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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Ralora, School Of Magics

Tiffany Keith (played by duckling_)

Tiffany cringed even more and held her head tighter as she heard someone come around the corner, letting her breath quicken even more,letting her be stuck in a sort of panic attack.
She screwed up her eyes as she heard a females voice, but she glanced up anyway, getting a quick look at her before lowering her head with a jolt and a vague nod.
"I-I'm alright..." She said quietly, gripping onto her own hair as she said so, wincing every time she took a breath.
When another female tripped over the stranger that was checking on her, Tiffany glanced up once again, a concerned expression on her face, and she let her body tense up, glancing around her.
She just wanted to grab her case and leave. She just wanted to find Rae and settle back in, not be included in this.
Not come off as weak, not come off as if she could barely even renter the damned school.
Yet, somehow, she'd been able to tie herself into a panic attack, simply whimpering now as she moved her hands onto her knees, still glancing all around her, the walls suddenly feeling like they were closing in, and her world was becoming smaller.
Sun Saturn (played by dana3400)

"Um, Hey, aren't you the girl that helped us fight Sade once?" Sun asked feeling a bit awkward. He didn't know how Tiffany felt right now. It was hard for Sun to stay on topic, he usually moved to a different topic at random."Because if you are, I don't think we been properly introduce. I'm Sun"
Adi Izzla (played by Skykitty)

Adi saw another girl and a boy near her. She quickly stood and ran off. She didn’t want anyone to know of her powers. She ran up a wall and sat on the ceiling. She loved being up there since no one could reach her or stay there like she could. It was her quiet time. Well sorta depends on the room and the number of people that are in it.
Lilim (played anonymously)

Elesa flinches as she hears the crash, and as the group takes off toward the noise, so does she. She peeks around the corner and sees Tiffany suffering from a panic attack, which she recognizes quickly, "Tiffany?!" She calls out as she brings herself beside her and places her hand on Tiffany's heart, "Tiffany, please try to calm down... It's me... Elesa... Try to calm down, ok?..." she says worriedly. She had experience with others that had panic attacks like this, and something she knew people that hyperventalated during panic attacks needed was a calm, friendly, familiar voice to focus on and some unique attention. Some needed hugs to calm down, some needed open space, and some special cases needed air from another source just to feel like they could breath. Elesa was worried for Tiffany now and wondered what kind of attention she would need to help with her panic attack.

Lilim's attention went to the girl that bolted and retreated to the ceiling to be away from the crowd. She hovered quietly over to the ground under this girl and looked up to her, "Helloooo up theeeeere." she says in a light tone, just enough for her voice to carry softly to the girls ears. If Adi looked, Lilim would offer her a soft smile and a friendly wave, keeping her distance so that Adi wouldn't feel threatened.

Only once her presence was made known would Lilim start to hover closer to Adi, keeping her movements slow so she wouldn't come off as threatening or having any intent to corner nor chase her. Lilim could tell this girl had her reasons for keeping herself isolated, but could feel something else about her too. A sensation she herself was all too familiar with. Loneliness. Lilim wanted to believe that this girl wanted a friend, but was shy when it came to making them. It almost appeared that no one else was able to join them, so Lilim could speak to Adi alone for a moment and get some answers, provided Adi wanted to talk at all.
Nathan (played anonymously)

Adi Izzla (played by Skykitty)

Adi ignored the girl that said hello to her. She didn’t want to look at her she just wanted to stay hidden. She walked over to a dark corner part of the ceiling and looked at everything going on underneath her.
Raven (played anonymously)

"Pardon me if I sound rude, but you don't look like you're alright..."

"But if you don't want our help-"

She says as she's interrupted by someone nearly body slamming into her. The force of it would have shoved her and would make her fall to the floor as she groans and rubs her side. She looks around to see another girl float up to the ceiling, but turns back to the woman having a panic attack, only to have the little girl from earlier run up and try to soothe her. She would stand up and watch as the girl seemed to have better experience helping those who had panic attacks, and backed away nervously. When everyone came running into the corridor to help her or talk to the woman on the ceiling, Raven just blinked before shaking her head and quickly headed back for the front doors, walking outside and letting out a long sigh. She holds her hand out in front of her and opens up a pocket portal, before throwing all her luggage inside and closing it. She looks around and finds a tree, walking up to it and climbing up it, lying down on the branch and watching the sun shine through the leaves.

