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Forums » Introductions » Hello World!

Did you know RP Repository has this awesome intros forum where you can tell people about yourself? <insert slowpoke.jpg here>

Anyway! As my handle suggests, my name is Tasha - but most people know me as Runetta on Furcadia (and a few other places!) or HalfPain on DA. I'm not very interesting irl :3 I work and do housework and play video games. I guess one interesting thing about me is that I am a streamer (although a lazy one [my husband streams way more than me, so I co-commentate more than play]) at the video game streaming community

I have been around on Furcadia for what will be 9 years this coming May. I have been roleplaying for probably a good 5 or 6 of those years. Before I started RPing, I spent all my time in the Acro chapel wasting time and dabbling in dreamweaving.

I'm the kind of roleplayer who is in it purely for the fun. The cheesy, the silly, the serious, the dramatic - I want it ALL! I have a large variety of characters, though I don't always use them all. Some I haven't found good homes for yet. I kind of use them in cycles, with only a couple I use constantly. I'm pretty easygoing about posts and such. I don't mind one line posts (hey, if you're just going to shrug, don't write 258 lines about your shoulders rising and falling) or longer posts, though my posts are rarely more than a short paragraph.

I just want to write fun stories with fun people, maaaaaaaaaan.
Awesome. There are so many people on here that I really just want to RP with.. but I think we're all too timid to post anything! I'm pretty much right along your lines of gamer; any type of game I've got a character and a role for it :3

I was planning to just.. Lurk, but I had to stop and say, Hi! I'm new here on RP Repository and my name is also Tasha, known more commonly as Tashie. <3
Tasha Topic Starter

@F0x: I'm not very timid :3 Busy, sometimes, so I sit afk for hours on end without doing anything, but I've learned that if I want RP, I've gotta stalk and pounce like a hunter.

@Tashie: Tashas unite! You don't have to lurk. Most people here are pretty friendly!
Kim Site Admin

It's funny how many people say they don't want to be the one to post first, when so many of you are posting brand new threads introducing yourselves, and by now all of you have written profiles (in some cases big huge profiles!) introducing your characters... I wonder if I added another nag button after the "introduce yourself" prompt, people would eventually cave and start playing if they saw "GO RP" every time they logged in. ;)

Anyway, not to hijack yet another thread. Hi Tasha! I know you! But I didn't realize I did until just now. Also hi Tashie! Glad you came out of lurker mode, if even for a moment.

I very much agree with the philosophy of variable post length. "As much as you need to communicate clearly" is my favorite length requirement, with the upper cap being "When you start adding extras that make it harder to figure out what the meat of the post actually was, take two steps back and stop."
I can't think of anything to lead off a game with D:}
@ f0x1nth3b0x : Same. :( I'd have a few ideas but I'm afraid people will judge me about them. >.< If people give me a first idea, though, I can easily implement my two cents to it. Speaking of which, do you have an idea? XD (answer can be sent in a note. :P)

Welcome to the Repository, Tasha! I hope you have a good time here, and hope you find your RP experience on this site to be a profitable one. :3
Kim Site Admin

@Chromakin - Judge you! Everyone is so friendly and enthusiastic here, I very much doubt people would be anything but encouraging about ideas for RP. :D
@Kim : I just sent an idea to the sci-fi setting 'cause I've been wanting to use this one character for a while now, we'll see how that goes. ;). I do think the roleplay itself will have to rely on characters for a little bit before a plot sets in... unless Drake decides to take matters in its own hands!
Tasha Topic Starter

@Kim: The level is my stealth is high, very high. #SQ

@Chromakin: If they judge you for your creativity, then maybe I don't want to play with them in the first place. Just sayin! :P Well, I mean, we all have our personal preferences but if someone is like "your ideas blows" then you really wouldn't want to hang out them, you know? Personally, I love when people have new ideas. It's refreshing! I can only play the same things in the same genres for so long.

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