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Forums » General Roleplay » Working in Retail (open)

Erix Trigg (played by Schrostein)

Maybe taking the early shift wasn't the best idea. Sure, he needed the money, but at what cost?

Rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, he shuffled up to the back of the store. Fumbling with the key, it took him a few tries to finally unlock it and open the door. Not closing the door him, as he was expecting someone else to walk in. Turning on the lights, he opened the shutters, unblocking the front door.

Phoenix Wares was open for business
Ciel (played by Arkavious)

Ciel didn't mind in the least taking the shift, The dragon boy was up anyways early. The dragon would of shown up just ever so shortly after the doors was open, wandering the store to see what they had in stock, well as he wanted to get a feel for the layout. The male was not fully paying attention as he stumbled across the other male in the store and emits a loud feline yowl, much like a house cat and he fell flat on his rear end and grabbed his tail. It took Ciel a few moments to recover then he shoot up and brushed himself off "S...Sorry! You kinda spooked me there.." the male said, trying to explain himself, but he knew it looked foolish. "Sorry Sir the name is Ciel.. I didn't think anyone else would of been here so early that...well was awake.." The male teased, tail still held in his hands.
Erix Trigg (played by Schrostein) Topic Starter

"No Problem, Ciel." Another worker was here as well, good, he wouldn't be the only one doing the work.. "I'm Erix. Hey, can you help me move this TV?" Erix motioned to the large flat screen. "It's on special today, so we need to move the display model to the end of the aisle."
Ciel (played by Arkavious)

"Sure i can help!" Ciel said, rather excited about it all. Moving to one side of the Tv he would bend his knees slightly so he could start to lift that side of the Flat screen, Azure hues flicking around the store, then back over at Erix "So have you been working here a long time or are you new here too?" He inquired, the young dragon highly curious about his coworker. Ciel figured it would not hurt to get to know the people he would be working with, right?
Erix Trigg (played by Schrostein) Topic Starter

"I'm somewhat new, but I've been here a few months. Long enough to be trusted with the keys, I'd say," He said, matter of factly, holding up the key. "but that doesn't really seem that long."

Erix grabbed the other end, carefully walking backward to the target destination. "Just put it down, right" He said, lowering his end slowly. "So I guess I'm the guy that's training you today?"
Ciel (played by Arkavious)

Ciel gives a nod of his head "Well it is still longer then me." he said with a chuckle, tilting his head "Well sometimes time works faster for some then others, least thats what daddy likes to tell me.." he mused as his tail flicks from one side to the other. Ciel did enjoy helping people, though he was so used to just serving food, this would be new though he also hoped it was just as easy as asking 'Would you like fries with that' every day.

Ciel followed Erix, and the directions given as he would set the side he was carrying down at the same time, making sure it was stable on the stand before looking at the other male "I guess so sir.. I shouldn't be to much trouble I hope." He said, offering a smile and bows his head. Ciel took a moment to glance around, then returned his gaze back to the other as he then slowly rubs the back of his head slowly.
Erix Trigg (played by Schrostein) Topic Starter

"Don't worry about it," He said, thinking that Ciel was nervous. "I'm sure you'll be fine."

He led the Boy -? was he older than him?- to the front of the store. "This is where all customers complete their purchases, whether it be electronics, books, games, or whatever else we sell. Occasionally, we get the rude customer, but generally, we have to ignore them. A couple of guys last year got fired for, well, setting someone else on fire. As a result, we are not allowed to use our powers during our working shifts."

((hey, I have to sign off for a bit, brb))
Ciel (played by Arkavious)

Ciel nods his head and looks around again. Nervous was a good word for it, even though he was a tad older then the other, he was still extreamly shy and easily spooked by things. When the other started to lead him off, he followed, nodding as he looked around the area, but kept quiet for the time being. The tail end of what the male said caused Ciel to giggle "Set someone on fire? Sounds....Fun... but I understand.. I really suck with magic and stuff like that.. But I do not plan on lighting anyone, or anything on fire if I do not have too..." he said, trying to put out of mind the last time he tried to use magic to move something, then sent it into his neighbors apartment.

{no worries! Tyt }
Erix Trigg (played by Schrostein) Topic Starter

((Oh wow, the time really passed))

"Well, that's good then." Erix didn't really want to be responsible for egging on any potential danger. "Have you worked in retail before?"

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