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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Ralora, School Of Magics

Lilim (played anonymously)

Elesa saw the monster army spawn and the ice attacks coming, holding up her charm and making a purple and black force field appear around her, saving her from the impact and freezing effects of Sades attack, "My name is Elesa Silkie!! And I'm not alone!! Sun, please lend me your strength!" she calls out before putting her charm away and pulling two others from her belt, 'Just have to keep him busy until Big Sis arrives... Please hurry, Big Sis Lilim... I don't know how long I can keep the fear away.' she thinks to herself quickly.

Clenching her charms tightly, her hands would start to glow brightly, one with an orange radiance and one with a white radience, "Seal of Light!! Seal of Fire!! Wrath of the Sun!!!" She says as she holds the charms out in front of her and aiming them at Sade. All at once, Elesa's magic would summon a bright golden beam that would cut through and melt Sade's ice as it traveled and threaten to cook Sade's corrupt energy and set him ablaze with a flame that existed as raw plasma if it managed to connect.

On the horrizon, another figure would appear in the sky. A small black dot amung the endless void of the black nights sky, approaching completely unnoticed and just in time to see Sade's attack clashing with Elesa's attack, drawing closer as Elesa fought against Sade.
Sun Saturn (played by dana3400)

Sun was terrified, to say the least, for he had no idea how strong Sade really was. He had only seen him do a handful of spells before. He wondered if should risk helping Elsa or just stay there frozen in fear. He wanted to just ran away but he couldn't. He knew that he had to Help Elsa in someway or end up staying by Sade's side. He deiced he should give his sword to Elsa it would help her with fighting Sade and he won't have to be in the fight. Of crouse he won't just watch the fight he would go get aid for both just in case Sade mange to Succeed and he needed to explain himself. "Take this! I'll go get help!" Sun shouted throwing his sword to Elsa. "It has some magic in it, you should be able to use that for extra power." After throwing his sword Sun run into the halls alerting the students about Sade and requesting for their aid. He'd also grander some monsters from outside the school getting ready for whoever to success.
The Corrupt Prince S (played by dana3400)

Sade spotted the small black dot in the sky. He had no idea how to feel about ominous dot in the sky. After all, he had no clue what's dot's intentions where or if he himself summoned it by using dark magic blended with demon mana. As for Sun running off, he had a mixed bag of feelings for that tiny slip. On one hand, this wasn't the first time Sun tried to run off. When Sun was first imprisoned he made many escape attempts but they all failed due to X, A elite Zombie guard that Sade put in charge back at Springlake to keep an eye on Sun. X could only be summoned when Sade killed someone with his own hands or if used half his power. Sade didn't like the idea of using half his power however if it's required to win this battle, he would summon X. While on the other hand, he felt somewhat betrayed by Sun. Before coming to the school Sun was acting like a faithful servant. Now he's back to trying to get his freedom again. "Did you summoned that black dot? or was that me?" Sade asked genuinely concerned.
Lilim (played anonymously)

Elesa gritted her teeth as her attack missed its mark, as well as Sun tossing his sword to her and disappearing. Elesa doesn't even know how to use a sword, she's had no training with swords and doesn't even have the grip to hold one. Long story short, the sword was useless to Elesa.

Now feeling completely alone, Elesa bolsters her magic in preparation for another attack when Sade's attention was drawn to something in the sky that was all but invisible to Elesa's eyes. "What?... What are you talking abo-..." she says before her eyes catch the sight of a familiar silhouette. Elesa would feel the fear completely vanish from her heart as the dot got closer and grew.

Suddenly this figure would decend and hover inches above the floor. Sade would note a 6 foot long creamy, flesh colored tail, thin in diameter, but length enough to show off the large heart on the end, the point of which always hung down and kept the heart upright. Other bodily features revealed this figure to be a woman, well curved and upper body covered in a short black gown while legs were hugged by a pair of black footless tights. The woman was barefoot, but clearly didn't need anything on her feet since she never touched the ground.

