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Forums » Introductions » You are an analog girl, living in a digital world.

Greetings to all!

I'm Honey. Or at least you can call me that. I am a former RPer who is making her way back into the world after a lengthy sabbatical (give or take...about 7 years), but I still think I have my old creative streak in me. I have been aching to write again and decided that the best way to worm my way back into it and become inspired was to create with others.

I'm in my late 20s. I am [nearly] divorced. I have a significant other. I'm an educator (of history, social studies, literature, law, psychology, and a few other random dabblings). I have two dogs. I do listen to nearly all music (including country). I adore cooking. I enjoy reading the news and keeping tabs on politics. I also love reading and binging on Netflix. I'm your average red-blooded North American. My personal life is nothing of extravagance and I don't harp on how others live their life. I'm passionate about what I believe in and have values, but stay in a non-partisan stance until someone raises the hairs on my neck.

In the world of RP, I have dabbled in fantasy (vampires, demons, etc.), historical (medieval, Victorian), criminal, and modern time frames. I am a fan of many fantastical and terrific novels and television shows. I also adore a good period piece or political drama. My canon swings to many different levels. I’m also an adult. I have no issue with mature content, much like language, violence, or sex.

You will find I am quite friendly. I tend to ask how you are or if there are any big events happening in your life. I will try to keep you in mind as a person, and will ask regularly if the story line is where you like it. I have been generally more suited to 1x1 RP, but am tempted to branch out. As far as characters go, I am able to make them work in many fashions, without sacrificing my creation's integrity.

I am happy to be here and eager to participate with whoever will enjoy my company.


We're quite similar, I believe. Nearly the same age, divorced, I've got a dog, love Netflix... You get the idea.

Either way, welcome to RPR! I haven't been around here for a very long time yet, but I'm in love already. There's already tons of threads of people looking for RP partners, and I'm sure if there's something you're itching to try out someone would be willing to jump in. I've met some amazing people here - I'm sure you will, too!
Hello, and welcome to RPR!

I took a break from RP for two or three years, but ended up being drawn back to it.

I'm sure you'll weave some great cooperative stories on here!

Hello!! I'm actually coming back to RPing too, after around the same amount of time (albeit much younger, ha). This site is pretty welcoming and understanding for new/rusty players, I've found. If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask!

You do seem like a friendly person! I hadn't actually ever thought about RPing like that before, but now that you've said that I'd like to start doing that too. It seem like a very considerate thing to do. Your character seems cool, by the way.

I hope you have lots of fun here!! Welcome to RPR.
Hey, welcome! Unless you've had a profile here before, it's not to clear, then welcome back!
Welcome to RPR, Honey!


I'm sure you'll love it here ^^
Hey, welcome to RPR! :)
honeyandthemoon Topic Starter

pltjess wrote:

We're quite similar, I believe. Nearly the same age, divorced, I've got a dog, love Netflix... You get the idea.

Either way, welcome to RPR! I haven't been around here for a very long time yet, but I'm in love already. There's already tons of threads of people looking for RP partners, and I'm sure if there's something you're itching to try out someone would be willing to jump in. I've met some amazing people here - I'm sure you will, too!

Thank you for the welcome! It is always nice to find people who have similar instances in their life when you're introducing yourself to a new world.
honeyandthemoon Topic Starter

JustaBitEvil wrote:
Hello, and welcome to RPR!

I took a break from RP for two or three years, but ended up being drawn back to it.

I'm sure you'll weave some great cooperative stories on here!

Thank you! Breaks are hard, but I'm sure I'll make my way back.
honeyandthemoon Topic Starter

Guingamor wrote:
Hello!! I'm actually coming back to RPing too, after around the same amount of time (albeit much younger, ha). This site is pretty welcoming and understanding for new/rusty players, I've found. If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask!

You do seem like a friendly person! I hadn't actually ever thought about RPing like that before, but now that you've said that I'd like to start doing that too. It seem like a very considerate thing to do. Your character seems cool, by the way.

I hope you have lots of fun here!! Welcome to RPR.

Being friendly always seems to make roleplaying more personal. You know that the person on the other side has another life and acknowledging them always seems important to me.
And thank you for thinking my character is cool - kind of basic at the moment, but I'm sure she will develop along with many others.
Thanks for the welcome!
honeyandthemoon Topic Starter

Dathmach wrote:
Hey, welcome! Unless you've had a profile here before, it's not to clear, then welcome back!

Never hear before, so quite new to RPR. Thanks for the welcome!
honeyandthemoon Topic Starter

Duckling_ wrote:
Welcome to RPR, Honey!


I'm sure you'll love it here ^^

Thank you so much! 🍯
honeyandthemoon Topic Starter

MSochist wrote:
Hey, welcome to RPR! :)

Thank you! 🍯
Hey there. Welcome to RPR, and welcome back from your hiatus. I had taken a couple years off myself before I found this site. The community here is great, and I hope you find yourself a niche. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask. I had some awesome people help me learn the ropes, so I'm more than willing to pay it forward. Feel free to drop me a friend request anytime :)
honeyandthemoon Topic Starter

Nocturnal wrote:
Hey there. Welcome to RPR, and welcome back from your hiatus. I had taken a couple years off myself before I found this site. The community here is great, and I hope you find yourself a niche. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask. I had some awesome people help me learn the ropes, so I'm more than willing to pay it forward. Feel free to drop me a friend request anytime :)

Thanks for the welcome! Hope to work my way into my niche soon... You know - hoping it's all like riding a bicycle. Cheers. 🍯
And the Anastasiya Shpagina reference for anime photos really can't be more accurate (and actually made me laugh out loud).
You're welcome. I'm sure you'll find that niche in no time. Good luck and happy writing ;)
Right? Tell me about it. It's the kind of stuff that makes for nightmares (glad you got a good laugh though. i'd scream if it approached me. not even joking.)
demoria (played by Rika24)

well the underworld is open for you if you like rough
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