Yuxara seemed unperturbed by the supposed tactic that Aiko was trying. If anything, she tilted her head, looking almost interested in such as reaction. "A common assumption, yet it might be surprising to you that we don't want to gain Kingdom Hearts, and that exactly is what sets us apart from both the light and the darkness."
The black-cloaked Nobody extended her hand out to the side, and with a flash of light encircled by streams of darkness, her Keyblade materialized in her grasp. She turned the blade over and over in her hands. "We believe not that light or darkness is superior, but we believe in the original purpose of the Keyblades. If they really are imperfect copies of the x-blade, then Keyblades, and their wielders by extension, must share the same purpose: to protect Kingdom Hearts, and to keep it away form both the light, and the dark." Her twilight blade vanished from her hands the same way it had appeared, in a flash surrounded by dark tendrils.
The black-cloaked Nobody extended her hand out to the side, and with a flash of light encircled by streams of darkness, her Keyblade materialized in her grasp. She turned the blade over and over in her hands. "We believe not that light or darkness is superior, but we believe in the original purpose of the Keyblades. If they really are imperfect copies of the x-blade, then Keyblades, and their wielders by extension, must share the same purpose: to protect Kingdom Hearts, and to keep it away form both the light, and the dark." Her twilight blade vanished from her hands the same way it had appeared, in a flash surrounded by dark tendrils.
"Hrrrmm," Aiko backed up, sighing, "Dang it, I was hoping that would work," She said to herself, turned around. With a few steps she arrived back at her seat. Sitting down, Aiko looked back to Yuxara, "If you're defending it well enough than why do you need me?" She asked, still curious as to why they chose her.
Before Yuxara could answer though she asked a different question, "Can I call you Yuzu? The name kind of fits you," Aiko nodded to herself. Citrus, she was sour in a way at first but, although she hadn't actually done so, eventually would be sweet.
Before Yuxara could answer though she asked a different question, "Can I call you Yuzu? The name kind of fits you," Aiko nodded to herself. Citrus, she was sour in a way at first but, although she hadn't actually done so, eventually would be sweet.
Yuxara offered a vacuous, detached grin. "That is your choice. Also, if you are searching for a sort of reaction from me, believe me when I say that you will be hard-pressed to find a true one." She sounded almost apologetic. She absently brushed a lock of her bangs away from her face. "Like I said before, there aren't enough of us, and if we can prevent another world from falling--" he stopped herself, her gaze diverting away as she considered something. She quietly stood to her feet. "I don't believe you realize what happened to your world. We were able to save you, and not it."
She extended a hand slowly, and darkness seemed to converge into black and violet flames that swirled and became a corridor of darkness. "This dark is nothing to fear, it is merely how we travel quickly. I will show you what catastrophe we wish to prevent in other worlds." She then held out her free hand to Aiko.
She extended a hand slowly, and darkness seemed to converge into black and violet flames that swirled and became a corridor of darkness. "This dark is nothing to fear, it is merely how we travel quickly. I will show you what catastrophe we wish to prevent in other worlds." She then held out her free hand to Aiko.
As the battle commenced, Cynthiera's grip on her casting sword was unsteady. How were they going to slay this? She imagined that she was now on a suicide mission.
"Well, perhaps everyone knows about these guys now." Cynthiera said to herself. She was already quite confused, the people must be so much more lost in bewildered.
The Moogle soon flew over to Cynthiera, offering to cast with him. Cynthiera hardly understood the idea of casting, now she was expected to cast with another. Needless to say, Cynthiera was afraid that she might mess the casting up.
This did not stop her, though. Cynthiera helped the Moogle cast Blizzara. I'm luckily, to her own relief, the two of them did not explode, Cynthiera was much less nervous after this experience.
"Well, perhaps everyone knows about these guys now." Cynthiera said to herself. She was already quite confused, the people must be so much more lost in bewildered.
The Moogle soon flew over to Cynthiera, offering to cast with him. Cynthiera hardly understood the idea of casting, now she was expected to cast with another. Needless to say, Cynthiera was afraid that she might mess the casting up.
This did not stop her, though. Cynthiera helped the Moogle cast Blizzara. I'm luckily, to her own relief, the two of them did not explode, Cynthiera was much less nervous after this experience.
Cynthiera's Blizzard combined with Moguri's Blizzara to form Blizzaga, shooting a large blast of ice and snow at the giant Heartless, freezing its feet to the ground.
