Errm... hi. I'm new here.

Hiya there! *pets the Nyancat icon*
Welcome to the RPR! Why don't you tell us a lil' 'bout yourself? What sort of RP do you like? Character types? Your dreams and aspirations for five years from now-- *smacked*
I jest about that last one, but have some cookies for potentially answering it anyway! *gives out welcome cookies*
Welcome to the RPR! Why don't you tell us a lil' 'bout yourself? What sort of RP do you like? Character types? Your dreams and aspirations for five years from now-- *smacked*
I jest about that last one, but have some cookies for potentially answering it anyway! *gives out welcome cookies*

You're avatar goes perfect with this right now Minerva. heh.
Minerva wrote:
Hi there!!
I'm with Copper, I'd love to know more about you and what sort of stuff you roleplay!

Welcome to the site! Yes please do tell us more.
You are on: Forums » Introductions » ... Yo.
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