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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Ralora, School Of Magics

The Corrupt Prince S (played by dana3400)

Sade was surprised to say a lest. He hadn't seen this kind of power in years. knowing there no possible way to get past all this. He decided to just fly back his dorm. "Follow me, take the body with you. " Sade cried flying out the water. He started to head back to his dorm with Rick by his side.
Rae (played by Saturngoesferal)

Rae didn't stand. The flower enclosing the two picked them up and carried them to their dorm. Once they reached the dorm the small witch placed her friend down on her bed. After sitting there and playing with Tiff's hair for a few minutes she slowly bent over and gave Tiffany a soft kiss, on her lips. After that she stood up and slowly walked to her own bed, passing out in its comfort.
Ricky (played by EeveeMaster)

Ricky dragged Sun all the way to the entrance, then when he got there, he said, "My service is done, human, your on your own now." Then he ran off.
Tiffany Keith (played by duckling_)

Tiffany flinched slightly as she was lay on the bed and her hair was played with. She was obviously unconscious when the unexpected kiss happened, but she seemed to kiss back near the end before Rae broke away and passed out herself on her bed.

Tiffany eventually just curled up into a ball and whined slightly in her sleep, recalling everything that had happened in a dream.
Rae (played by Saturngoesferal)

During her slumber Rae had started to cry. She was not having a nice dream, instead a horrid nightmare was taking over her dream world.

The nightmare consisted of all of her friends, and her new love interest, being tortured while Rae was striped of her powers and couldn't move. Their agonizing screams were echoing in her mind. In one second, Tiff was in front of her. Screaming, blood flowing down her body.
The Corrupt Prince S (played by dana3400)

Sade smile as he revived Sun. Sun woked up stil weak form the figth. "Sade?" Sun said trying to lift himself up. "I can see that you failed. With is quite disappointing but that don't matter righ now. I got a easier request. For you." Sade explaied picking Sun with a spell. " Kidnap a little girl with the power of Dream Blood and ill give the heart back"
Sun Saturn (played by dana3400)

Sun frozened he needed the gods heart more then anything but kidnapping a little girl? Is kina crossing the line. But if he said no Sade would keep him lock in the spell and would start killing students. Sun sigth nodding his head. This was the only way to save the world. Even if goes everything he stands for.
Ricky (played by EeveeMaster)

Ricky was watching Sade and Sun from above, in an air vent.
The Corrupt Prince S (played by dana3400)

Sade saw the nod and put Sun down. He watch him walked away. 'He better not be killed by that girl'
He though dasing back to Henry's. Side of the Dorm
Ricky (played by EeveeMaster)

Ricky continued watching Sade from the air vent.
Lilim (played anonymously)

Elesa's power would be really unstable as her charms continued to glow brightly above her. Her panic and fear had consumed her up until she felt Jack's hug. Slowly she'd realize who it was and her power would start to calm. The next several seconds would see the elements that were raging around them calming, though they would leave the hall they were in in shambles as the powers gave way and dispersed. As her charms returned themselves to her belt, Elesa would shift and hug Jack in return, calming down a bit as she cried into his chest.

The fact of the matter was that Elesa was more scared than she was hurt, and Jack had done just the right thing to get her to calm down. Powerful or not, Elesa was still a child. And hugs almost always calmed children down. She'd spend several minutes crying into Jacks shoulder as dhe hid her face in his shirt, but eventually her sobs woyld calm into gentle breathing and Elesa would seem to fall asleep in his arms. At least until he moved again.

The instant Jack even shifted from the position he was holding her in, Elesa would flinch sharply and whimper as though distressed again as she was pulled awake again. It wasn't his fault that she was an excruciatingly light sleeper, it was just a conditioned effect that had beed integrated into her during her past. "Mister Jack... Please don't leave me. I'm scared..." she whispers weakly, clinging to him as she again shivers like a leaf.
Tiffany Keith (played by duckling_)

Tiffany soon awoke to Rae's crying. She paused for a moment before realising what she was doing.
Her eyes widened and she launched herself over to her best friend- and possible love interest's - bed.
She furrowed her eyebrows and started to slightly panic as she stroked her hair, attempting to calm her down.
"Shhh... R-Rae... it's okay... I'm here..." She whispered to her, moving some hair away from her face and she looked all over her.
Sun Saturn (played by dana3400)

Sun finally made it back to where he met the two girls. He found that there was nobody around. thinking fast he started to yell. "Henry! anyone?" He continued yelling until he gets a response.
Rae (played by Saturngoesferal)

There were bruises and and scrapes along Rae's arms and legs. In her dream world she could very faintly hear Tiffany's voice. Yet, her tears didn't stop as the screams got louder and louder, seeming as if they got closer and closer to her ears.
Ricky (played by EeveeMaster)

Ricky followed Sun, but stayed in the air vent.
Jack sat there holding her. She seemed like she fell asleep so he'd try to carry her. She woke up and asked him not to move. "I know you're scared child, it's going to be all right." Jack said, once again just sitting there hugging her. He hadn't gotten to do something like this since the dragon war. It felt good. It was relaxing
Tiffany Keith (played by duckling_)

Tiffany helped as she noticed Rae's arms and legs, uttering a long chorus of curse words under her breath.
"What the hell is wrong?!" She eventually screamed, now at the point of in hysterics, laughter, screaming and crying echoing around the dorm and possibly out in the corridors.
She smacked her head against Rae's bed and kept crying, not understanding what to do or how to help her.
She was useless... once again.
Ricky (played by EeveeMaster)

Ricky followed the air vent to.... Tiffany and Rae's room. He watch from the air vent gate, which let out from underneath him. Ricky let out a sharp meow when he hit the floor.
Sun Saturn (played by dana3400)

Sun Heard Ricky meow and ran over to Tiffany's and Rae dorm. He knocked on the door. "Is anyone in there?"
Ricky (played by EeveeMaster)

"Am I that fat, meow?" Ricky asked himself while looking up at the air vent.

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