Elesa's magic would calm at the sight of this figure, a smile spreading across her face as joy overtook her. She replaces her charms on her belt and steps closer to hug this woman, whom opened her arms and hugged Elesa back, "It's great to see you again... Big Sis." Elesa says happily.

Lilim smiles to Elesa, "It hasn't even been one day since I dropped you off, silly girl. What kind of trouble have you gotten into these past 4 hours, hmm?" she asks teasingly. Suddenly she'd blink her eyes and turn her attention to Sade, whom would feel a chill rise up his spine as this woman glares at him, "So... You're the one who's been bullying my little sister, huh?... Bad news for you. I'm amung the last people you want to get on the bad side of... And bullies make my bad list unbelievably quick. You've got one chance... Dismiss these summons and get on your knees. I won't give you this mercy a second time." Lilim says before bolstering her own magic. Sade would start to feel a bit of gravity in the area, some energy that was so intense that it was getting hard for him to breath.
Ricky (played by EeveeMaster)

Ricky fell out of the air vent behind Sade. Seeing what was going one, he pulled out a staff with a stone spike tied on to it and just swung randomly.
The Corrupt Prince S (played by dana3400)

Sade quickly flew lower hoping it would help him breathe, which it did but only for a moment, he still felt the gravity weighing on him. Then Sade looked behind him hearing something fell on the floor. It was Ricky, Sade was astonished by his return. When Ricky left, Sade never once thought he'll return, yet here he is. "Ricky, blown up them. I will give you more fish." Sade offered Ricky pointing at Elsa and the woman.
Meanwhile, Sime wasn't fighting with the rest instead he was hiding behind Peacy. "Sime, You need to fight!" Peacy urged.
"No! I don't want to fight for Sade anymore, not if I have to hurt her(Elsa) " Sime refused to hurt them with bothered Peacy.
"What are you going to do than fight for the enemy and get killed? or Stay with us and live to see another day?" Peacy questioned. Sime started sobbing as he ran over to Elsa and Liliam. "I am sorry my friend, But the girl is my buddy!"
Ricky (played by EeveeMaster)

"It'll take more than a barrel bomb to blow HER up," Ricky mewed, pointing at the woman, "But the girl shouldn't be any problem, if you can get the woman away from her." Then he pulled out a small barrel and started filling it with a blue gunpowder that smelled like salt.
Tiffany Keith (played by duckling_)

Tiffany frowned as she managed to escape the room pretty easily. Part of her wanted her friend to wake up and entice her back to bed as she was still quite tired and craved more time with the girl. But she was intrigued as to what the other people she had met at the school were doing.
So, she creeped along the hallway, only to feel some slightly heavier gravity.
Becoming more curious, she followed in the way of the magic, hoping to come across some type of life force, human or not.
The Corrupt Prince S (played by dana3400)

Sade nodded his head agreeing with Ricky's plan. He quick blasted the ground with iron spikes the size of mountains causing the school to split in half, the mountain itself rise to the heavens and seemed impossible to climb, Even if Lilim could fly she would still have to deal with the forceful winds and possible monsters that may be up there.
Ricky (played by EeveeMaster)

Ricky put the lid one the barrel bomb and put a fuse into a small hole and lit it. Then he picked it up and threw it at Elesa.
Sun Saturn (played by dana3400)

Sun was still gandering students and monsters then suddenly iron spikes came out the ground and spilled through the school like scissors cutting paper. The Spikes Blocked the east side of the school which were Sun was planning to get more students. Now he had to just stick with what he had and hope no more spikes came out of the ground. Next Sun decided to return to Elsa with this ragtag group of students.And He left the monsters in an empty dorm near the basement. Sun commanded the group with pride leading them back to Sade and Elsa.
Lilim (played anonymously)

Lilim raised an eyebrow as Sade commanded the Felyne to try blowing them up, and the Felyne actually thinking Lilim would leave Elesa's side long enough for such an act to be attempted. She stared at them unamusedly with a look in her eyes that spoke for her as though to say, 'are you guys really that stupid?' but Lilim let the Felyne fill his barrel and get ready to try his attack.

