This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
But now we have more than 4 peeps

We could do 2 so no one gets left out!
Or two teams in the same RP? Like Jaune's team and Ruby's team?
*flails smol arms*
I mean, it was just an idea 😅
Huge groups tend to scare me
Besides, thinking about it logically it will be harder to figure out a plot, the posting order, and teams if it’s like that.
Hoke then, what should we do ??
Jence wrote:
Hoke then, what should we do ??
Okay, quick question so I can contribute to this, how many people do we have as of now?
Clayfire12 wrote:
Jence wrote:
Hoke then, what should we do ??
Okay, quick question so I can contribute to this, how many people do we have as of now?
I think 6 total and at least 4 active.
Haven't seen anything from SINdragon or BanditGamer for a while.
But I know for sure there's me, Jence, Rae, and you, Clayfire.
Okay, with that out of the way, I'm going to have to make a new character or make an alternative of one of my own, extremely unused ones that I haven't put any work into yet. I'm very interested in this however, and would very much appreciate if I were invited to this.
Okay, with that out of the way, I'm going to have to make a new character or make an alternative of one of my own, extremely unused ones that I haven't put any work into yet. I'm very interested in this however, and would very much appreciate if I were invited to this.
Lone_Otaku wrote:
Okay, with that out of the way, I'm going to have to make a new character or make an alternative of one of my own, extremely unused ones that I haven't put any work into yet. I'm very interested in this however, and would very much appreciate if I were invited to this.
Okay, with that out of the way, I'm going to have to make a new character or make an alternative of one of my own, extremely unused ones that I haven't put any work into yet. I'm very interested in this however, and would very much appreciate if I were invited to this.

We need to figure out how we shall do this.
Ahhh, I'm still chilling around in the background!
I think that makes 6 out of 7 people active?
Ah, I see.
As for the fact we have quite a few peeps hanging 'round, some of us could definitely do two roleplays- but that can also get confusing as I understand.
As for the fact we have quite a few peeps hanging 'round, some of us could definitely do two roleplays- but that can also get confusing as I understand.
Feel free to shoot me down here, as this may be ambitious, but....
We have 6/7 people active, right? Maybe we could split into two groups who have stories that run alongside each other, but not all together? We would need plenty of communication- perhaps between the leaders- where they could influence things in each others games? We could also maybe initiate activities that require all of us to join a new PM or Forum thread- like the Vytal Tournament- and go from there.
We have 6/7 people active, right? Maybe we could split into two groups who have stories that run alongside each other, but not all together? We would need plenty of communication- perhaps between the leaders- where they could influence things in each others games? We could also maybe initiate activities that require all of us to join a new PM or Forum thread- like the Vytal Tournament- and go from there.
If only we had 8 active people. We could have 2 teams for the RP and a whole lot of fun playing the school year and the tournament and maybe some assigned missions.

That is true- wondering if I should ask on the Discord and see if anyone there wants to join?
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