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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Ralora, School Of Magics

Oh my god you guys I'm so sorry!!! I've been so busy with work and school and the kids and I haven't been able to do this. But I think I'm gonna be around again.

Jack didn't know what was wrong with him. He couldn't move a muscle. He heard and saw everything around him, but he couldn't do anything about it. It made him feel so powerless and small

After what appeared as days he suddenly slammed himself into a wall, breaking the wall and fracturing his arm. He got up, hungry, tired, dehydrated, and healed himself. He didn't know where Elesa was, and that scared him the most. After he healed, he started sprinting around the school looking for her, not noticing his surroundings

He couldn't find her, he started panicking. This had only happened once before, with his brother. His brother almost died, and jack wanted to die. Tears streamed down his face. He fell down into a disgusting pile of a four million year old elf crying like a damn baby. He got up, but was thrown by something. He hit his head on metal and passed out.

Again guys I'm so sorry I've been gone. I promise that's not going to happen again. Also, please excuse the terrible explanation of why jack didn't respond, I'm just not good with that stuff. I'll see you in this soon, Elesa
Rae (played by Saturngoesferal)

Once Tiffany’s name was said the witch had to deny her muscles to movement of running. But soon a small, warm smile wiggled onto her lips as she nodded. Her eye closed as a sunkissed hand reached out and gently grazed the red fingers of Elesa, causing little flowers to land upon them. After a few seconds the hand went down and her eye opened.

“It’ll take a few minutes for then to fully heal, my magic isn’t at full from the past two days yet, so I did my best.” Rae explained before looking off into the distance. “Now to find Tiff …” She whispered before running off, shouting, “Tiffany!”
Tiffany Keith (played by duckling_)

Tiffany hadn't acknowledged what was going on, as she still had her pale eyes screwed up, and her inaudible counting was still going on.
She had just reached 195 when she heard a faint voice call her name.
Little did Rae know that the girl was still against the wall near everything that was going on.
Her hearing suddenly blacked out when she opened her eyes, as she felt quite dizzy.
She knew that voice, she knew that voice. But, she didn't want to know that voice.
The girl shook her head vigorously and bit her shaking lip, drawing blood again.

Her head was full of too many thoughts, as she wasn't meant to think that much.
She scratched at her covered arms, and pulled at the sleeves of her coat.
She started whimpering quietly as she shook her head again.
"No, no, no... Go away... Stop torturing me with that... that voice...."
Lilim (played anonymously)

Lilim watched as Rae started to heal Elesa's hands, but noticed that her magic wasn't very powerful at the moment. Lilim slips her hand near Rae's and uses her Siphon Magic to amplify Rae's powers, helping her to heal Elesa's hands in a matter of seconds as compared to her original timeframe of minutes.

When Rae started to leave, Elesa would speak up, "Miss Rae! Wait! Tiffany is... Tiffany's right here!" she calls out before trying to wiggle free, then noticing that Tiffany was acting distressed again, "Big Sis... She's doing it again..." she says as she struggles harder to get free of Lilim so she could get to Tiffany and for that matter save Sim from Tiffany and her struggling.

Lilim lets Elesa free and is hot on Elesa's heals, almost literally riding her like a backpack and giving the child just enough time to rescue Sim from being crushed between Tiffany's chest and legs before Lilim hauled Tiffany to her feet by the front of her shirt, "Hey Tiffany... You wanna panic about something? How's this?!" Lilim growls before drawing her other hand back and slamming her fingers into the wall next to her head. Her goal was simply to hault Tiffany's train of thought with a slight jumpscare, not to actually hurt her.

Provided that worked, Lilims expression would soften greatly and she'd lean into Tiffany for a sudden hug, "Listen, Hun... You're scaring Elesa... Stop freaking out... And focus on the sound of your breathing. Slow, deep breath in... Slow breath out... Calm down..." Lilim whispers as she waits for Rae to hear Elesa and return, hovering back from her and letting Rae close to Tiffany in her place, "She's all yours, Hun. And sorry about the threats and everything... For what it's worth, I'm just really protective of Elesa... But... I'm sorry anyway..." she says calmly, trying to make her apologies sound legitimate.

Elesa would watch this and sniffle one last time before smiling softly, cuddling Sim close to her chest again.
Rae (played by Saturngoesferal)

Rae does hear Elesa, but she decides to slowly return, as to not frighten Tiffany. Once Lilim had moved away from her Rae quickly, but gently took her place. Peachy arms snaked their way around the panicked witch as dark, chocolate hair bounced from the forward movement of a head resting itself on a shoulder.

“I’m sorry for anything that happened … even if I didn’t do it, I’m sorry.” She whispered warmly. Flowers started to grow on the ground around them, not ordinary flowers, these ones seemed to glow and shimmer. Some even changed color. A soft voice could be heard as Rae started to sing a lullaby, a flower lullaby.

The Corrupt Prince S (played by dana3400)

After not getting an answer. Sade left the room and started to roamed the school. After walking for a decent hour, he found Jack's unconscious body on the floor. "Oh, it that guy that took care of Elsa" Sade said to himself. He suddenly snapped his fingers, making Jack's body fly. "Well, you should go your little friend. She has been wondering where you been. Which is kinda cute but be careful her sister is here and you don't what to mess with her."
Jack could hear a man's voice. There was no doubt it was Sade. But this time it didn't sound completely evil or anything. Suddenly he was flung into the air, his body feeling all jelly. He hated levitation magic, anything that had to do with being thrown around by someone else's actions scare him.

