This is a repost of my original post as not many people were joining. This post is meant for long term roleplaying, but other starter posts can be made inside of this one for the same of time transitioning. Think of this as a post for multiple roleplays. Well. I will just post my starter here and I hope it can satisfy. Also, you don't have to follow the established world of Earthbound. I removed the HP and damage point system that the actual game has from my OC entirely and replaced with with more RP friendly descriptions so that there won't be any confusion. Think of it as a normal RP.
Setting: Mt. Avaon, Eiis Forest
Time: 7:21
RP Status: Open
Nixon Porter after a long and grueling session of PK training with his teacher, who prefers the alias Ms. M, Nixon would have been at home, creating status of snow. He currently was creating a snowy model of a rabbit. If anyone had any taste in art (and not the strange modern kind that not many people really get), one would say that this small statue was pretty accurate. He made it with his hands and a bit of psychokinetic fire. Considering the snow was packed, making more durable, the heat from his psychokinetic fire would not melt the snow as much as it would if the snow wasn't packed. Nixon loved the cold weather and the snow made it all the more better. Nixon then unzipped his knapsack full of camping supplies and his lunch that he had made for himself, which he forgot about, and pulled out a lemonade powder packet. He'd grab a cup from inside and fill it with water and put the lemonade mix inside and stir. Using his PK Freeze, he'd freeze the lemonade inside the cup. He'd use his bare hands to crush the frozen lemon inside and use a spoon to eat his lemon slushy. Granted, he didn't use real lemons, but he was too lazy to go to the local grocery store to get some. He wanted to relax after a day of training. After he was done with his slushy, he'd go back inside, get some more lemonade mix packets, tell his parents he will be out for a bit, and head out to his favorite place in Avaon, Eiis Forest. Now that he was nearing the forest, he'd get grab from his backpack a turkey wrap with a spicy tortilla and honey mustard with pepper jack cheese and start to take some bites out of it as he was a bit hungry. It was quite delicious in his opinion. As he had got to hos favorite location, he'd start to have some fun. He'd make a finger gun with his hands and started to shoot some snowmen with his PK Fire, while at the same time being careful not to burn any of the trees and cause a forest fire. These snowmen were sentient and attacked humans on sight. Which was why people never came to this side of the forest. The snowmen kept throwing high-velocity snowballs at Nixon, that broke the wood on the tree he was taking cover behind. Nixon, now using both of his hands would jump to the side and started opening FIRE (git it?) upon the snowmen, melting chunks of their snowy bodies and sometimes made them explode in a burst of fire and snow. The snowmen kept on coming and Nixon kept taking them out until the big boss came into the fray. An Iceman. Icemen were much superior to Snowmen in both power an durability. They also knew the PK Moves; PK Freeze, Paralysis, Lifeup, and Defense Up. This would prove to be a challenge. Especially since the Iceman had an Ice Block Cannon as a weapon. The Iceman was preparing a PK Freeze attack before Nixon three a psychokinetic flaming fist at the Iceman, knocking him backwards a bit before firing a large block of ice the size of a baseball at Nixon, which he'd get grazed by and proceeded to use his PK Gaming onto the Iceman, doing severe damage, but the Iceman simply used Lifeup to regenerate a good portion his health. Nixon rushed the Iceman with a regular kick, knocking off one of the ice blocks that supported his body, lowing his power and defense, but also increasing his speed. It was now harder to hit the Iceman now, though due to Nixon's speed, he was able to outspeed the Iceman. Nixon simply slammed his fist into the ground infused with his PK Fire mixed with a PK Move called PK Ground that he had been trying and created multiple geysers in the ground that shot out a jet of steam and some magma that the Iceman was in the vicinity of. This was the ability of PK Geyser. Due to the heat of the steam and magma, the Iceman was reduced to a mere Vaporman. As if it was embarrassed or scared, it floated away from Nixon at high speeds and so did the remaining Snowmen. Nixon would have won by default. After the clean-up of these Snowmen were over, he'd make his way back home at a slow pace. He had wondered deep into the forest as he was fighting. He didn't even notice.
