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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Ralora, School Of Magics

Lilim (played anonymously)

Elesa clings to Jack a while longer, his words feeling rather soothing to her. Feeling that she was about to fall asleep again, she forces herself awake again only to whisper into his ear, "Mister Jack... Could we stay in your dorm for a while and just rest?... I don't wanna be alone again... And my dorm is so empty... Please..." she begs weakly.

The way she was clinging to him, he'd have to carry her if he wanted to move. And she wasn't about to go all the way to sleep while they were in motion. Again not his fault as he had nothing to do with how she was treated in her past.
"Of course child. I might have to change it around a bit to make it more suitable for you, but of course you can." Jack said, scooping her up and walking at a slow pace towards his dorm room.
Ricky (played by EeveeMaster)

Ricky jumpee onto a bed, climbed up to the air vent, and went back inside, shutting it gate softly.
Rae (played by Saturngoesferal)

Cries, shouts, screams. They were all around Rae in the nightmare. They flooded her ears, she could hear Tiffany's screams from the real world. After a few seconds a bright light appeared and a little creature, the size of a child, appeared. It was made from vines and flowers.

"Rae is trapped. In realm of fear." It spoke with a childlike voice.
Tiffany Keith (played by duckling_)

Tiffany's head shot up as she heard the voice, her eyes reset and extremely bloodshot. She peered at the child-like vine creature and tilted her head.
"Please, tell me how to get her out." She begged with a croaky and hoarse voice.
She then remembered the voice from the door and yelped. It had sounded like Sun.
"Yes, u-uh, this is Rae and Tiffany's room." She called to him, her attention quickly turning back to Rae and the child thing.
Rae (played by Saturngoesferal)

The creature waddled over, for it was not used to being in the world sand having legs. "Flower eye. It connect to brain. Her brain summon me from fear. Hurry. Before flower closes." Right after it said that, the flower that replaced her left eye slowly started to close.
Ricky (played by EeveeMaster)

The air vent opened again, and a spiky fish dropped onto the floor. Ricky's head poked out of the air vent. "Try spiking her tail, meow," Ricky said before going back into the vent.
Tiffany Keith (played by duckling_)

Tiffany stared at the child, extremely confused. "W-Wait, what do I do?!" She yelled at her, letting her hands hover over the child, letting them shake and clench up. "What do I do?!?!"
She stared at the flower that replaced the child's eyes and let her hand slowly flow up to it, gently touching a petal of it.
Rae (played by Saturngoesferal)

The creature started to panic a bit. "Flower is closing! Something must happen! Can't say' you must trust self to do something you don't think can!" The sentence was weird, but the creature did have the speech of a kindergarten toddler.
Tiffany Keith (played by duckling_)

Tiffany just stared at the child. "What do I do?!" She repeated, extremely confused. She had started to panic too. What would happen if that flower closed? Would she loose Rae? Would Rae just continue in the state she was in?
Tiff screwed up her face for a moment, her mind under a ton of pressure from the many negative thoughts she was having.
She wasn't used to this, she had always been the positive and bubbly child. She was never caught in situations like this.
She unscrewed her face and peered to the child again.
Rae (played by Saturngoesferal)

The creature flailed its small arms. "This never happen? Me think kiss?! Me not know!" It squeaked. It looked so confused and conflicted.
Tiffany Keith (played by duckling_)

Tiffany paused just as the child spoke. A kiss! Of course, why didn't she think of that?!
She hesitated before nodding at the creature and turning back to Rae. She stared at the tears on her face and sighed shakily.
Anything to get her out, anything to make her better.
Tiff nodded as she leaned over Rae and gently place her lips on hers, giving her a soft kiss.
After a few second, she pulled away and watched her eagerly. Come on, Rae. Come on...
Rae (played by Saturngoesferal)

Rae lay still and quiet for a few moments before her eyes shot open. "T-Tiff!" She sat up quickly and hugged Tiffany. "Y-You're okay!"
Sun Saturn (played by dana3400)

Sun sighted they sounded busy but he needed to know where the girl was before Sade destroyed the heart. "Have you seen a little girl. I need to -talk to her" Sun asked
Tiffany Keith (played by duckling_)

Tiffany cried out with relief as Rae came to and immediately hugged her back. "I'm okay?! You're the one that wasn't responding! You were stuck in some sort of dream thing!" She exclaimed through her tears of relief.

She then turned to the door and thought for a moment.
Where had that little girl gone to?
"No, sorry!!" She called to Sun.
Sun Saturn (played by dana3400)

"Oh, thanks anyway!" yelled Sun back. Sun decided to backtrack to where he fainted.Racing through the halls
Ricky (played by EeveeMaster)

Ricky followed Sun, still in the air vents.
Lilim I did post. I believe it's on page 27
Lilim (played anonymously)

Jack Greenflame wrote:
"Of course child. I might have to change it around a bit to make it more suitable for you, but of course you can." Jack said, scooping her up and walking at a slow pace towards his dorm room.

(Barely anything to post to, Hun... But don't worry. I found it so I got this. Time to resurrect the RP after 4 days of being dead. :P )

Elesa would cling to Jack as they moved, never falling all the way asleep simply because she couldn't. She'd shift her head a certain way and if Jack looked he'd see something blue on the back of her neck. Closer inspection would reveal the letters E L E S A. Clearly a slave mark from Elesa's past. As they entered Jack's room, Elesa would yawn heavily, "Mmmmmmmmmm..." she murrs cutely, clearly ready for sleep but appearing not so much ready to release him from her embrace. She felt safe with Jack, and that was not really something she could say about very many people.
Jack sat down on the bed, noticing a mark on Elesa's neck. All her subtle actions and movements made sense then. It reminded her of her past. Jack knew exactly how that felt, since the entire swamp elf race was created to be slaves. He was used to it and he didn't really care, but it was different with Elesa. If those horrible people are still alive, jack was going to hunt them down and make them regret any of their past actions.

Jack sat there watching her rest. He didn't dare to move as she wouldn't sleep well. Jack had been paying attention, and he didn't want to move. He knew it was rude, but jack tried to use his telepathy to go through her memories.

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