Elesa would gasp as she saw Sim hopping her way, dropping to her knees and opening her arms to take the mottle slime into her arms for a warm hug, "Sim, I was wondering what happened to you. It's great to see you again." she says as she stands again while holding Sim in her arms. She looks at Sade just in time to see him summon spikes to try and seperate her from Lilim.

Lilim pulls the simplest act in the world to cut Sade's efforts off and make a statement of her own. In one quick motion she scoops Elesa up and moves to one side of the spikes, glaring at Ricky as he mindlessly caps, lights, and throws the barrel bomb at Lilim while she had ahold of Elesa. The Succubus was becoming increasingly more peeved at Sade and now at Ricky as well, catching the barrel with her left hand while holding Elesa on her hip with her right, "Bad move ya fish breath CAT!!!" Lilim shouts before hurling the barrel back at Ricky like a torpedo being fired from a submarine.

Lilims eyes changed from green to red with that display of her physical strength, glowing like they were infused with neon. Finally she lets Elesa down and keeps her senses fixed on the enemies around them, "Elesa, find a place to hide. And you might not want to watch this. Things are about to get messy." Lilim says before charging up an orb in her right hand, the energy looking as clear as a crystal ball, but still had visibility to it as well as a lot of power contained within. This orb, she'd throw at Ricky just to detonate the barrel manually and add her own power to the explosion, making it more than twice as powerful, "For trying to blow Elesa up, fur ball, you're getting dealt with first!! You've made the top of my bad list!!!" she shouts before barreling toward Ricky, now set to beat the barrel throwing cat monster to a pulp.

Elesa would take Sim and do as Lilim said, taking off running to a corner of the room and using one of her charms to make a safe little hidey hole for herself and Sim, protecting them with her energy in case someone or something tried something like that again.
The Corrupt Prince S (played by dana3400)

Sade quickly put up a strong forcefield for Ricky and himself as the bomb hit the ground and explosion. The explosion was powerful breaking the school walls and shaking the ground. It even almost broke the forceful Sade put up. Sade put down the forceful. His next move he'll summon a fire circle that won't melt the ice or snow but will surround and covered both him and the woman. The propose of the fire circle was to keep out anymore "interruptions". "All of this because my monsters kidnaped a swordsman nobody knew about until those rumors were spread, I didn't even command my monsters to spread those rumors. They just did!" Sade yelled regretting his life choices.
Sun Saturn (played by dana3400)

Sun and his ragtag team finally made it back to where Elsa was fighting Sade. To see nothing but a fire circle in front of them and broken walls. Sun turn over to the corner were he saw Elsa and Sime. He dashed over to him with the ragtag group. "What happened while I was gone?" Sun asked. His eyes filled with fear. "I only was gone for a few minut- Sade!"
The Corrupt Prince S (played by dana3400)

Sade heard Sun's yelled and started Laughing staring at the west side of the fire. "Looks whos back, I knew you'll come back, even if you chose to try to return to your friend. You'll just end up with me again. After all, can't let all the lies backfire on you." Sade was completely insane, Everone even the dumbest person in the universe could see that his Price wasn't at all normal or sane in any way. "And when this is finished and you'll leave your group to die, You'll beg for my forgiveness and I'll accept. Well head back to SpringLake and I will burn down a nearby town and cover it with sand becue why not? Finally went we get back to my kingdom you'll continue your pill of lies, and write; 'Dear My Friend my all members of my group die even Mua. Due to a Blackin we fought while traveling back to our dwelling, I tried to rescue to them but failed. Fortunately for me, the Black disappeared before it could touch me.Now I am once again alone. Now I need your advice, Where should I go now? Love, your Friend Sun Saturn' Now give up before this school is nothing but a memory."
Ricky (played by EeveeMaster)

"What the...," Ricky said before getting hit. When he hit the wall and the bomb exploded, waves of salt water appeared.
Lilim (played anonymously)

Lilim would glare at Ricky as she sees Sade's forcefield with a big gaping spiderweb in it from the combination of the saltwater bomb and her Blank Megido. Hovering toward the Felyne, Lilim would be surprised as a wall of fire encircled her and left her encased in an arena with Sade.

