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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Ralora, School Of Magics

Leo (played by ElfKingdom)

(i didn't know if I had to do an app or something)
Tiffany Keith (played by duckling_)

Tiffany glanced to Rae and smiled weakly, wiping a few dry tears away from her eyes before holding her friend's hand.
"You're tired, come on." She said, breaking the hug as she stood up and offered Rae her hand.

((It would've been nicer if you asked, but Ricky, that's quite harsh. It's okay.))
Rae (played by Saturngoesferal)

Rae nodded meekly as she took Tiff’s hand. Her own hand seemed to be rough, yet soft.

“Yeah … That nightmare made me even more tired …”
Tiffany Keith (played by duckling_)

Tiff simply nodded and held her hand tightly.
She then suddenly picked Rae up, bridal style, and carried her over to her bed. She lay her down and quickly lay down next to her, still holding her hand.
“Sleep.” She whispered to her. “I’m here, it’s okay.”
Rae (played by Saturngoesferal)

Rae let a soft squeak of surprise slip past her lips. Once she was in the bed her eye slowly shut, causing her to slowly drift into a deep slumber. But not before she said one thing.

“Thank you.”
Tiffany Keith (played by duckling_)

Tiffany nodded and cuddled close to Rae.
“Of course.”
She then also drifted off to sleep, exhausted from the previous day and the events that had just unfolded.
Sun Saturn (played by dana3400)

( i won't mind you joining either.After all, Jack hasn't replied yet.)
Sun Saturn (played by dana3400)

( we are all waiting for Jack to reply, But he hasn't yet. Does anyone know why? this roleplay has been dead for like a week now.)
Sun Saturn (played by dana3400)

(this roleplay been dead for 2 weeks. It's time for it to alive again) Sun was now in Jack's Dorm. The dorm wasn't anything new. Like the other dorms, there was two beds and a bathroom. Sun scanned the room and spotted Elsa sleeping by Jack. Sun slowly picked up Elsa trying not to wake her. "Am sorry" he whispered into the girl's ear as he dashed out the dorm and into the halls.
Lilim (played anonymously)

Elesa was sound asleep in Jacks arms, making soft noises as she slept. The instant she felt something shift against her, she flinched violently and whimpered like she had been / was about to be struck. Now awake again, she clings tighter to Jack and looks timidly to Sun, "W-who are y-you?... And... Wh-wh-why are you... T-t-touching me?" the child whispers timidly.

Formerly a child slave, Elesa was conditioned to be an unreasonably light sleeper. There was no possible way Sun was taking Elesa away from Jack while she was asleep.
Sun Saturn (played by dana3400)

Sun freeze. He wasn't expecting the girl to wake up or have a tight grip. "Calm down, everything is ok. Um, my name is Sun Saturn. I just need to ask you a few questions. Yah."
Lilim (played anonymously)

Elesa murrs and looks to Sun until he introduced himself and explained that he needed to ask her a few things. Drowsy as she was, she was still keen enough to read his body language and his tone of voice and knew pretty fast that he was just making up an excuse so she wouldn't panic. She'd humor him there though, and calmed herself before sitting up and rubbing her eyes, "Mmmm... Ok..." she says sleepily, moving her right hand to the back of her neck, "My name's Elesa. It's... (yawn) Mmm... It's nice to meet you, Mister Sun." she says politely. She'd lean into Jack as she waited for Sun to speak again, still holding onto him with a hug while giving her attention to Sun.
Artemis (played anonymously)

Can I join in?)
Sun Saturn (played by dana3400)

"Ok Elsa, how old are you?" Sun continued asking questions hoping she'll fall back to sleep. But the girl stayed wake.
With made Sun a bit nervous. He started to wonder why did Sade need this girl for and how powerful is she. Sun knew most the time Sade do his own dirty work with his army. But when he finds something more powerful than him, He'll try to use Sun do the work for him. But Sun isn't on Sade side. He'll just end up being somewhat of a prisoner to the Prince due to a monster kidnapping during his first battle. Though nobody knows that he was made a prisoner. Everone just knew he got kidnaped and then makes up what happened next. The most common 'theory' is that Sun escaped the imprisonment and start fighting Sade once again but as a lone wolf, Then would team up with ragtag group travelers to stop the Prince. But this is simply isn't true.The truth was more sad and cowardly then the lie everyone knew about. This didn't bother Sun. The 'theory' gave him hope that he'll one day be a true hero.
Lilim (played anonymously)

Elesa yawns again, looking to Sun with a sleepy gaze, "Mmm... Big Sis Lilim says a-asking a girls age and weight is really rude for a guy to do, Mister Sun... But... I'm 11. About to turn 12 really. My birthday is coming up in a few weeks." she says calmly and in a quiet whisper. It seemed they both had some secrets they could ask each other about, but did that mean they'd get along? This was something only time would be able to tell.

"May I ask you the same thing?... I mean... It's only fair, right?" she adds in curiously.
Sun Saturn (played by dana3400)

"Yeah, sure, of course!" Sun replied as his hands trembled in worried. Sun a bit afraid of Esla, after all, if this girl is as powerful as Sun thought it could mean this girl could kill him at anything she felt like it. I can't die right now Sun thought clutching his hand's together. I need to live to see my freedom.
Lilim (played anonymously)

Elesa could read Sun's body language even in the dark. While she had Jack to cling to for comfort, he was standing in the room with no such security and by his body language, was more scared than she was. Elesa blinks quietly, "... Um... A-are you... Gonna tell me?... ... And... Why do you seem scared?" she asks as she scoots back onto the bed to draw her feet onto the bed and hide behind Jack. If he had a reason to be scared, then why shouldn't she be scared too? She glances timidly around the room to make sure they were alone, seeing as Jack was completely asleep right now, and Elesa would have to protect him instead of the vice versa.
Sun Saturn (played by dana3400)

Sun sight not knowing how to answer Elsa's question. Should he lie once again or be truthful for once.Sun looked over to the bathroom then look back at Elsa. He had a choice; run away, lie, or tell the truth. Finally after a full minute of silence. He deiced to tell her the truth or at last the half of the truth "I scared of dying. I know it sounds silly, but in my situation, I could die anywhere, anytime."
Lilim (played anonymously)

Elesa gasps and looks to him worriedly as he says he could die without warning, "Wh-...? That's horrible... What situation could put you in such a questionable state like that?..." she asks with a timid shiver. A statement like that and now Elesa was clinging tighter to Jack, looking like she was getting really scared herself. She forgot that she had also asked Sun his age by that point, now focused on the horrifying statement he had just said to her. The thought of someone just keeling over dead in front of her had her wide awake now, and too scared to even try going back to sleep.
Sun Saturn (played by dana3400)

" Trust me kid, Isn't my first time close to death. There's a lot of horrible peopl- I mean monsters out there" Sun answered.
He knew this answer wasn't what the kid wanted. Elsa probably needed a clearer explanation. Then there 'a lot of horrible monsters out there.' But it was the best Sun could do right now. Made he could tell her about before he got into this mess. The times when he was just a simple traveler exploring the unknown with his childhood friend. Those were the good times Sun thought. The open air and an endless world full of mysteries and truth waiting to be found.

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