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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Ralora, School Of Magics

Adi Izzla (played by Skykitty)

Lilim wrote:
Adi Izzla wrote:
((I have no one to talk to😢))

((Aww, Hun, if you want you can PM me and we can talk. <3

I don't mind keeping you company if you need someone to talk to. <3 ))

I would Also like that.
Sun Saturn (played by dana3400)

Sun smiled back at Elsea and give her a little wave as they headed off.Then he turned to Sade, he was crossing his arms.Cleary annoyed of Lilim. "Sade, I hate to tell you but you can't always get away with your little schemes." Sun said with a grin."Anyway, if you'll like to get away all the thing you did here. I suggested you catch the next train."
The Corrupt Prince S (played by dana3400)

Sade was frowning but his frowned turn into a smirk."Fine with me but you'll also have to face the consequences with me, After all, didn't you help me try to kidnap Elsea?" Sade replied grabbing Sun hand. "So, if you want to keep your legacy intact, I recommend you'll catch that train with me."
Sun Saturn (played by dana3400)

Sun was no longer grinning. He thought this would be his chance to get away form Sade for once. Yet like in the past Sade always had reason to keep Sun by his side. But Sun had an idea to get his freedom. "What about this, If you do something unexpected in front of the whole school. Then I'll ask the teachers to lessen your punishment or even make them get rid of the punishment. But you can't use magic or any of monsters to help you " Sun proposed freeing his hand form Sade.
The Corrupt Prince S (played by dana3400)

Sade was still smirking for he already had an idea of what he was going to do, the only problem was getting the whole school in one place. "Deal!" Sade shouted point to the sky before running off into the hall.
Raven (played anonymously)


Raven was standing outside of the school's gates, fidgeting with her hands as she often did when she got nervous. She had never been to a school like this before, let alone an actual school. She was always home schooled, but one thing led to another, and here she was, gawking at the sight of this enormous building. She would spend several minutes staring at the outside of the building before her eyes turned black and Crow, the second spirit inhabiting her body, began speaking to her. Her voice was able to be heard despite the fact it sounded as though it was coming out of a single vessel. None the less, anybody within ear shot of them would be able to hear the both of them speak, but only see one girl.

"Nervous, Raven?"

"You can say that again...I've never been to a public school before....Do you think it'll be alright??"

"I don't see why not. Besides, I'll be right here with you, so you don't gotta be worried!"

"Well...what should we do when we get inside??"

"Might be a good idea to start looking for our room."

"Alright then.."

She says, before taking a deep breath in and slowly letting it out to calm her nerves. She bends down enough to pick up her luggage, and walks to the front doors. She falters for another moment, before pushing the doors open and walking inside, only to see two individuals in the room. She stares at them for a moment, debating with herself whether she should go up and say hello. After a moment she shakes her head, deciding against it as she looks around for a map that will lead her to the dormitories.
Adi Izzla (played by Skykitty)

Adi headed to her dorm room. She got settled and saw no one at all. Just how she liked it. She started to unpack her stuff.
Sun Saturn (played by dana3400)

Sun watched as Sade bolted out into the hallway. He smirked to himself again, for he though Sade was nothing without his magic. Sun left the room with pride, then he saw a girl standing near the entrance to the school. She'd look lost and lonely. Sun decided to hi to her. "Hello, are you lost?" Sun asked with welcoming smile.
Raven (played anonymously)

(From what you posted, I thought your character liked to be alone..)

Raven and Crow were intensely focused on finding this map that they had convinced themselves existed. So focused in fact, that they hadn't been paying attention to their surroundings. So when someone walked up to them, it startled them and made them jump a bit. She would look at the guy standing in front of her, almost sizing him up. Crow would do the same from within Raven's body, and after some minutes of silence, Raven would speak up with a nod.

"U-Um...yeah...I can't find the dormitories..."

She says sheepishly as she tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. She also starts fidgeting with her hands, while Crow would be doing her best to help keep Raven calm from inside her mind. And it would be working for the most part, though she couldn't help but feel slightly anxious as she looked at him.
Lilim (played anonymously)

Lilim was still within earshot as Sade runs his mouth about Sun helping Sade with his plot to kidnap Elesa, and she freezes with her back turned, holding Elesa against her chest. Elesa hears Sade as well, and moves to peek over Lilim's shoulder at Sun, "Sun... Is that true?... Did you come to Mister Jack's room... To kidnap me?..." she asks in horror.

Lilim kneels and sets Elesa down gently, standing her up and slowly rizing and turning to face Sun.