"Thanks guys!" Ritsuka said before leaping up and slashing at the Heartless's head once again, he managed to land two full combos in its frozen state, but he got to hasty and neglected to pay attention to the arms that flailed about, one of them eventually slapping him away and sending him rolling on the ground. As Ritsuka struggled to his feet, the Powered Armor freed itself from the ice and, much to everyone's shock, leaped up into the air, its body parts flailing around haphazardly as it came falling down.
"In coming!" Ritsuka warned as the armor came crashing down right near them, Ritsuka quickly casting a Reflectra to protect them all from the resulting shockwave. The Powered Armor lay in a heap, like discarded armor pieces, but it soon reformed itself, only for its head to fall off its torso and start bouncing around frantically. "There, get it!" Ritsuka exclaimed as he and Moguri dashed in and began slashing at the head. The Heartless' arms desperately tried to pick up the head, eventually succeeding and placing it back on its torso. And there it stayed, though the same couldn't be said for the rest of its appendages as the arms and legs detached themselves and began acting on their own the group retreating in caution. The arms attempted to swipe at Ritsuka, the boy bringing his Keyblade up to block when the arm was suddenly hit with a Fira spell.
"Ritsuka, we'll take care of the arms, you just keep those hammers it calls feet busy, kupo!" Moguri called as he cast another Fira at the disembodied gauntlets.
"You got it!" Ritsuka complied as he rushed towards the stomping feet. He casted a Reflectra just as they came down on him, making them stagger enough for Ritsuka to get a few slashes in before having to retreat as it stomped around some more.
"Thanks guys!" Ritsuka said before leaping up and slashing at the Heartless's head once again, he managed to land two full combos in its frozen state, but he got to hasty and neglected to pay attention to the arms that flailed about, one of them eventually slapping him away and sending him rolling on the ground. As Ritsuka struggled to his feet, the Powered Armor freed itself from the ice and, much to everyone's shock, leaped up into the air, its body parts flailing around haphazardly as it came falling down.
"In coming!" Ritsuka warned as the armor came crashing down right near them, Ritsuka quickly casting a Reflectra to protect them all from the resulting shockwave. The Powered Armor lay in a heap, like discarded armor pieces, but it soon reformed itself, only for its head to fall off its torso and start bouncing around frantically. "There, get it!" Ritsuka exclaimed as he and Moguri dashed in and began slashing at the head. The Heartless' arms desperately tried to pick up the head, eventually succeeding and placing it back on its torso. And there it stayed, though the same couldn't be said for the rest of its appendages as the arms and legs detached themselves and began acting on their own the group retreating in caution. The arms attempted to swipe at Ritsuka, the boy bringing his Keyblade up to block when the arm was suddenly hit with a Fira spell.
"Ritsuka, we'll take care of the arms, you just keep those hammers it calls feet busy, kupo!" Moguri called as he cast another Fira at the disembodied gauntlets.
"You got it!" Ritsuka complied as he rushed towards the stomping feet. He casted a Reflectra just as they came down on him, making them stagger enough for Ritsuka to get a few slashes in before having to retreat as it stomped around some more.
The girl found herself somehow grinning along with Yuxara, until it dissipated due to the offer that was given to her. Looking at the menacing corridor from in front of Yuxara, Aiko stood and took the Nobody's hand. Latching onto her for dear life.
This darkness had something that seemed more tempting, it called out to her, beckoning for her to lie down and let it take her. Aiko couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like being inside the corridor. She took a deep breath and walked forward, "Let's get this over with," She stated.
Aiko moved forward with haste, pulling Yuxara along. and trying not to touch the sides of the corridor. It seemed to go on forever, stretching out in front of her to trap her inside. Soon enough she had started to feel Claustrophobic and cowered behind Yuxara, stopping her lead.
This darkness had something that seemed more tempting, it called out to her, beckoning for her to lie down and let it take her. Aiko couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like being inside the corridor. She took a deep breath and walked forward, "Let's get this over with," She stated.
Aiko moved forward with haste, pulling Yuxara along. and trying not to touch the sides of the corridor. It seemed to go on forever, stretching out in front of her to trap her inside. Soon enough she had started to feel Claustrophobic and cowered behind Yuxara, stopping her lead.
