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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Ralora, School Of Magics

Lilim (played anonymously)

Lilim turns to Adi again and meets her glare of black eyes with white pupils with a glare of her own in which her eyes shined neon red and her magic pressure seemed to be forcing Adi to back off, "If I were you, I'd start feeling for power levels before I threatened someone. And I'm gonna tell you right now, brat, I'm one being you best think twice about threatening unless you intend to follow through. You're welcome for saving you from breaking your neck falling out of the tree, now either apologize and introduce yourself... Or scram." she growls intimidatingly. Lilim felt no fear toward this girl and was really not a fan of people getting in her face and making threats. Adi had all but ****ed up at this point, and the way Lilim was whipping her tail around should be enough of a tell tale sign that her patience was wearing very thin.

Raven (played anonymously)

Raven and Crow both watch as Adi falls out of the tree, only to be grabbed onto by the ankle by Lilim, before being set on the ground. However this kind attempt at making sure she didn't hurt herself was met with threats. Raven was already turned off by Adi. If this was the way she treated people who saved her, she didn't want anything to do with her. Raven's eyes glow black as she glares at Adi, a dark energy radiating off her that would warn Adi that she wasn't one to be trifled with. She speaks to Adi in a sarcastic and annoyed tone.

" and glowing eyes! Soooooooo scary! Listen little girl, your eyes aren't the only one that change, and your not the only being here that can use magic. So if your going to be rude, then go away. We aren't going to deal with threats. Especially not from scared children who think they can barge into someone else's space only to threaten them after they HELPED SAVE YOUR SKIN!"

"Raven, you need to calm down!"

Crow says to Raven as her aura starts bolstering. Raven takes several deep breaths to calm herself down, before her eyes go back to normal. She gives one more glare to Adi before taking Lilim by the hand and jumping down from the tree, walking Lilim inside leaving Adi alone.
Lilim (played anonymously)

Lilim catches Raven as she tries to jump out of the tree, pulling her right back up and sitting Raven in her lap, "Nuh uh. We were in this tree first, and I'm listening to my mother's concert. This rude piece of work can find somewhere else to go until my mother stops singing the Lilium for the day. She can have the tree after that, but not until." Lilim says in an annoyed tone.
Adi Izzla (played by Skykitty)

Adi sighed and gave up. talk to them one of the souls told her.”My apologies. Im sorry but I loose my temper easily. My name is Adi Izzla.” She said jumping to another branch.
Kaitlyn (played anonymously)

*may I join this rp?*
Adi Izzla (played by Skykitty)

Come join in please do Kaitlyn.
The Corrupt Prince S (played by dana3400)

(Yes do join us]
Tiffany Keith (played by duckling_)

((Sorry guys, been extremely occupied and I've barely been online. I'll be pretty inactive, but I'll try to respond as much as possible.))

Tiffany squealed as something launched itself into her lap, and she started squirming, only to feel Elesa's arms wrap around her in a hug, finally feeling the affect of her charm. She took a few deep breaths, slightly confused to the limitless breath she had, and she took a few moments to comprehend the situation, eventually awkwardly hugging Elesa back as she'd grown quite awkward with social interactions. Once the hug was over, she screwed up her face and sighed with frustration, sharply hitting her head against the wall she was leaning against. "so... So... Stupid..." She muttered to herself as she kept hitting her head against the wall. She muttered something in a different language before opening her eyes and staring at Elesa before looking to Sim.
"I'm incredibly sorry to have cause some panic, if there was any... I don't know what happened, I was suddenly overcome with panic and everything became blurry," she explained quietly, sighing again before biting her lip so hard that she drew blood. She quickly licked her lip and furrowed her eyebrows, gathering her thoughts.
She suddenly chimed in with, "Has anyone had any contact with Rae since I was gone?"
Rae (played by Saturngoesferal)

A quiet creak could be heard in the girl’s dormitory as the door to a shared room opened. A gentle ‘pit pat’ could be hard as the sleepy witch stepped out of her sleeping chamber. She hasn’t bothered to change or even take care of her hygiene for she was too worried about where Tiff had went.

