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Lilim (played anonymously)

Lilim glares at Sun with the same ferocity that made it hard for Sade to breath earlier, "Get out of my way, Hun... This Tyrant needs to be introduced to his mortality. You really want to find this Iquine?... Elesa and I can and will help you find her. But this tyrant made Elesa cry. He has to learn his place. Now move." Lilim says to Sun, getting ready to throw the orb, which was now grown to about the size of one of the dorm rooms and packed enough power that anyone sinsitive to power levels could feel this energy. It was a focused bomb that could flatten a good mile and a half radius all around, and Lilim was aiming this power strait at Sade. She couldn't use it with Sun in the way though.

Elesa would hear Sade as well and saw Sun take off into the flames to defend Sade. She also heard Lilim tell Sun to move and knew she had to help. She'd sit Sim down and pet him a little, "Just wait here, Sim. As long as you stay hidden, you'll be safe. I've gotta help Big Sis..." she whispers to the mottle slime, turning and pulling her Fire charm from her belt, "Seal of Fire!! Parted Passage!!" she calls out to command the flames to part so she could pass through them safely.

Elesa would run close behind Lilim and look to Sun worriedly, "Sun! Big Sis is telling you the truth! If you want to find your friend, let Big Sis free you and come with us! You're a good person, Sun... I can feel it in your heart... Don't let him control you! Let us help you... Please..." Elesa begs as she holds her hands up to her heart, trying to talk Sun away from Sade. Elesa seemed to be the voice of reason and the biggest influencing factor that Lilim listened to. Maybe if Sun talked to Elesa, he could get Lilim to stay her spell, or at the very least tone it back so it wasn't threatening to end Sade where he stood.
Sun Saturn (played by dana3400)

Sun felt the force weight down on him and fell to his knees. He was afraid once again.But he wasn't afraid of dying he was afraid of Elsa's Sister. She was bloodthirsty. Sun could tell he has seen that look before. The look was commonly found in Blackins. Monsters made of nothing but hate and vengeance. Out to kill anyone they see in the distance.
"Ok, I'll move but can you calm down your sister first. She'll kill us all with that orb, if she's not careful." Sun explained choking due to the force.
The Corrupt Prince S (played by dana3400)

Sade's smug smirk finally faded when Sun fell to his knees. Because it made him remember; despite all his power he was still mortal. That he could perish any moment. Sade was never afraid of death until the moment he seemed the find someone that match his powers.But Liliam didn't just match Sade's powers, She was more powerful than him.With he could hardly believe. Afer all, he got his powers form the Red King, one of the most powerful beings in SpringLake. How can someone be more powerful than him? He was tired of this fight and just wanted to end it. Sade put down the fire circle and the spikes. That when he saw Sim in the corner. An idea popped into his head. With a snap of his figures, all the. monsters but Peacy started to attack Sim.

Sim was shocked to see his fellow monsters attacking him. He got out of the corner and dashed away. "HELP!" He shouted crying. He looked for Peacy but she was nowhere in sight. The Sime was now running around the room being chased by monsters.
Lilim (played anonymously)

Elesa sighs in relief as she believes everything was starting to calm down, only to gasp as she hears Sim calling out for help, "Sim!!" Elesa calls out worriedly, starting to run to him before Lilim reaches out and grabs her shoulder. The massive orb would become a bunch of smaller orbs, which all fly toward the aggressive monsters and one by one hits their marks and creates a small, contained explosion that only took down each of the monsters until Sim was basically running from nothing.

Elesa watches in awe as Lilim uses all that power to desimate the hostile monster army and leave the surrounding area relitively intact. "Elesa... Get your friends and get them out of here... I want to... Talk... To this monster master... Alone..." she says in a calmer tone, her eyes still red as she glares at Sade once again. Elesa nods quickly and runs to Sim, scooping him up to hold him before returning to Sun, "C'mon, Sun... Big Sis wants to talk to Sade alone... We should get out of her way." she says coaxingly.

Lilim would maintain her hover and moves passed Sun, keeping a walking pace as she approaches Sade with a glare, "You... Are going to apologize to Elesa." she says demandingly. Her tail sways sharply time and again, showing that she was barely any calmer now than she was when she had that huge orb of power aimed at Sade. Her magic wasn't flared anymore, so Sade could be greatful for that, but Lilim's hands were still solid as an armored knight, as Sade had felt first hand, so it would be in his best interest to listen to Lilim if he didn't want 'another' swolen cheek... Or worse...
Sun Saturn (played by dana3400)

Sun nodded his head. following Elsa out of the room. He hoped that Sade would be reasonable for once in his life and talk to Liliam without setting something of fire. Sun was also worried about Liliam, She seemed a"bit" overprotected of her sister. But Sun couldn't blame her, Even though he didn't have a sibling himself. His friend; Iquine was like a sister to him. A sassy sister but a sister no least.
The Corrupt Prince S (played by dana3400)

Sade was irritated by Lillam's powers but at the same time, he'd wondered where Lillam got her powers form or if she was born with them. He decided it would be the best option to listen to Lillam except he wasn't planning to stop his attacks on the school, After all, He needed something to do with his powers while he waited for the Red King to come and help him with his actual plan. "Fine, I'll apologize to Elsa, but first tell me where did you get your powers form. I am quite interested in them. Speciality the one were you change gravity. I have never seen anyone with that kind of power, back where I came from." Sade replied crossing his arms.
Gabriel Lupine (played by Raziel_Samael_Ray)

((Well I'mma join in then.))