When Aiko suddenly stopped, the Nobody let out a sigh, as she had predicted this. "It's only a little farther," Yuxara pressed faintly. When Aiko still did not budge, she wondered how to coax her to go on, a few moments passing by as she contemplated. Then she spoke. "If you'll be a little more patient with me. Once you join us, you'll be given a cloak like ours. It protects you from the darkness, and its pull becomes much less effective. Now come. Please. We can only stay here for so long before it stirs." She was casting glances around them in the corridor, her free hand lifted just enough in midair so that if the need arose, she could summon her Keyblade without it getting in the way.
The offer of the cloak didn't seem to change her mind in any way, she was stating put, not because of the darkness but due to the fact that the corridor seemed to get smaller with each step. No, she wasn't having any of that, her mind revolting against the notion of going any further. Her body attempting to will its way forward.
Aiko shook her head trying to rid herself of the irrational fear, she took a shaky step forward. Repeating the words, "We're almost to the end," to herself, she didn't want the cloak, the darkness seemed lovely enough without it, but dread pulled at her feet like cement, overriding the feeling that the darkness could offer. Squeezing her eyes shut, she slowly began to move at a slow pace, hands clutching onto Yuxara's cloak, on the verge of fearful tears. Aiko held them back however and kept pushing forward, whimpering.
Aiko shook her head trying to rid herself of the irrational fear, she took a shaky step forward. Repeating the words, "We're almost to the end," to herself, she didn't want the cloak, the darkness seemed lovely enough without it, but dread pulled at her feet like cement, overriding the feeling that the darkness could offer. Squeezing her eyes shut, she slowly began to move at a slow pace, hands clutching onto Yuxara's cloak, on the verge of fearful tears. Aiko held them back however and kept pushing forward, whimpering.
Several moments later the two of them were greeted by some semblance of light as well as blessed, blessed openness for Aiko. As the two of them emerged from the corridor of darkness, they found themselves in a small cavern that was much more spacious than the corridor, with small glowing stones--crystals--lighting their path. The corridor, almost as if sensing that they were through, seemed to shrink until it simply vanished into nothingness. Like it had never been there.
Without looking back at it, Yuxara continued to walk across the cavern. "This place lies within the forest close to where you were when we found you. The cavern was somehow saved from the darkness that infected it. Perhaps there is something in the crystals that keep the darkness away..." she trailed off, leading the two of them to the cave's entrance, where it was blocked off by a boulder. After prying Aiko off her cloak, she braced herself and pushed hard on the stone, rolling it aside with a heave.
The moment there was the barest of an opening Yuxara suddenly summoned her Keyblade in a flash of light and dark. "Light!" there was another white flash in which she had cast Faith, and Aiko was blinded momentarily, but as her eyes adjusted to the quickly dimming integrity of the temporary spell, Aiko briefly saw the forest where she had been sitting and crying.
The trees were either shriveled and frail or looming evilly, the dark exaggerating the silhouettes and the fear factor that seemed to emanate from them. The grass had withered away and died, and patches of the ground were covered in what looked like pitch-black puddles that seemed to writhe and stir. The sky, once a dazzling or even a muted blue at the least, was now a menacing midnight indigo, and dark shadows seemed to flit across the sky, too indistinct to make out. Almost as if reacting to the light, streams of smoky darkness seemed to sirl and converge into a rotating pillar that seemed to lunge at the opening of the cavern, lured by the sudden presence of the pinprick of light in the dark realm. Yuxara roughly shoved Aiko further back into the lit cavern and leveled her blade at the incoming creature.
"Firaga!" she cried, and a large fireball bloomed from just at the end of her Keyblade, hurtling towards the ghost-worm-like creature, and letting the Keyblade dissipate, she heaved the stone back into place, sealing them from the outside once more. "I hope you got a good look," she breathed, her chest heaving from the sudden adrenaline rush. "Because I'm not rolling that open again."
Without looking back at it, Yuxara continued to walk across the cavern. "This place lies within the forest close to where you were when we found you. The cavern was somehow saved from the darkness that infected it. Perhaps there is something in the crystals that keep the darkness away..." she trailed off, leading the two of them to the cave's entrance, where it was blocked off by a boulder. After prying Aiko off her cloak, she braced herself and pushed hard on the stone, rolling it aside with a heave.
The moment there was the barest of an opening Yuxara suddenly summoned her Keyblade in a flash of light and dark. "Light!" there was another white flash in which she had cast Faith, and Aiko was blinded momentarily, but as her eyes adjusted to the quickly dimming integrity of the temporary spell, Aiko briefly saw the forest where she had been sitting and crying.