"Yes... Sun... Do tell... Did you really try to kidnap Elesa on Sade's order?..." Lilim growls as her glare and her magic begin to intensify. Elesa would feel scared and backs away slowly, but her fear wasn't toward Lilim. She was looking at Sun. Lilims anger became obvious very quickly and her magic pressure could be felt all over the school. Sun would need to talk fast because Lilim looked ready to tear him apart already, and her anger was only getting worse by the second.
Raven (played anonymously)


"What the hell is going on..."

Crow's voice now finally heard out of the young girls body. Raven looks at sun warily before moving away from him, and rather moving to stand next to little Elesa. She watched as Lilim was turning on Sade with glowing red eyes, and could sense her magical power bolstering with anger. Raven would rub the back of her head anxiously, trying to figure out if she should step in and separate the two or not. Though given the fact she had just gotten there, maybe it was better if she stayed out of it. Though her attention turned to the frightened little girl, and she couldn't help but feel like she needed to step in for her sake. Though if what they were saying is true and the man that had confronted her tried kidnapping the little girl, it sounded like he needed the sense beat into him. Still though, she felt bad knowing that the little girl was scared and watching everything happen. Though it wasn't long after that an idea would strike her. She would look down and open the palm of her hand, and allow a flower to sprout out of it, a flower with many different colors. She would hold it in her palm and kneel down so she was eye level wit h Elesa, putting the flower in her hair before smiling at her.

"Hello there....I'm so sorry to trouble you, but I'm new and a bit lost. I'm looking for the dormitories, and I was wondering if maybe you could help guide me there? I don't know my way around here quite yet..."
Sun Saturn (played by dana3400)

"Lilim, Elsea, It's not what you think! rem-remember I--I am a prisoner of Sade. I don't want to kidnap Elsea but I was forced to an- and" Sun tried to explain his situation to Lilim but he was terrified of saying the wrong thing. He slowly stepped way form Liliam. "You got to understand! After all, wasn't your sister a slave once"
Lilim (played anonymously)

Elesa gasps as she sees the flower suddenly bloom in front of her, whincing slightly as she feels the girl put the flower in her hair. She looks to the girl and listens quietly, giving a gentle nod to the girl's question, "U-um... S-s-sure... J-just a moment first, ok?..." she says quietly. Raven had successfully destracted Elesa from feeling the fear for a second or two, but now she was more focused on Lilim.

Lilim was still glaring at Sun, though his words held enough truth to them to save himself from needing a body cast and a meal juicer, "Your right... Elesa did used to be a slave... That's one reason I'm so protective of her..." she growls before her magic pressure begins to calm, "I should black one of your eyes and go after Sade... But now that he's behaving, I guess I can hunt him down another time." she says before blinking and her eyes change back from red to green, then reaching and taking Sun's hand, "Come with us, Sun... You owe Elesa some security detail to make up for earlier plotting. Don't worry, I won't hurt you... Unless you pull something dumb. Sade on the other hand, is going to be getting a shiner next I see him. Rest assured of that." she says as she gives Suns hand a coaxing tug to get him to follow her.

Looking to Elesa and the new girl that was kneeling in front of her, "Elesa, could you show us to your room, please? Sun is volunteering his services as additional security to say he's sorry." Lilim says with a calm smile. Elesa smiles as well, seeing things calm down again, "Ok. The rooms are this way." She says as she points down one of the halls, adjusting Sim in her arms as she starts toward her room. She'd give everyone a moment to make sure everyone was ready and able to keep up with her.

Lilim looks to the new arrival with a calm smile, "Hello there. Need a hand with your bags? I'd be happy to help carry them if you want." she offers politely.
Raven (played anonymously)

Raven frowns as she watches Elesa flinch. She certainly didn't mean to startle the girl. She studies her expression a bit, noticing how scared she was, before she inevitably sighs and stands upright, resuming her standing position as she turns back to watch as the older girl advances on the man who had previously sought to help her. Crow was watching as well, and couldn't help but feel nervous as she urges Raven to move along from withing her mind. Raven would shake her head though, looking distracted as she talks to Crow internally. She the man flustered around trying to justify the kidnapping of a child, and she would just shake her head. Though it seemed to be enough for the woman, as he was now forcing the man to be security for the young girl. Raven raises an eyebrow as she thinks it through, shaking her head. Doesn't seem like a good idea to me to make her kidnapper her security guard... She thinks to herself. But she was new, and she certainly wasn't family, so she didn't really have any decision making authority on the matter.