"Why'd you leave?"

"There was a crowd....besides, the little girl seems to know how to help her, and I certainly wasn't helping....besides, they all seem to get along well enough already, for the most part..."

"You're just nervous..."

"Wouldn't you be!? *sigh* Why would Her Ladyship insist that this was a good thing for us...."
Lilim (played anonymously)

Lilim's jaw drops in surprise as Adi moves away without even looking at her, "Rude..." she whispers before shaking her head. It was getting close to morning so Lilim would have to head outside anyway. There she saw the girl that had previously been talking to Elesa climbing a tree and making herself comfortable on a branch. Hovering up to her, "Um... Excuse me, could I sit with you?... Or would you prefer I just leave you be?" she asks politely, blinking as she was able to get a better look at the girl now, "R-Raven?!" she gasps in surprise, "Mother Above, why couldn't I recognize you sooner?!" she says excitedly, rushing close and tackle hugging Raven, knocking her off the branch but spinning under her so she was instead resting on Lilims chest while she hovered on her back, "It's so good to see you again, Raven. I've missed you so much." she says as she hugs Raven tightly.
Raven (played anonymously)

Raven would hold her hand out in front of her, watching as the light through the leaves also reflected through the gaps in her fingers now. The light of sunrise was truly something remarkable to witness, and she couldn't help but watch almost completely relaxed now. Though when a voice asked her to sit with her, she barely had a chance to respond before she heard her name and was tackled out of the tree. She let out a small scream as they were flipped so she was ontop of the person's hovering body. Raven would shake her head and sit up, moving her hair out of her face before looking down, her eyes widening.


She exclaims, allowing Lilim to hug her tightly. She would hug Lilim back as she adjusted the both of them so they were in a sitting position, rather than have Raven's body weight resting ontop of Lilim. After several moment's of hugging, she would let go and smile brightly at Lilim.

"I didn't know you were a student here! I can't believe I didn't recognize Elesa!"
Tiffany Keith (played by duckling_)

Tiffany kept holding her knees as she heard a familiar voice speak to her. She simply started rocking back and forth, caught up in a new world she had implanted in her head, making her space out, her eyes unfocused and blurry.
Her breath kept quickening as she was stuck in her head, still rocking back and forth as her her hands gripped onto her knees.
She let a few more whimpers escape her limp lips and she finally snapped back, still caught in her panic attack though.
She let her head jolt from side to side, more panicked by the surrounding people, making her arms stuck out in front of her before she snatched them back, sighing shakily as her breath quickened even more, almost feeling like she couldn't breathe. She hated the feeling, and her head was pounding as she hit it against the back wall, disappointed in herself for letting herself get caught in this situation.
She let a few lore signs escape her lips, started to psychically shake as she stared at the floor, her arms now wrapped around her legs instead of gripping onto them.
She sat her chin on her kneecaps and rubbed her legs up and down, still violently shaking and breathing quickly.
Sun Saturn (played by dana3400)

Sun was very confused about the situation they were in and was starting to feel more awkward as Tifanny's panic attack got worse. He decided that he should take a step outside for a bit, After all, it seemed like he wasn't need at the moment. So he quick sipped outside and lay on the ground.
Adi Izzla (played by Skykitty)

Adi felt bad for the girl having a panic attack but knew to give her some space. She decided to come out of hiding to give her the space she needed. Obviously no one else knew to give her space well the raven haired chick didn’t seem to know. She walked over and moved the raven haired chick back.”She needs some space so back up a bit.” She said moving the chick back.
Adi Izzla (played by Skykitty)

Adi felt bad for the chick. Seeing as there wasn’t any one else near her except for the chick trying to snap her out of it. She looked and saw a few people still down there. She kept her hiding spot not wanting any one to try to piss her off. When that happens people die.
Lilim (played anonymously)

Elesa reaches and tries to take one of Tiffany's hands, but finds her far too paniced to catch. She'd scoot back for a second and set Sim on the floor, "Sorry, Sim... Just stay close ok?" she whispers to him before moving closer to Tiffany again, drawing one of her charms and aiming it at Tiffany's chest, "Seal of Wind... Aero generate..." she says as she makes the charm cast a glow onto Tiffany's chest, giving her a fresh, deep breath of air that constantly got restored and provided a constant supply of air for her.