Setting: Mt. Avaon, Eiis Forest
Time: 7:21
RP Status: Open
Nixon Porter after a long and grueling session of PK training with his teacher, who prefers the alias Ms. M, Nixon would have been at home, creating status of snow. He currently was creating a snowy model of a rabbit. If anyone had any taste in art (and not the strange modern kind that not many people really get), one would say that this small statue was pretty accurate. He made it with his hands and a bit of psychokinetic fire. Considering the snow was packed, making more durable, the heat from his psychokinetic fire would not melt the snow as much as it would if the snow wasn't packed. Nixon loved the cold weather and the snow made it all the more better. Nixon then unzipped his knapsack full of camping supplies and his lunch that he had made for himself, which he forgot about, and pulled out a lemonade powder packet. He'd grab a cup from inside and fill it with water and put the lemonade mix inside and stir. Using his PK Freeze, he'd freeze the lemonade inside the cup. He'd use his bare hands to crush the frozen lemon inside and use a spoon to eat his lemon slushy. Granted, he didn't use real lemons, but he was too lazy to go to the local grocery store to get some. He wanted to relax after a day of training. After he was done with his slushy, he'd go back inside, get some more lemonade mix packets, tell his parents he will be out for a bit, and head out to his favorite place in Avaon, Eiis Forest. Now that he was nearing the forest, he'd get grab from his backpack a turkey wrap with a spicy tortilla and honey mustard with pepper jack cheese and start to take some bites out of it as he was a bit hungry. It was quite delicious in his opinion. As he had got to hos favorite location, he'd start to have some fun. He'd make a finger gun with his hands and started to shoot some snowmen with his PK Fire, while at the same time being careful not to burn any of the trees and cause a forest fire. These snowmen were sentient and attacked humans on sight. Which was why people never came to this side of the forest. The snowmen kept throwing high-velocity snowballs at Nixon, that broke the wood on the tree he was taking cover behind. Nixon, now using both of his hands would jump to the side and started opening FIRE (git it?) upon the snowmen, melting chunks of their snowy bodies and sometimes made them explode in a burst of fire and snow. The snowmen kept on coming and Nixon kept taking them out until the big boss came into the fray. An Iceman. Icemen were much superior to Snowmen in both power an durability. They also knew the PK Moves; PK Freeze, Paralysis, Lifeup, and Defense Up. This would prove to be a challenge. Especially since the Iceman had an Ice Block Cannon as a weapon. The Iceman was preparing a PK Freeze attack before Nixon three a psychokinetic flaming fist at the Iceman, knocking him backwards a bit before firing a large block of ice the size of a baseball at Nixon, which he'd get grazed by and proceeded to use his PK Gaming onto the Iceman, doing severe damage, but the Iceman simply used Lifeup to regenerate a good portion his health. Nixon rushed the Iceman with a regular kick, knocking off one of the ice blocks that supported his body, lowing his power and defense, but also increasing his speed. It was now harder to hit the Iceman now, though due to Nixon's speed, he was able to outspeed the Iceman. Nixon simply slammed his fist into the ground infused with his PK Fire mixed with a PK Move called PK Ground that he had been trying and created multiple geysers in the ground that shot out a jet of steam and some magma that the Iceman was in the vicinity of. This was the ability of PK Geyser. Due to the heat of the steam and magma, the Iceman was reduced to a mere Vaporman. As if it was embarrassed or scared, it floated away from Nixon at high speeds and so did the remaining Snowmen. Nixon would have won by default. After the clean-up of these Snowmen were over, he'd make his way back home at a slow pace. He had wondered deep into the forest as he was fighting. He didn't even notice.
Melina had been sitting high up in a tree for many hours now, enjoying the serenity of the snowy forest. She'd traveled far, and had never seen anything like the fight that just raged beneath her. It would have been ridiculous to assume she was afraid; she was seated forty feet off the ground! The Snowmen finally dissipated, and she watched amusingly as the man began cleaning the mess he'd just made. Before she was spotted, she morphed into a blonde hawk with forest green eyes; her own hair and eye colors. She watched on only a bit longer until the boredom started kicking in.
Spreading her wings wide, Melina fell into the grasp of the forest breeze and circled over Nixon's head. She squawked only once, when she saw another Snowman sneak up behind a tree, out of Nixon's sight, but her cry wasn't necessary. She flew back up to the tree she'd taken flight from, picked up an arrow in her talons, and turned back toward the Snowman's hiding spot. She held the arrow so that it faced forward and made a dive at the Snowman. Her green eyes were trained on its smug face, and at the right calculated moment, she let the arrow drop. It sunk into the Snowman's forehead, and the smug expression was wiped clean off.
As she was new to this world, she wasn't sure if that would kill the creature, but she was sure the young man had been watching the green-eyed blonde hawk just try to kill a Snowman with an arrow. If he wasn't watching, there was no doubt in Melina's mind that he at least had some questions. She flew back up to her original perch and settled back in, watching him curiously.