The trees were either shriveled and frail or looming evilly, the dark exaggerating the silhouettes and the fear factor that seemed to emanate from them. The grass had withered away and died, and patches of the ground were covered in what looked like pitch-black puddles that seemed to writhe and stir. The sky, once a dazzling or even a muted blue at the least, was now a menacing midnight indigo, and dark shadows seemed to flit across the sky, too indistinct to make out. Almost as if reacting to the light, streams of smoky darkness seemed to sirl and converge into a rotating pillar that seemed to lunge at the opening of the cavern, lured by the sudden presence of the pinprick of light in the dark realm. Yuxara roughly shoved Aiko further back into the lit cavern and leveled her blade at the incoming creature.
"Firaga!" she cried, and a large fireball bloomed from just at the end of her Keyblade, hurtling towards the ghost-worm-like creature, and letting the Keyblade dissipate, she heaved the stone back into place, sealing them from the outside once more. "I hope you got a good look," she breathed, her chest heaving from the sudden adrenaline rush. "Because I'm not rolling that open again."
Aiko plopped down onto the cold stone of the ground, breathing heavily as she watched the corridor shrink out of existence. She swallowed, eyes shifting to the lit path, she stood, stepping over towards the crystals and touching one of them. It sent a buzz through her finger that rendered it numb. She pulled her hand back and swiftly shook it, the numbness dissipating as soon as it had arrived. Looking backwards once more, Aiko found only the cave wall and a bit of reassurance, at least the corridor hadn't appeared to suck her back into it.
She whipped around and walked forward, following Yuxara, but instead running into the cave wall. As the Nobody spoke, Aiko gently rubbed her forehead, and continued towards her companion listening closely. She didn't recognize the cave from anywhere she had seen in the forest, and the crystals she had never seen before. The girl shook her head, "No, Yuzu I don't think this cave was here when you rescued me," She stated. Her eyes were drawn to the boulder, there hadn't ever been a rocky outcrop last she checked, however consideration of that factor was halted as soon as said boulder was heaved out of the way.
The light from Yuxara's Keyblade caused the girl to flinch and drove her to the ground once the Faith spell was cast. Her vision had been rendered to a white wall, which took her a few seconds to recover from, the quick scene of the forest was all too brief, but it had been enough to make Aiko frown.
The forest clearing had been beautiful, it was one of her favorite places to go, tranquil, and far-off, this had been her haven when she had bad days, given that those were frequent, every nook and cranny had been ironed into her memory. The trees had been a lush green, an assortment of maples, birches and oaks. They were awe-inspiring in the fall, the red, yellow and orange hues of the leaves were saturated, not too colorful but not too muted either. The grass was usually bright green, it was soft and springy as well, making the clearing a comfortable place for lounging. Flowers used to grow where the dark puddles were, Camellias, Hydrangeas, Irises and a few Morning Glories bloomed, along with a few lotuses in a small pond near the edge of the clearing. The sky had always been an average blue during the day, but the sunsets and sunrises were the most breathtaking sights. At all of the darkness corroding her previous sanctuary, Aiko couldn't help having a tear spring to her eye.
A dejected stare had been placed on the ground, leaving the girl standing still, with no knowledge of the Firaga spell about to be cast. The blast of heat sent her backwards, sprawling, that wasn't all that happened though. Aiko's hair was slowly turning from chestnut to black. Heat flared from atop her scalp, the odor of burning hair split the musty scent of the cave. Aiko was left screaming on the ground, hands scrambling quickly to pat out the fire growing from her head.
She whipped around and walked forward, following Yuxara, but instead running into the cave wall. As the Nobody spoke, Aiko gently rubbed her forehead, and continued towards her companion listening closely. She didn't recognize the cave from anywhere she had seen in the forest, and the crystals she had never seen before. The girl shook her head, "No, Yuzu I don't think this cave was here when you rescued me," She stated. Her eyes were drawn to the boulder, there hadn't ever been a rocky outcrop last she checked, however consideration of that factor was halted as soon as said boulder was heaved out of the way.
The light from Yuxara's Keyblade caused the girl to flinch and drove her to the ground once the Faith spell was cast. Her vision had been rendered to a white wall, which took her a few seconds to recover from, the quick scene of the forest was all too brief, but it had been enough to make Aiko frown.