However, with the matter resolved, she walks away back towards where she was previously standing, attempting to get all the bags she had left on the ground. When she felt the magic tension ease up, she would let out a sigh of relief as well, her body language relaxing as she felt the tension die down. It would have been really bad to end up in a brawl on the first day of school. Though when she sees the little girl almost immediately trusting of her kidnapper, she gets the feeling in the pit of her stomach that something might happen. She could be wrong though, so she shakes the feeling away. After all, the woman did say she was protective of the child, so everything should be ok...right? Seeing the girl try and walk towards the room though...She had only asked her to be a guide as a distraction and to try and get her away from all the drama. Now that it was calm, she had really wanted to look for the map or staff she was convinced existed. Though with no other options other than to end up lost, she was going to need the child's help. She sighs as she tries collecting the rest of her things, only to be approached by the woman with an offer. She raises an eyebrow at her, thinking it over for a moment before nodding her head.

"Sure...but only if you don't mind..."


"What?! I don't see the big deal!!"

She argues with the other spirit. To anybody who didn't know their situation, it would probably be confusing. People tend to think she's crazy talking to herself and throwing her voice for attention. Though such rumors usually didn't bother her as she grabbed two of her bags and nodded her thanks to the woman.
Sun Saturn (played by dana3400)

Sun just nob his head and followed Liliam without a word.Just like Sade, Sun would follow Liliam's orders. Of course, he would it more politely and won't try to escape. Then he turned his attention to Reaven who seem to be talking to her self. "Are you okay, ma'am ?" Sun asked slightly concerned.
Tiffany Keith (played by duckling_)

Tiffany would have been seen standing near the corridor of dorms, looking at the people passing her side, barely even noticing she was there.
She felt invisible again, like she way she was when she was away. Like the way she had been treated...
A shake of her head reassured her that it would be different now, no matter how long she'd been away or who she'd been away from.
She couldn't help but overhear somewhat of an argument, and peered around the corner, only to see a few familiar faces. She attempted to connect faces with voices and names.
Sun, Elesa, Sade, don't know who that is... Or who that is... Wait, why the hell can I hear an extra voice?!
The girls eyes widened as she realised an extra voice, seemingly coming from the new girl crouched next to Elesa.
She was slightly freaked out, but easily shook it off, as she remembered experiences like that before, including people, and herself at one time, suffering from MPD, multi personality disorder, and many people were mistaken as crazy because of it, again, including the girl herself.
She soon shook those thoughts away too as she listened in more, not wanting to seem rude by suddenly putting the attention of her by announcing she was back, but not wanting to pretend she hadn't heard or seem the others either.
This confliction gave the girl a splitting headache, which she was now prone to from recent out of school experiences.
She dropped her suitcase to slam her hands against her head, but the headache went away the moment the case hit the ground, making an echoy "CLASH" as the plastic impacted with the flooring.
That made her cringe.
She darted back around the corner and slid down the wall, grabbing the case and letting herself become somewhat panicked. Unintentionally of course, but another affect of recent events.
Adi Izzla (played by Skykitty)

Adi walked out of the dorm room. She hoped no one would see her but when she looks at people they see her. She looked and saw two girls walking by.
The Corrupt Prince S (played by dana3400)

Meanwhile, Sade was outside the school near the local zoo, he had been releasing animal form out of their cages. Even though he wasn't allowed to use magic for this deal, he still managed to get some of the animals under his control. He was planning to make a full-on circus at the school without anyone knowing. Of course, if this fails to please Sun then he will go with is a backup plan. "Okay animals, when the sunrises will head off to the school. But for now stay here while I put on my ringmaster costume" Sade announced pretending the animals could hear him. He quick dashed into a town(not far from the school) and started looking for a ringmaster costume.
Raven (played anonymously)

Raven adjust's her grip on her bag before turning to sun, giving him an uneasy stare. If he truly was a kidnapper, then she didn't trust him one bit. Neither did Crow for that matter. She would size him up for a moment, before realizing he was actually concerned. Her eyes widen and she nods at him, remaining quiet. Crow would remain quiet for the time being, but Raven would speak up to put his mind at ease, for the moment anyway.

"Huh? Oh, yes...I'm alright....thank you for asking though.."

She says, only to be interrupted from her thoughts with a loud crash. Her head snaps towards the hallway, and she stares at it for several minutes. She was debating whether or not to follow the noise, but in the end her and Crow both agreed to go investigate it. She picked up the bags in her hands and headed towards the noise, only to see a young girl sitting on the floor, back against the wall and holding her head in her hands. She gave the girl a worried look, before kneeling down in front of her, as both voices were able to be heard coming from the singular girl.

"Um, excuse me miss...are you alright??"

"Is there anything we can do to help you?? You look troubled..."
Adi Izzla (played by Skykitty)

Adi saw a girl crash to the floor. She shrugged it off since another girl was helping. That is until she ran into the girl with raven black hair helping the other chick. She fell to the floor with a thud.

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