.

All 12 of these elements would work together to come at Sade like a raging vortex of pure destruction. These powers were meaning to protect Elesa and the others, but would do so not by harmless barricades and healing, but by actively attempting to Obliterate the source of their fear and pain.

Elesa's energy would be going crazy due to her fear, and she was locked in a trance now so she was unable to calm down on her own. Her eyes would be streaming tears and her magic only got more and more violent and potent from that point. Would anyone be able to find a way to calm her down before she tore the whole school apart?
Jack saw her go into a rage. He'd only ever seen one like that when Mason died. He knew it would end poorly, and he had to calm her down. He projected calming energy at her. He used the link he created to pump his good emotions into her. As a last resort, he hadn't really cared if he'd die, as he'd been long gone for centuries. He used a levitating spell to fly up and he basically did nothing. He just hugged her. He'd don't know how to calm something so violent. Tears streaked down his face as he felt all of her fear and pain. It was unbearable
Ricky (played by EeveeMaster)

Despite what was happening, Ricky was still dragging Sun away from the group.

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