The forest clearing had been beautiful, it was one of her favorite places to go, tranquil, and far-off, this had been her haven when she had bad days, given that those were frequent, every nook and cranny had been ironed into her memory. The trees had been a lush green, an assortment of maples, birches and oaks. They were awe-inspiring in the fall, the red, yellow and orange hues of the leaves were saturated, not too colorful but not too muted either. The grass was usually bright green, it was soft and springy as well, making the clearing a comfortable place for lounging. Flowers used to grow where the dark puddles were, Camellias, Hydrangeas, Irises and a few Morning Glories bloomed, along with a few lotuses in a small pond near the edge of the clearing. The sky had always been an average blue during the day, but the sunsets and sunrises were the most breathtaking sights. At all of the darkness corroding her previous sanctuary, Aiko couldn't help having a tear spring to her eye.
A dejected stare had been placed on the ground, leaving the girl standing still, with no knowledge of the Firaga spell about to be cast. The blast of heat sent her backwards, sprawling, that wasn't all that happened though. Aiko's hair was slowly turning from chestnut to black. Heat flared from atop her scalp, the odor of burning hair split the musty scent of the cave. Aiko was left screaming on the ground, hands scrambling quickly to pat out the fire growing from her head.
Yuxara sighed, her Keyblade forming into her hand once more, and she pointed it at a nearby rock. "Freeze." A chunk of ice struck the rock, and it shattered into several pieces. taking the largest one which was about the size if her fist, she calmly picked it up and, grabbing Aiko's should've rot steady her a moment, placed the ice chunk directly on her hair. For the barest moment the flames sputtered and the chunk of ice steamed, but the water quickly put out the fire, leaving the burnt patch in Aiko's hair. "Sorry about that. I thought I'd pushed you far enough not to catch," she sighed, kicking at the edge of her own cloak near her black-shoed foot, which was also singed.
She looked contemplative, and for a moment her gaze was elsewhere, her thoughts following them. "The darkness is fickle and selfish. It takes what it wants." The statement was a simple one. "You saw what its done. It's only a matter of time before the world itself begins to crumble from the torment." she looked down at her Keybkade, studying it for another moment before she seemed to regain a trace of composure. The blade dissipated from her grasp. "Our duty is to keep the balance. The light burns and blinds, the dark shrouds and consumes. Only a World with balance can exist happily, and it's our duty as Keybkade wielded to keep that balance." Her voice softened a little. "To prevent that from happening." She made a vague gesture at the closed rock behind her.
She looked contemplative, and for a moment her gaze was elsewhere, her thoughts following them. "The darkness is fickle and selfish. It takes what it wants." The statement was a simple one. "You saw what its done. It's only a matter of time before the world itself begins to crumble from the torment." she looked down at her Keybkade, studying it for another moment before she seemed to regain a trace of composure. The blade dissipated from her grasp. "Our duty is to keep the balance. The light burns and blinds, the dark shrouds and consumes. Only a World with balance can exist happily, and it's our duty as Keybkade wielded to keep that balance." Her voice softened a little. "To prevent that from happening." She made a vague gesture at the closed rock behind her.
A few seconds later, the girl was rubbing her head gingerly, no hair had been burnt off but it was singed, leaving several strands of foul-smelling, black hair. Aiko listened to Yuxara as she explained about the darkness. Her world had been consumed, one of the places she loved most covered in darkness. What had she done to deserve this? Why couldn't she have gone on without having something special happen to her? Although she had longed for that, this was too special.
She laid prostrate on the ground, a burn mark running down the side of her face. It wasn't major but it did hurt, and that was enough to give way to some tears. Aiko sobbed quietly, sniffling as she stood, holding her head in her hands. She looked to Yuxara, shakily apologizing, "Sorry, I should've moved further back," her eyes moved around the room to the place where the corridor had been, she sighed, "Can we go back? I'm tired," Aiko cursed herself for asking that. A mental assault towards herself struck out, sending degrading phrases and words towards her. The girl sat back down, resting against the cave wall, the sobbing continued.
She laid prostrate on the ground, a burn mark running down the side of her face. It wasn't major but it did hurt, and that was enough to give way to some tears. Aiko sobbed quietly, sniffling as she stood, holding her head in her hands. She looked to Yuxara, shakily apologizing, "Sorry, I should've moved further back," her eyes moved around the room to the place where the corridor had been, she sighed, "Can we go back? I'm tired," Aiko cursed herself for asking that. A mental assault towards herself struck out, sending degrading phrases and words towards her. The girl sat back down, resting against the cave wall, the sobbing continued.
Yuxara nodded. "I'll heal you when we get back. Just so I can save energy if we get attacked before we do." with that, she opened the dark corridor. Her expression softened as she looked back at Aiko. "You can close your eyes this time, if you like." she again held out her hand to her.