A fifteen year old Gabriel approached the school. It was new to him, different then the one he had gone to before. But his guardians, Anna and Abraham, they figured out his secret. That he was a werewolf with fire and dark magic. They were surprisingly accepting of it though, the Gabe's surprise. So here he was, at a school of magic. But, as he approached, something caught his flame red eyes. Flashes, and these flashes he associated with a fight. The black haired teen would then break out in a run, dropping his bags. He would help if he could. He then came upon the scene, a hovering girl staring down some boy. It looked like things had calmed down. Either way, Gabriel would remain here just to be sure.
Lilim (played anonymously)

Lilim raised an eyebrow as Sade spoke, "That gravity was just the pressure of my magic power. It puts a heavy weight on those that stand against me and lets them know who the real threat to worry about is. As for the rest of my magic... I was born with it and have been training in it since I was 3 years old. Now, to the task at hand... Elesa and that other boy... Sun, was it?... They bought you some time, Sade. You've got one chance to behave. And now that I know someone like you is here... I'm going to be sticking around to make sure Elesa is safe." she says as she moves to cross her arms, though as well as looking a little more serious, it also made her breasts stand out a bit more. Lilim was 18 and really shapely, having a natural appeal to her that usually won a few people over without meaning to. After a moment, she gives another flick of her creamy white flesh colored tail, the spade of it again dangling like a heart on the end of a vine.
The Corrupt Prince S (played by dana3400)

Sade wasn't quite satisfied with that answer, mostly because it sounded like Liliam somehow found out she has power on her own and when she got said powers she seemly trained herself. He wanted to ask more questions but was getting bored of talking. " Ok, I understand, I'll try to behave but no promises. After all, my powers can get out of control at times." Sade shrugged walking away. Before he left he saw a fifteen old boy staring at them. "Oh, What are you looking at?" He asked leaving the room annoyed.
Gabriel Lupine (played by Raziel_Samael_Ray)


The werewolf said straight up as he watched the man walk off. He was no stranger to a fight, and wasn't shy at all. Gabriel was always straight up with people. His flame red eyes were cold as he watched the man. A clear trouble maker in his mind. He then looked away, messing with his hands, in which were small flames. A small display of his magic. In reality it was nothing compared to what he was really capable of.
Lilim (played anonymously)

Lilim was unamused by Sade's half caring attitude, but he knew she could drop him like a sack of potatos if she saw fit, so she simply let him talk a big game and smirked because she saw the truth. She hovered in place and watched him start to leave, glancing upward and remembering something, "Sade!!" she roars loudly to get his attention again. If she had her way about the events, Sade would flinch and turn to look at Lilim, whom was still staring unamusidly at him, "You see this mess, boy?... Clean it up. Now." Lilim growls at him, bolstering her magic to give him another blast of her intimidation gravity to show that she was serious. Then she'd let him walk away after ushering the order for Sade to clean up and fix the mess he made of the school.

Once Sade was gone, Lilim hovers up to the new boy and blinks as her burning red eyes change back to a calmer green, "Mmm... Now that the trouble student has been put in his place... Hi, I'm Lilim. You new here too? I'm not a student, but my little sister is." Lilim says in a much calmer and more cheerful tone, holding her hand out to Gabriel for a friendly handshake.

Elesa would be holding Suns hand and hiding a ways into one of the halls with him and Sime the Mottle Slime, feeling relieved when she felt Lilim calm down, feeling as though the worst of it was over. She'd start back for Lilim when she heard Lilim scream at Sade again, jumping and ducking back behind a corner. She'd hear Lilim mention a mess and growl at Sade to clean it up, giggling cutely as she thought about the mess being the last thing Sade got in trouble for and was actually allowed to leave without a scratch.