“Huff. This place is so pink and lacks so much … nature. It’s so factory and magic made. I don’t even see a single real plant in here! No no, don’t distract yourself Rae, you have to find Tiffany.” The brown haired girl got distracted until she got back on track with her thoughts. “Why did she leave without walking me up? How did she do that? Was I that tired?!” Her low, feminine voice questioned.
Adi Izzla (played by Skykitty)

Adi stared at Lilim. She didn’t know what the girls problem was but she needed to stop her actions. Adi didn’t know why she had to be there in the first place.”Fine.” She said hopping down the tree. She walked back in to see a girl freaking out over no plants. She walked up to the girl and waved.”You do know that there are trees over there. Right?” She asked her.
The Corrupt Prince S (played by dana3400)

Sade finally returned to the zoo with his ringmaster outfit on. To see that all of the animals were gone. "OH COME ON!" Sade shouted. He took a deep breath and started heading back to school. When he arrived back at the school he saw Sun laying down on the ground. Curious, Sade walked over to him "Why are you outside?"
Sun Saturn (played by dana3400)

Sun didn't answer Sade's question indent he asked; "Why are you wearing a ringmaster outfit?" Sade just rolled his eyes then sat next Sun. "Let me guess you tried to break out animal's form the zoo but got caught or broke into a wildlife center."
Sade once again didn't answer, he just stare up into the sky.
Rae (played by Saturngoesferal)

A thud could be heard as the witch fell over from surprise thanks to the sudden voice. A bright turquoise eye soon laid itself upon the girl.

“GAH!” The witch screamed, very obviously startled. “S-S-s-so-Sorry! B-but what?!” The girl managed to stutter out as we put a hand to her chest to calm her rapidly beating chest.
Adi Izzla (played by Skykitty)

Adi sighed. She didn’t get startled by the sudden scream.”I said... there are trees over there.” She said pointing to the door she came in.
Lilim (played anonymously)

Lilim's 'problem' was that her own flesh and blood mother was trying to use Song Magic to turn everyone in the world into zombies that sang a monotone choir to her song... And Lilim was the only one that could hear the concert as was her choice. Every morning at sunrise and every evening at sunset, every time there was a time of twilight, Goddess Lilith would continue to try. And as long as Lilim was outdoors at those times, the world was safe from that tyrantess's decent from the skies.

But no one even knew... No one knew that they were one mistake away from a world wide apocalypse... And that Lilim was the only one preventing it. All because Lilim was using her Siphon Magic to block Lilith's Song Magic, and only a select few even knew about this burden she bared. No one offered their gratitude to Lilim, and the song in question was depressing, so yes, Lilim was always ill-tempered during times when the sky was lit up by Twilight.

Back inside the school, Elesa was relieved to hear that Tiffany was alright again. She'd only manage to hit her head on the wall once though, as Elesa jumped and moved to craddle Tiffany's head with her hands, "Tiffany stop!... You're just going to hurt yourself if you do that!... OUCH!!" she shouts as Tiffany mashes her fingers between her head and the wall. Elesa's hands would be shaking in pain and Elesa was noticably showing signs of starting to cry.

Sure enough as Tiffany drew blood from her lip, Elesa's deep blue eyes would well up with tears and she'd let out a pitiful but deafeningly loud scream, holding her hands close to her chest as she sunk to the floor and started to cry heavily. The child was so tired from lack of sleep, and all she was trying to do was help, only to wind up getting hurt by the person she was trying to help. She'd scream like a banshee again and again as she finally loses herself to her bottled up, high ridden emotions and lets her basic instincts take over. Surely getting someones attention if not everyones.