The air would act to help Tiffany breath while Elesa risked herself and leaned in close to hug her, hoping that a bit of fresh air and a warm hug would do some good, or at least calm her down a bit, "Please calm down, Tiffany... You're safe..." she whispers calmly. The child was doing all she knew to do for this situation, and she could only hope it was enough.

Lilim moves back to the tree branch with Raven so that they could sit together more comfortably than laying in the air, "Oh, I'm not a student here... At least not now. Elesa is supposed to be though. I thought it would be a good idea to let her study magic in a more stable environment, but come to find out this place is less stable than I had hoped... And there are a few too many happenings for my own comfort. And I have a lot of reason to worry for Elesa's safety in this place more than anywhere else we've been. And... I won't be able to do anything until evening now..." she says as she looks toward the rising sun.

After a moment she looks back to Raven, "Say... You wouldn't be willing to look after Elesa while I'm out of commission, would you?" she asks curiously.
Adi Izzla (played by Skykitty)

Adi saw people outside by a tree. She walked along the ceiling and out the door. She walked on the walls outside the building and walked down on the ground. She went to the top of the tree and stayed there.
Raven (played anonymously)

Raven would stand up and grab hold of the tree's branches, slowly climbing up the tree to resume sitting at the branch. When she got there she would make herself comfortable and lie back the way she was, placing her feet on Lilim's lap with a smile as she listened to what Lilim said. Though her smile would almost quickly disappear as she continued talking about the academy. She nodded in agreement to her idea of enrolling Elesa in the academy, but the mention of this academy being more than she bargained for would have Raven and Crows stomach in a knot. Raven's eyes would turn black as both their voices could be heard again.


"I knew public school wasn't a good idea..."

"Her Ladyship said it might be a good idea for us to better learn to control our powers..."

"Yeah, but that won't do us much good if we wind up getting hurt..."

The two of them say to one another, before blinking and staring at Lilim. Their eyes would widen as they go quiet, talking amongst themselves within their mind, staring blankly past Lilim for a few minutes. When they were done, Raven would shake her head almost violently before nodding at Lilim with a grin.

"Sure, we can watch Elesa while you're asleep. Right Crow?"


"At least sound a little excited Crow..."
Adi Izzla (played by Skykitty)

Adi noticed Raven climbing the same tree she was climbing. She was trying to climb the few other branches above. She slipped and fell back out of the tree.
Lilim (played anonymously)

Lilim frowned as she thrust her hand out and caught Adi by the ankle, haulting her from falling all the way out of the tree, "Might want to watch that first step little miss clumsy. If you can't fly, the first step off a high place is a doosey." she says jokingly before borrowing some energy from the tree and asking it to grasp Adi around the waist and lower her safely back to the ground and stand her on her own two feet, letting her go and returning itself to normal.

(Waiting on Tiffany to reply for Elesa. Also, Dana3400, are you gonna play Sim anymore?)
Adi Izzla (played by Skykitty)

Adi now on her own two feet looked at the chick about to suck her soul. She calmed down a bit and walked on the tree. Why climb it when you have powers like hers. She got to the branch the girl was.”I wouldn’t mess with me if I were you.” She said as her eyes changed to a pitch black with white souls in them.
The Corrupt Prince S (played by dana3400)

(Don't worry am still playing as Sim, I just been a bit busty) Sim stood still and watched the others try to help Tiffany. He decided that he should also help. He dashed over to Tiffany and jumped into her arms. "Yes, you're safe. There's no need to afraid, we'll help you any way we can!" Sim beamed.

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