She'd peek around the corner shyly as she heard Lilim talking with someone else, "Oh, there it is." she whispers before deeming it safe to come out of hiding and letting go of Suns hand. She'd scurry over to Sun's sword and pull it out of the slush with some slight difficulty, the weight of it being something she wasn't used to, "Sun, I found your sword." she says with a smile as she half carries it back to him, dragging the tip of it on the ground thanks to its weight. She was also trying to handle it with one hand while holding Sime in her other arm. The child clearly had her hands full.
Sun Saturn (played by dana3400)

Sun smiled as he took the sword out of Elsa's hand's. He stared at the sword and start to remembering his past"Thank's Elsa. You know before this all happen, I used to be a traveler, It's was a fun time. Meeting new people, Learning about other towns and cities, and of course, discovering ancient ruins and tombs." Sun explained throwing his sword into the air turning it into a cape. Then Sun gently grabbed the crap out the air and put it on. " I love it, So did my friend. We went everywhere together. Only me and her, nobody else. "
The Corrupt Prince S (played by dana3400)

Sade was doing what Liliam ordered. Cleaning up the school but, Of course, Sade was using his magic and monsters to do the work for him. Sade didn't care if Liliam was a God, He didn't want to clean up any mess let alone his own."Crazy powerful woman, Thinking she's got me in her pawn. I'll show her soon " Sade mattered using his magic to clear the ice. As soon he did a tiny black snake appeared on the ground. Sade shrieked when he saw the snake. "SNAKE!" He cried spiriting over to Sun, Elsa, and Sim.
Gabriel Lupine (played by Raziel_Samael_Ray)

Lilim wrote:
Once Sade was gone, Lilim hovers up to the new boy and blinks as her burning red eyes change back to a calmer green, "Mmm... Now that the trouble student has been put in his place... Hi, I'm Lilim. You new here too? I'm not a student, but my little sister is." Lilim says in a much calmer and more cheerful tone, holding her hand out to Gabriel for a friendly handshake.

Gabriel watched as the other went to go do as he was ordered. He though it strange, but then again, school life would be much different then tribe life, or the life he was living with Anna and Abraham. Then something else caught the attention of his flame red eyes. The woman, Lilim, moving towards him. The small flame in his hands flickered out of existence as she introduced herself. He would take her hand, and give a friendly shake. "Gabriel Lupine, and yes, I am knew here." He replied, in speech far to refined for any other teen boy of his age. "I suppose he's the trouble of this school?"
Sun Saturn (played by dana3400)

Sun still talking to Elsa when Sade ran over and hid behind them. "Sade, what are you doing?" Sun asked the Prince as he cowered behind them. Sun was confused but when he turned around and saw the tiny snake all his question had been answered. " Oh, you're still scared of snakes. Sun smirked chuckling.
The Corrupt Prince S (played by dana3400)

Sade face turn red. He hated when Sun or anyone made fun of his fear. "It's not funny Sun! that thing is murderer waiting for its next victim!" Sade shouted flying up into the air just above Elsa. "And when are all sudden cheeky? I thought you couldn't say anyone without being nice."
Out of nowhere, a huge hand made of shadows would reach up around the snake. Then the next instant it was gone, snake and all. After a long moment of nothing happening at all, a tall boy with long white hair and red eyes suddenly popped into existence, holding the very same snake. His style of outfit suggested he was a prince, while his body suggested he was a fighter. The pointed ears and long furry golden tail said he was something far from human. In fact, this was Lupus Shadows, son of Cynder Shadows, and next in line to inherit the throne of God of Death. From his mother of course. He gave a warm, yet fanged smile.

"Poor creature, all he wanted to do was make friends."
Lilim (played anonymously)

Lilim nods slowly to Gabriel, "It appears so... When I got here he was attacking Elesa, so I had to put him in his place. He's lucky he got off with just a throbing cheek. That aside though, it's nice to meet you, Gabriel." she says with a calm smile toward him. Then shed hear Sade scream out about a snake and looked just in time to see him bolt and hide behind Sun and Elesa.

Elesa would gasp and squeek as Sade takes cover behind them, looking to him worriedly before looking to the snake, "What?... But that's just a little Garden Snake... Its ha-" she starts to say before being interupted by the shadows acting up and the man suddenly appearing out of nowhere. She'd duck behind Sun nervously, peeking around his shoulder at the new man, "Wh-who is that?..." she whispers shyly. It never failed, Elesa was just shy around new people, but she'd cling to Suns back a little, having already met and spoke to Sun before and thus having no reason to be afraid of him.

Lilim would look to this other newcomer and raise an eyebrow at his entrance. He had already spooked Elesa, but he hadn't got in her bad books just yet, cinsidering Elesa was a child and had a very timid nature when she first met anyone.
Sun Saturn (played by dana3400)

Sun eyes wined as he slowly back away. "I don't know" Sun whispered back Elsa. "But I think we should back away, I don't trust this guy. He looks strange." Sun glare over to Sade who curled up in a ball with a dagger in his hand. "Sade, do you know who that is?" Sun question. Sade just shooked his head still terrified but Sun couldn't tell whether he was scared of the snake or the man. Sun took a depth breath and grander the courage to ask the man himself about his origins. "So, Who are you?" Sun asked the man.
"My name is Lupus Shadows."

He said with a bow, releasing the snake at the same time. He would straighten up again, a smile plastered across his face. His eyes shifted from one person to the next. Only one of which he recognized, Gabriel. He waved to the werewolf before turning his attention to Sun and the others. He walked forward, holding a hand out towards sun for a friendly handshake.

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