Elesa gasps as Sun sneaks up on her, but smiles when she realizes it was him, "Sun!" she says happily, moving an arm around him to hug him happily. She'd gasp again as Sade starts talking, his words cutting her deeply and making her feel as though she failed Sun before she even offered to help, and Elesa would tear up and start to cry as she imagined Sade's words and saw further just how cruel he was.

Lilim becomes even more furious when Sade says what he does and hears Elesa beginning to cry because of him, her hands shaking as they clenched into fists. Sade made the mistake of taking his eyes off of Lilim, on top of running his mouth about his plans and the biggest mistake Sade could ever make in Lilims presence... He made Elesa cry. Moving so fast that it seemed she teleported, Sade would feel an instinctive dread that reminded him he was supposed to be facing Lilim, but by that point it was too late.

Lilim brought her fist crashing into Sade's right cheek quick as a flash,

"Shut up!!!"

she screams at the top of her lungs as she sends Sade spiraling head first into the wall, assuming a punch with the force of a 3 ton wrecking ball in full swing wouldn't break his neck or make his head explode, which Lilim was honestly trying to do now that Sade had made Elesa cry. Lilim was out for blood against Sade now.


Swiping her tail violently through the air, she'd disrupt the air itself and make the circle of fire sway with her tail, like Lilim was controling it. Each motion of her tail would make the flames dance in a different way, and Lilim glares at Sade unrelentingly, "You made Elesa cry just now... I hope you're happy with the life you've led to this point... Because I'm about to give you a one way ticket to the afterlife... Anyone that DARES make Elesa cry in my presence... Has signed their death warent!!" Lilim growls at Sade, opening her right hand as she brings it over her head, now appearing to be sucking all of Sade's elemental magic into another orb she'd generate above her.

The circle of fire, the steel spikes, the water from Ricky's previous bomb, the covering of ice and snow all around them and all over the horribly damaged school, even the shadows of the night sky itself, all would rush into the orb and started to condense tighter and tighter within it as they all became elemental energy under Lilim's control. Lilim would continue to gather and condense power from all around the area, already having gathered the power of a small nuke and continuing to make the orb stronger and stronger, fully intent on killing Sade with this attack.
The Corrupt Prince S (played by dana3400)

Sade felt the power being taken.And the Woman's attack hurt him severely, He fell down on the floor. He stared at Sun as his purple eyes turn brown. "So this is how I died, I hope your happy Sun, had you overlook the fact that Iquine might never come back to you, That she on may be exploring the world without you. Well, I hope you like traveling by yourself and lying to the locals by writing on a piece of paper. You will also have to deal with my kingdom full of leaderless monsters.But I guess it's good for you. You'll have your freedom and your new life as a Hero, You will never have to see my face again. Even though I help you with all the lies you created. You know you coulda told the truth in the first place and stop the rumors. And you'll would have got your freedom earlier, but no! All you care about is being a hero and having a place in the history books. Have ever stop to think about all the things I let you do or how I never let you go hungry. But I guess you like leaving behind the people who help your reputation. So I hope you're happy with yourself and I hope you find that you should be glad I let you live the first time I saw you."
Sun Saturn (played by dana3400)

Sun started to feel the weight of guilt weighing down on him. Realizing Sade's word are worse than his punishments or the imprisonment he put Sun in. That his Imprisonment wasn't that bad as he once thought. This realization made Sun do something stupid or least something he'll regret later. He dashed over into the fire circle and got in between the Woman and Sade. Of course, the fire circle burned him badly and now he was cover with burns.
"Ok, Ok, Let's not kill anyone just yet. I mean after all, how will we explain a dead body in a school without getting arrested?"
The Corrupt Prince S (played by dana3400)

Sade slowly got back on his feet then stuck out his tongue at Lilim like an immature kid. "Looks like am going to live after all." Sade know Sun's weakness was Pity for anyone no matter how cruel they were. Sade always used this weakness to help him do whatever he likes.

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