Lilim was one of the first to hear Elesa's screaming. Lilith's Concert had just ended, and now Lilim was free. She moves Raven off of her lap and bolts back toward the school like a bullet that had just been fired from a gun. She doesn't even bother with the doors and just slams through the wall like a wrecking ball. Elesa was bawling like a baby and Lilim was on a warpath because of it, "ELESA!!!" Lilim calls out like she was about to kill whoever had made Elesa cry.
Tiffany Keith (played by duckling_)

The girls head snapped up and her eyes locked onto the younger female as she started squealing, and tears started pouring down her face.
She muttered a curse word under her breath and she crawled towards the distressed girl, a sympathetic look in her face as she outstretched a hand.
"Elesa, I'm so sorry! I didn't see your hands there, oh god, I'm so sorry, I'm so stupid..."
She quickly snatched her hand away from the girl, realising that it was her who caused Elesa the harm in the first place, and she didn't want to muck anything else up.
She backed up against the wall once more, her hands pressed over her mouth and she screwed her eyes shut, only to let them snap open again once the younger girls name was screamed.
She cursed again and shoved her back against the wall, letting a gasp escape her pursed lips hidden behind her white knuckled hands.
She screwed her eyes shut again and started counting almost inaudibly.
Rae (played by Saturngoesferal)

The scream caught the witches attention as she disregarded the other girl’s comment about there being tree out a door when the only doors from the dorms led to other rooms. Soon quick footsteps could be heard as the witch dashed out of dorm towards the scream to come upon the sight of smal Elesa, and a girl she’s never seen before.

“Elesa!” Rae squeaked as she quickly knelt beside the crying girl. “Wait wait wait.” She repeated before looking up to the unknown girl. “First, Elesa probably hasn’t slept and not to long ago was this huge fight so she’s probably tired, second her fingers are bright red. So something caused her fingers to either be smashed, or hit. Let’s calm her down first, and you so you don’t murder anyone.” Rae spoke in a soft tone as she gently moved the crying Elesa’s head into her lap.
Sun Saturn (played by dana3400)

Sun also heard the screamed. He grabbed Sade then immediately bolted inside the School. "Elsa, are you okay?" Sun asked running over to Elsa. "What happened? did this girl hurt you?"
The Corrupt Prince S (played by dana3400)

Sim was still in Tiffany's arms. He watched the humans comfort Elsa and ask her questions. Sim was confused weren't there where all get along just a minute ago? The slime didn't know that humans needed rest or sleep, after all, he was born as a monster as far he knew and only meet a few human beings.

Sade stood still as everyone talked. He was getting sleepy and bored. After all, his plans for a circus failed. And he didn't have a plan B underway.So out of plain boredom, he asked off-topic; "When is class going to start? We've been here for what; three days? And none of us been to a single class?!"
Lilim (played anonymously)

Elesa looked up as everyone gathered around, sniffling as she felt Rae moving her head into her lap. She was still shaking and tired, her hands sore and her feelings hurt. Rae hit the nail on the head with her diagnosis, but Lilim was not impressed, "I don't think you understand... I'm Elesa's older sister, and I'm upset because Elesa is hurt! You wanna stop me from going on a rampage, then tell me you use some type of Plant or Water Magic, and heal Elesa!! I'll calm down when my sister stops crying, and not before!" Lilim says as she hovers closer and slowly increases her magic pressure on the group.

Elesa sniffles and pulls herself slowly to her feet, moving between the group and Lilim and holding up her hands, "Stop, Big Sis... Tiffany didn't mean to mash my hands... It was my fault... I put my hands behind her head... To stop her from hitting her head against the wall..." she explains with tears still running down her cheeks.

Lilim eases up on her magic pressure and focuses on Elesa, her eyes turning back from red to green with a blink and she lowers herself to Elesa's level reaching to pet Elesa's head and coax her closer into a protective embrace, "Oh, Elesa... Your heart is made of more pure gold than Mitus' last meal. Everything will be alright now... C'mon, let's get your hands healed up and get you to bed. So much has happened, I bet you'll sleep the day away." Lilim says in a much calmer tone, picking Elesa up to hold her close.

The others had a chance to look Lilim over now, and without a furious glare, Lilim looked almost totally harmless. Elesa turns gently and looks to Rae, "M-Miss Rae?... Please?..." Elesa asks softly, holding out her hands as though asking Rae to be the one to heal her fingers.

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