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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Ralora, School Of Magics

Whitney (played by Otaku-Friend) Topic Starter

Whitney nods, then they turn to face smoky, "is he gonna follow us, or does he do his own things usually" they ask Nate as the poke Smoky.
Sun Saturn (played by dana3400)

"Henry...Wait something wrong here..." Said Sun grabbing Henry to the side.
Henry (played by starsta)

"What?" Henry asked, turning to face Sun.
Rae (played by Saturngoesferal)

Rae jumped. "T-Tiff. I-I think that was the janitor." She stuttered, after hearing the shout she was shaking and it was obvious she was terrified. "J-Just put the paint down and lets run." She did hand gestures for Tiff to put down the paint brush and leave the bucket.
Nate (played by LillyBlack79)

" Well Smoky wonders when ever he wants and does what ever he wants really. And most the time He likes to bother or pull pranks on people so yeah heh" he said then pushed smoky " Alright quit poking me before I make you regret it." The hand put a thumbs up and ran off to a different hall with it's two fingers... Nate sighed in relief.
Jack Greenflame wrote:
"I suppose someone would, I personally don't though. Maybe we could get some help from a technomancer? That device looks like a wand, so maybe that could help?" Jack said, weighing the options.

"I don't think many people here would know how since we're from two different times, and a lot of people including me aren't from this world. I'm not even from this dimension. I know there's some temporal mages in this dimension, but I haven't been here long enough to even know my way around the school. We could ask around, I've only met one person but if we have no other way, we could go to the headmaster." Jack said, planning out different ways and coming to different endings of those plans

"Well I'm not in a rush though. Beside the Red Falcons is powerless without this device and Im sure my comrades are fighting to claim back the Mana Mine. Maybe I would hang out here for awhile because all those duty giving me a headache. I only have 2 days off work and those off are my time to take care of my ill sister."

"Well its a little late...maybe I would set a camp here somewhere. Like they said "A good sleep keeps the stresses away."
"Okay. You do need to rest, but, you know, we do have dorms so you could sleep in an actual bed. You could sleep in one of those." Jack said, and then he took a couple steps back.

"There's something I have to get from my mother though." Jack said, turning around. Jack moved his hands, and a portal started forming. "The dorms are that way if you're gonna stay in one," jack said, pointing in a direction. "I'll be back in a bit." Jack said, jumping through the portal.
Jack Greenflame wrote:
"Okay. You do need to rest, but, you know, we do have dorms so you could sleep in an actual bed. You could sleep in one of those." Jack said, and then he took a couple steps back.

"There's something I have to get from my mother though." Jack said, turning around. Jack moved his hands, and a portal started forming. "The dorms are that way if you're gonna stay in one," jack said, pointing in a direction. "I'll be back in a bit." Jack said, jumping through the portal.

MArcus entered the portal, "Hey kid...I hope I could pay you back someday." He found a bed and lay down comfortably that he close his eyes started to sleep while snoring really loud.

His snore can be heard along the dorm hallway.
Tiffany Keith (played by duckling_)

Tiffany sighed as she looked at Rae. She thought about simply staying but then noticed Rae shaking. She quickly shoved her paintbrush into the bucket and grabbed Rae's hand. "I would usually stay, but for you we can run." She whispered before dragging her to the door. She peeked out, looking out for the Janitor.
Sun Saturn (played by dana3400)

"Have you ever seen a horror movie,with a green glowing ghost? well this is the plot for this movie. Two boys go into the girl's bathroom while it's glowing" explain Sun pointing at bathroom.
Henry (played by starsta)

"Ghosts aren't real," Henry laughed, opening the door to the girl's bathroom with ease. On the other side of the door, he saw a ghost.
Sun Saturn (played by dana3400)

Sun slowly grabbed Henry army then ran into a nearby dorm. "Nope!Nope!" he yelled.
Henry (played by starsta)

Henry watched from the dorm as the ghost seemingly vanished "It could be a magic hologram but why would someone project a hologram in a bathroom this late?"
Sun Saturn (played by dana3400)

"Henry, to be honest I don't know. let's just find Sade." Replied Sun running out of the dorm.
Lilim (played anonymously)

(Hello. Noone got back to me and talked to me about the RP, but I've read up on most of the entrees and would still like to join if I can. If you're curious about the character I'm using, please look at my page, it's got all the info and explains everything!)