Spreading her wings wide, Melina fell into the grasp of the forest breeze and circled over Nixon's head. She squawked only once, when she saw another Snowman sneak up behind a tree, out of Nixon's sight, but her cry wasn't necessary. She flew back up to the tree she'd taken flight from, picked up an arrow in her talons, and turned back toward the Snowman's hiding spot. She held the arrow so that it faced forward and made a dive at the Snowman. Her green eyes were trained on its smug face, and at the right calculated moment, she let the arrow drop. It sunk into the Snowman's forehead, and the smug expression was wiped clean off.
As she was new to this world, she wasn't sure if that would kill the creature, but she was sure the young man had been watching the green-eyed blonde hawk just try to kill a Snowman with an arrow. If he wasn't watching, there was no doubt in Melina's mind that he at least had some questions. She flew back up to her original perch and settled back in, watching him curiously.
Nixon would have already sensed the remaining Snowman at the last minute as well as another person that was nearby, regardless of her shifting her shape into that of a hawk. The Snowman had sustained some damage as it's head had fallen off and tried to kneel down to find it. It made sad shuffling noises as it tried to get it's head back. Nixon turned around, knowing that he had not finished the job, but then he'd see the sad display of the Snowman trying to get it's head back. It was so pitiful that if made Nixon feel bad. With a sigh, Nixon steadily walked over to the Snowman, looking down at the head whilst displaying some fear in it's snowy face. Though, instead of blasting the Snowman to smithereens, Nixon knelt down and picked up the Snowman's head and up it back onto it's body. The Snowman was very confused, but thankful. Nixon also grabbed two handfuls of snow and and tried to sculpt the Snowman a brace that goes in between the head and chest area so that the head wouldn't fall off as easily as before. The Snowman examined it's brace and moved around a bit. The Snowman seemed very happy and started to make happy Snowman sounds. Nixon thought it was kind of cute in a way. The Snowman smiled with it's snowy face, as it was not a typical snowman but rather a snow golem, and decided to accompany Nixon.
"Hm. Sure. What the hell. As long as you don't bother any more people, then are we COOL. Heheh."
The Snowman made snowy sounds of laughter that the pun that Nixon had just made. It was a good thing that this Snowman had a good sense of humor. Nixon noticed the arrow in it's head and decided to pull it out. It kind of hurt the Snowman, but it comforted the living pile of snow a bit more. Nixon proceeded to mend the wound on the Snowman's head and looked in the direction of where the hawk was flying as he knew that was a person due to his psychic power that massively expanded his overall awareness.
"There's no need to be a stranger. I felt eyes crawlin' on me."
"Hm. Sure. What the hell. As long as you don't bother any more people, then are we COOL. Heheh."
The Snowman made snowy sounds of laughter that the pun that Nixon had just made. It was a good thing that this Snowman had a good sense of humor. Nixon noticed the arrow in it's head and decided to pull it out. It kind of hurt the Snowman, but it comforted the living pile of snow a bit more. Nixon proceeded to mend the wound on the Snowman's head and looked in the direction of where the hawk was flying as he knew that was a person due to his psychic power that massively expanded his overall awareness.
"There's no need to be a stranger. I felt eyes crawlin' on me."
Melina Rose Collins wrote:
The hawk flew away, never to be heard from again.
//Um? Why was that so short? Shouldn't you at least roleplay with Nixon for a bit before leaving abruptly like that?
Maybe it had been two days since Gwen had last touched the ground, and below, she realized she couldn't recognize the forest. She had been tried, so she chose to land on a taller tree's canopy. She preened her feathers, collecting her thoughts, and then heard something off into the distance. Started, she fell from the tree, shifting into her human form. She clung to the tree and looked around, searching for the noise. North, north east. She slowly climbed down, feeling the snow crunch beneath her shoes.
She began forward, listening, turning her head this way and that to focus much like many birds do.
She began forward, listening, turning her head this way and that to focus much like many birds do.
Nixon known he had sensed someone around. It must have been that animal from before. (Let's just assume that it was considering the one who RPed had turned into a bird as well). Using his enhanced psychic abilities, Nixon would have walked towards the location that this presence was currently at with the snow golem following behind him, rolling forwards as the Snowman had shaped itself into a sphere. It was this snow golem traveled. Nixon's scarf blew violently in the cold winds of Mt. Avaon. Nixon could be seen in a thick black coal, a grey scarf, black boots, a dagger sheath holding his stone dagger, and navy blue denim jeans. His skin would be pale, his hair was jet black, and his eyes were a stormy grey. The snowman was currently spherical, but had a winter hat on it's head. He eventually had a humanoid female within his line of sight. He hasn't seen this girl in Eiis Settlement, before. Maybe she was new. Strange.