He sat there floating (sorry, in not sure if it sent me anywhere
Tiffany Keith (played by duckling_)

The moment the girl was touched, her eyes focused and her hearing returned, just in time to hear a loud slam next to her head, jumping with shock while letting out a small shriek.
She stared at the stranger for a while before they leant towards her, whispering to her.
Her face quickly turned to horror as the stranger spoke and she closed her eyes, a wave of shame crossing her face. She slowly nodded as the girl let go and Rae was almost instantly in her place.
The pale girl stared at the witch, shame still spread across her face.
It took a moment or two, but once the witch's head was on her shoulder and she heard her sing quietly, she leant her own head against Rae's and wrapped her arms around her waist.
"Don't be sorry, it's my fault for letting it all happen," she whispered with a weak voice in return. She wasn't only referring to the events out of school, but also the ones that had just happened.
Adi Izzla (played by Skykitty)

Adi sighed. People thought she did that? She didn’t. She isn’t that much of a monster she knelt down and grabbed the girls hand and rubbed it soothingly. She looked at her in the eyes calmingly.
The Corrupt Prince S (played by dana3400)

"Anyhow, there no use talking to you unconscious. So, I just going to use my amazing magic to snap you wake." Sade explained. He immediately flew up to Jack level and pet his hair causing him to snap wake. "There now, we can have a proper conversation."
Sun Saturn (played by dana3400)

Sun was still with the others. He tried his best to comfort Elsa and help her the best he can. "We should get Elsa to her dorm, Let her rest for a while." Sun suggested looking over to Lilim for her approval. "Liliam, what do you think?"
Jack opened his eyes to see Sade next to him, petting his hair. "Dude, what the heck was that?" He said, listening to what he said

"Um, okay, what is there to talk about? What have I missed? Why aren't you trying to kill me anymore?" Jack asked, scanning the room and the man next to him. "Also, could you put me down? I could do it myself, but you know, it'd be a waste of energy and it might hurt
Adi Izzla (played by Skykitty)

Adi looked at the girl.”If you’re feeling weak I could help you. So are you feeling weak?” She asked.
The Corrupt Prince S (played by dana3400)

"Frist, No, am not putting you down. Second, all you missed is a fight and someone having a panic attack. Third, the reason am not trying to kill you right now is because I do want I what." Sade explained start to circle Jack. "It's quite simple really, Now, let me ask you a question. Why do you care about Elsea?"
"Why would i not care about Elesa? Look, I'll put it to you simple because that's pretty much all your mind can process, I assume, she's like my sister. That good enough for you?" He asked, warping down to the floor
The Corrupt Prince S (played by dana3400)

"Oh, so this little girl you meet only a few days ago is like a sister to you? That's cute, really it's but you need to understand that trust takes time to deploy. Even the kindness person could stab you in the back at any time. Trust me it happens to everyone at one point. " Sade said crossing his arms. "Even your own family could leave to rot if they felt like it."
Rae (played by Saturngoesferal)

Rae wrapped her arms around the girl tighter, but not tight enough to harm her. The glow of the flowers seemed to increase, some new ones started to grow, a few floated into the air, landing upon the ones around. A few sparkly ones gathered and created a small flower crown, which gently floated onto Elesa’s head.

“I have an idea. Why don’t we go find something to eat, and just relax. I mean classes don’t start till next week. Plus, you need the rest, my dear watery friend.” Rae spoke gently as a few more flowers rose and created a flower crown for Lilim, a matching one with Elesa. Soon more and more rose, but these ones were roses that created a very beautiful flower crown that shaped itself to Tiffany’s head.
"Look dude, I know trust is complicated. I know a lot about betrayal and all the sorts. I've been abandoned before. But why do you need to know this? And what evidence have you given me as to why I should trust you? So far you've attacked me and my friends, ripped apart the school, tried to kill sun, and even suspended me midair and refused to let me down. Sorry dude, I'm out of here." He said, starting to walk away

Every bad thing that's ever happened to him made him stronger, every hardship was a lesson he had to learn. It wasn't fun, but it was necessary. Jack had so much more power than he'd let on so far. He just didn't like to harm people, and he's very discreet
The Corrupt Prince S (played by dana3400)

"Look I know you have no reason to trust me, I get it. But I know where your little friend is and if you ever what to see her again I suggest you follow me" Sade offered flying over to Jack "Or you can roam the school forever until you die"
Sade now had a plan if Jack said yes to his offer Sade would take him to Elsea but if Jack said no, Sade would kill him and turn his soul into a monster. Either way, Sade would get to do something unexpected that could change everyone view of him
Jack looked back at the man, knowing very well he'd be killed if he didn't comply. "I guess I have no choice." He said. Jack wasn't entirely sure why he was even listening to this, if he was killed he'd just come back, swamp elves don't stay dead for long. "Where is she?" He asked, silently putting wards and protection spells on himself

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