Elesa was new to the school, and probably moreso than the rest at this point, but she knew it was a school for magic and her sister had reluctantly dropped her off with instructions on getting started. By the time she made her way to the school there was no telling what time it was, but she had her instructions to get her bearings within the school walls and find somewhere to rest. She'd timidly walk up to the door and barely open it to scoot inside, looking around in hopes that she wasn't bothering anyone. The girl was clearly small compared to the massive entrée hall, a petite 3 foot 9 inches all alone and keeping her arms held timidly close to her chest. She'd look around until she found a map and located the girls dorms, and made her way there quietly and carefully, trying her absolute best not to get in anyone's way, even if the only one she'd see was the custodian.

In the girls dorm hallway, she'd nervously move from door to door, listening at each for breathing and if she heard none, she'd silently test the handle of each door and if it opened she'd look inside. If the room was decorated or had someone in it, she'd close it back just as quietly as she had opened it so as not to disturb anyone. After testing 5 doors in this way, she'd start to tear up, thinking she wouldn't find a place to settle in. She'd bounce a time or two to try and trigger that thing that usually helped her in times of need, but only succeeded in making her charms jingle on her belt.

Another bounce and again the charms would quietly jingle, causing nothing... Finally she'd give a desperate jump and thump her boots noisily on the floor, finally making her charms clink loudly on her belt and cause a pulse of powerful magic to spread outward. The magic would last only a split second, but it would give her enough time to find a room at the end of the hall with no one inside and no custom décor. Making her way inside, she'd close the door behind her and move to one of the beds, laying down to cry herself to sleep in her loneliness. At least the poor girl had no luggage to unpack, what with having almost nothing to her name but the cloths her big sister made for her out of Trans magic and the 12 magic charms on her belt. The girl would wait for the sounds of activity to wake her the following day. She wondered if she'd fit in or if she'd be forced to leave. Only time would tell how kind the crowds would be to her when she started among them.
Rae (played by Saturngoesferal)

Rae blushed slightly. "Th-Thank you Tiff!" She smiled shakily. Her whole body was still shaking and her breathing was shallow.
Tiffany Keith (played by duckling_)

She simply nodded, making sure she was still holding her hand before dragging her out of the bathrooms, running up the nearby stairs. She ran across the landing, still dragging Rae along with her before diving down the opposite stairs, shoving her into their dorm and stepping in and locking the door behind her, sighing with relief. "There. Hopefully the janitor won't catch us here." She muttered, collapsing onto her bed.
Jack walked out of the portal that had formed in the courtyard. He now had everything he needed. He turned and closed the portal. He started walking down the halls of the school to find the dormitories again. He felt the energy of the room change, it felt demonic. Jack summoned a bow, and readied an arrow.

Jack approached the energy source, and he saw them. There were seven humanoid spiders. They might've been a thrall of one of the students, but it was still evil. Jack would have to put them down. Jack put an invisibility spell on himself. He drew the arrow back, and lined up a shot. He released it. It plunged right into what jack could only assume was the chest

The other ones now knew they were under attack. Jack shot two more arrows. They killed one spider. Jack sent the bow away, and summoned two short blades. He ran at them. He was able to kill the others in a matter of seconds. Jack took off the invisibility. He sheathed his blades, and continued walking.

He eventually found the dorms. He walked into the one that was his. He was able to tell it was his because of the black and darkness. The energy was also familiar. He stepped in, and updated the protective enchantments. He lay on the bed and went to sleep. He'd find Marcus in the morning
Lilim (played anonymously)

Elesa would stir as she hears commotion outside her room and moves to the door and peeks out just to see what was going on. It seemed pretty late at night, but she peeked out just in time to see another pair of girls close the door to their room. She'd think that maybe they were just getting back from the bathroom or something and didn't want to get in trouble for being out of their room at night, so Elesa would take a breath and sigh quietly, closing her door with a gentle click and going back to her chosen bed, sitting down and drawing her legs up to her chest, sitting alone in the room until she finally got sleepy again and laid down to rest again.
Rae (played by Saturngoesferal)

Rae sighed in relief. A few seconds later she walked over to Tiff and just fell onto her, hugging her. "Thank you Tiff~ Here, take a flower!" She put her hand out and grew a flower, which she then gave to Tiff. She smiled sweetly.

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