"Heya, stranger. I take it you're new around here?"
"Heya, stranger. I take it you're new around here?"
She slowly nodded. "What is this place?" she asked, growing wary of his dagger and the rolling creature behind him. "Is that some form of summons behind you, a snow atronach perhaps?" She looked around again.
"I don't recognize these woods at all; what part of the world am I on?"
"I don't recognize these woods at all; what part of the world am I on?"
"You're near Eiis Settlement on Mt. Avaon. Also, nah. It is a snow golem. It is taggin' along with me. I'm not too well-versed in magic. I only know some basics. I use my own form of fighting."
Nixon had responded, keeping his dagger untouched. He didn't even any ill-intent, so there was no need to fear. The pile of sentient snow would have reshaped itself into it's more common state, looking like a snowman that has went to the gym. It had strong branched for arms and legs with eyes that were of coal, a carrot nose, but no coal smile. Instead of a coal smile, it was closer to a human mouth that had teeth and such. It also wore a winter hat on it's head, making the snow golem more of a cuter look. It was a gentle giant. It's snowy mouth was of a kind smile. It made weird noises that sounded like many strong icicles clanging against each other. It seemed to be speaking in a language native to it's kind. Nixon did not understand it, but used his mind reading to get a better understanding as to what it is saying.
"He said hello."
Nixon had responded, keeping his dagger untouched. He didn't even any ill-intent, so there was no need to fear. The pile of sentient snow would have reshaped itself into it's more common state, looking like a snowman that has went to the gym. It had strong branched for arms and legs with eyes that were of coal, a carrot nose, but no coal smile. Instead of a coal smile, it was closer to a human mouth that had teeth and such. It also wore a winter hat on it's head, making the snow golem more of a cuter look. It was a gentle giant. It's snowy mouth was of a kind smile. It made weird noises that sounded like many strong icicles clanging against each other. It seemed to be speaking in a language native to it's kind. Nixon did not understand it, but used his mind reading to get a better understanding as to what it is saying.
"He said hello."
Gwen raised an eyebrow at the creature, but shook her head for a moment before meeting his gaze again. "Well, I've been traveling for some time. Do you happen to know of a place I might stay?" She looked around. She could get acquainted with the area, at least for a few days. The creatures seemed intriguing enough. The male seemed like he can hold his own in a fight.
She turned her head when she heard her crows in the distance. The head of her flock, Alvor, dived through the tree canopy and landed on her shoulder. The crow, almost as large as a raven, had a thick white scar over one of his eyes. He cawed and shook his wings anxiously at the stanger. The others of her flock probably will stay in the trees until they are sure of her actions. "I should probably introduce yourself. My name is Gwenevieve and this is Alvor, the lead of my flock of crows."
She turned her head when she heard her crows in the distance. The head of her flock, Alvor, dived through the tree canopy and landed on her shoulder. The crow, almost as large as a raven, had a thick white scar over one of his eyes. He cawed and shook his wings anxiously at the stanger. The others of her flock probably will stay in the trees until they are sure of her actions. "I should probably introduce yourself. My name is Gwenevieve and this is Alvor, the lead of my flock of crows."
"Nice to meet ya, Gwenevieve 'n Alvor. Name's Nixon. Nixon Porter. Also yes. I know a place you can stay. My home is in the settlement. But all of the inns and such a packed. People from all over the world come to visit this place. This place has a reputation for it's high rate of supernatural activity and ancient history."
Nixon had said as the icy wind made his grey scarf blow in the wind as he'd attempt to tighten it around his face so that it did not fall off or fly away into the wind. The snow golem or Snowman got a bit scared of the crow that had fly into the fray and hid behind Nixon. Apparently, he was afraid of flying animals such as birds. The snowman took on the form of a snow poff and shook in place. The fear seems to be a bit crippling. Considering a bird decapitated him. If kind of put a blow to his pride, too. The snow golem made frightened snowman sounds, which sounded like low toned jingle bells and/or wind chimes.
"You okay, big guy?"
Nixon had said as the icy wind made his grey scarf blow in the wind as he'd attempt to tighten it around his face so that it did not fall off or fly away into the wind. The snow golem or Snowman got a bit scared of the crow that had fly into the fray and hid behind Nixon. Apparently, he was afraid of flying animals such as birds. The snowman took on the form of a snow poff and shook in place. The fear seems to be a bit crippling. Considering a bird decapitated him. If kind of put a blow to his pride, too. The snow golem made frightened snowman sounds, which sounded like low toned jingle bells and/or wind chimes.
"You okay, big guy?"
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