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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Ralora, School Of Magics

Lilim (played anonymously)

Elesa would fall asleep shortly after Jack got still, cuddling into him innocently. Her mind was an open book though, and Jack would be able to read everything about her from her earliest memories to present day. Elesa was dumped onto the streets since she was 1 year old. A helpless baby that couldn't do anything but cry and wait for someone, anyone to notice her. That someone just happened to be a slaver, and thanks to him, little Elesa has known only 1 life as long as she's been alive. The life of a child slave. Since age 2 she's been harshly trained to have a submissive mindset and be a plaything for anyone who could bark an order out to her, and was regularly abandoned on a random street corner where she would hunker down in a fetal position and just wait for her next master to pick her up.

Her second master got tired of having a nameless child in his home that simply couldn't speak, so as well as naming Elesa, he taught her how to introduce herself. The way he did this was to tattoo her name into the nape of her neck and teach her that whenever she was asked, "What is your name?" to turn around, move her long red hair, and show the person that asked the back of her neck. This rather explained her habit of moving her hand to the back of her neck when she goes to introduce herself.

Constantly tortured, Jack would see the child had been a victim of bondage both light and heavy and everywhere in between. She also was subject to electric stimulation, was raped in various positions, and was made the object and model to several other fetishes, predicaments, and conditions so graphic it would very likely make Jack want to vomit. Her memories showed she had been a high seller at slave markets, a main attraction at slavery events both large and small scale, and has been in hospitals more than once, but by some miracle has never had any permanent damage or long term injuries.

Jack would witness 9 years of sheer misery, up until Elesa turned 10. She was all but starved to death during her time in slavery, was left naked in the snow in the dead of winter more than once, and had literally nothing to her name but her fragile little life. Not even a collar or a scrap of any kind of clothing. One day, that changed. A huge shadowy male with muscles appearing large enough to put a Brick Golem to shame chanced upon her one day, with a petite mouse girl riding on his shoulder. The pair decided to take Elesa somewhere where she would be safe. The mouse girl decided to take Elesa in and try to raise her as her own, while the large male seemed to vanish after dropping the two off at an apartment.

Several days passed, and life almost seemed to be looking up, but then Elesa was kidnapped by a man in a black cape and taken back to the life of a slave for yet another master who ran a massive slave operation from the throne of a huge castle. While there, her master acted as a father to her, except for the daily sexualization she was once again subject to. That's when she met her savior. The one she held in such high regard, her driving force, the one she wanted to get stronger for. Elesa met her now adopted Big Sister, Lilim.

Elesa was always dreading the sight of her captor, now father figure, and the poor child was forced to endure his intimate attacks every time she crossed his line of sight. Lilim caught him in the act one day, and made the man pay for his sins in a big way. Lilim herself was a simply beautiful woman, even being viewed through the memory eyes of a child. Her most notable feature though was that long tail of hers. It was a long, narrow length of flesh, which ended in a large spade that looked every bit like a white Valentines heart.

Lilim was the one that initially unlocked Elesa's aura, and introduced her to magic. She was also one of the most inspiring factors that taught Elesa how to speak, and though Elesa struggled with her magic at first, she took up drawing and drew magic circles on paper, carrying them with her and using them like she used her seals now. The only difference being that the paper burst into flames and became useless after a single use, so Elesa would spend hours on end hand drawing more and more magic circles. That changed though come Elesa's 11th Birthday. Lilim presented Elesa with the charms she now has, and Elesa was able to get to the level she's at now because of Lilim's gifts.

Jack would also see that Lilim was the one that made Elesa's clothing for her, with a type of magic he could hear being called... 'Trans' from her memories. The last memory was of earlier that night, when Lilim was in flight with Elesa and brought her to the school, "Elesa... I'm about to go somewhere really dangerous, so you need to stay here for a while ok?... This place should be really safe, and the people here will take very good care of you... Just wait here for me until I come back, ok?... I promise I'll be back as soon as I can." Lilim would say in the memory before taking off into the air and flying away. Then Elesa would turn and start toward the school, finding her dorm, laying down in her bed, crying herself half to sleep... And finally hearing the knock on her door and the voice that was his own.
Sun Saturn (played by dana3400)

Sun started to run around the school knocking down doors. He was in a panic if he doesn't find the heart in a week the world will crumble.
Ricky (played by EeveeMaster)

((Internet working properly, so I'm good.)) Ricky fell down from the air vent, right infront of Sun.
Sun Saturn (played by dana3400)

Sun screamed then fell over on his back.He wasn't expecting something to fall in front of him. "What the heck are you?!"
Ricky (played by EeveeMaster)

"Meow? I'm a Felyne!" Ricky mewed.
Rae (played by Saturngoesferal)

Rae hurried her tear stained face into Tiff's shoulder. "P-Please don't cry. I don't like h-hearing you cry." She said, her voice was weak, raspy, and it was cracking while she spoke.
Sun Saturn (played by dana3400)

"Ok......." said Sun slowly walking away.
Ricky (played by EeveeMaster)

"Do you judge a Felyne dropping out of an air vent?" Ricky asked with hostility in his voice.
Sun Saturn (played by dana3400)

"Well, it's not everyday you see a cat fall out an air vent in a school." pointed out Sun staring at Ricky
Ricky (played by EeveeMaster)

"CAT?!?" Ricky said in shock, "For your information, I am a FELYNE. F-E-L-Y-N-E! I shall show you to to say that instead of cat.... In a brutal way!" Then he drew his sword.
Sun Saturn (played by dana3400)

"Am not going to fight a cat or whatever you are" Sun complained nodding over the Felyne before walking to the next dorm.
Ricky (played by EeveeMaster)

RIcky got up and growled, "Ha! I'm sure your the one I found laying on the ground!" Then he got a large barrel bomb out of his bag and threw it at Sun.
Sun Saturn (played by dana3400)

"What the" Sun yelled running into a nearby dorm as the bomb hit the ground.
Ricky (played by EeveeMaster)

The explosion from the bomb knocked over a few of the hall lockers.
Lilim (played anonymously)

Elesa flinches as the explosions shake the ground and make a noticable racket. Jarred awake once again and stricken with another dose of fear, she whimpers timidly and starts to cry, clinging tighter to Jack once again.

(Sorry for short this time. Posting from mobile and don't have an incredible amount to post back to.)
Tiffany Keith (played by duckling_)

Tiffany laughed shakily at Rae. "I-I can't help it... I'm so happy y-you're okay..." She sighed, stroking Rae's hair, her hand shaking too. Her cheeks were dusted with a light pink from the kiss she had previously done to save Rae.
Rae (played by Saturngoesferal)

Rae held Tiff close. Her long brown hair was soft and fluffy. After a few minutes of silence Rae spoke up.

"T-Tiff … can we. … share a bed tonight? I don't want to be t-trapped again …" Her voice was shaky and raspy.
Tiffany Keith (played by duckling_)

Tiffany stayed silent for a few minutes. "Of course." She eventually said quietly, glancing to her best friend.
"Of course, Rae. Anything to make sure that doesn't happen again."
Rae (played by Saturngoesferal)

Rae gave her a small smile. Or what seemed to look like one. Her peachy face was tear stained and her bright turquoise eye was blood shot and tired looking. Her flowers looked dull.

"Th-Thank you …" She stuttered out. Soon a small yawn escaped her mouth.
Leo (played by ElfKingdom)

Leo looked at the huge school. "well I guess being a transfer does suck!"
"yep!" said his little pet rabbit who was about half as tall as Leo. Leo may be small, (three feet tall, to be exact), but isn't that how tall all elves were?

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