The large blast of ice shocked Cynthiera. She wasn't capable of such a thing, yet she did it. Needless to say, she had a tad of a morale boost. Once Ritsuka had yelled "There, get it!" Cynthiera didn't know what to do and only stood there as she watched the coordination of the other two work in play.
Unsure of how to cast any other spell, once Moguri had reset his position for casting, Cynthiera shot another couple of Blizzards at one of the arms of the beast.
Ritsuka was fighting at high risk, and that made Cynthiera fear for him. She couldn't help but yell out "Be careful!" as he rushed towards the chaos to do some damage.
Unsure of how to cast any other spell, once Moguri had reset his position for casting, Cynthiera shot another couple of Blizzards at one of the arms of the beast.
Ritsuka was fighting at high risk, and that made Cynthiera fear for him. She couldn't help but yell out "Be careful!" as he rushed towards the chaos to do some damage.
With a few sniffles, Aiko stood and had taken Yuxara's hand. She squeezed tight, tight enough to induce pain, not too much however. She had her other hand on the Nobody's shoulder for balance as she trailed her. Eyes closed tight, she could feel the anxiety create a lump in her throat as she moved along. She tried to swallow it along with her fears but failed whicb made her even more tense. Tears streamed slowly down her face, the burn felt like it was slowly pulsing, sending a wave of pain through her skull and causing Aiko to cry out.
As both traveled through the corridor, one taking slow steps and the other coolly moving forward, Aiko held onto Yuxara for dear life as her balance began to waver. She felt like doing nothing more but lying down and sleeping. Yuxara had said the darkness would consume one if too much time was spent in it. What could that do to her?
As both traveled through the corridor, one taking slow steps and the other coolly moving forward, Aiko held onto Yuxara for dear life as her balance began to waver. She felt like doing nothing more but lying down and sleeping. Yuxara had said the darkness would consume one if too much time was spent in it. What could that do to her?
Ritsuka took head of Cynthiera's warning as he Dodge Rolled out of the way of the hammer like feet as they began stomping towards him. As soon as they ceased however Ritsuka went back on the attack, landing a Sliding Dash on the feet before slashing at them vigorously with his Keyblade. Eventually, one of them burst into a cloud of darkness, making the other one seem a bit more wary of attacking the Key Bearer.
Moguri kept casting Fira spells at the arms just as Cynthiera was casting her Blizzards, though he made certain not to cast them whenever she did, as to not have them cancel each other out. Regardless, the one that Moguri was firing at eventually burst as well, causing the other to retreat back to the torso as did the remaining foot. Despite the asymmetry, the Powered Armor didn't seem to concerned with the loss of its left foot and right arm, as it went right back to stomping and flailing at Ritsuka, the boy rolling away in order to avoid the damage. Once it stopped to rest, Ritsuka leapt up and started slashing at its exposed head, unfortunately the Heartless grew wise to the tactic and swatted Ritsuka way, sending him crashing to the ground.
"Ritsuka!" Moguri cried before casting a Thundara spell at the Armor in order to keep its attention. Ritsuka struggled to his feet before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a Potion, quickly chugging it and sighed in relief as his strength returned to him.
"I'm fine Moguri, just keep it busy!" Ritsuka said as he charged forward again. Moguri did as instructed and kept casting Thundara at the Heartless while Ritsuka snuck behind it. The boy then leapt into the air and landed a Quick Blitz on its head, landing in front of it and rolling away to avoid a retaliating swipe of its hand. He steadied himself and threw a Strike Raid at the Heartless that was easily knocked away by the arm, however this was Ritsuka's intention as he leapt up, summoned the Keyblade back to his hand, and landed the three consecutive slashes of Blitz to the Heartless' exposed torso, causing the creature to stagger back.
The Powered Armor steadied itself before sending its remaining arm and foot to fight on their own again, Ritsuka once again taking point with the foot while leaving Moguri and Cynthiera to deal with the arm.
Moguri kept casting Fira spells at the arms just as Cynthiera was casting her Blizzards, though he made certain not to cast them whenever she did, as to not have them cancel each other out. Regardless, the one that Moguri was firing at eventually burst as well, causing the other to retreat back to the torso as did the remaining foot. Despite the asymmetry, the Powered Armor didn't seem to concerned with the loss of its left foot and right arm, as it went right back to stomping and flailing at Ritsuka, the boy rolling away in order to avoid the damage. Once it stopped to rest, Ritsuka leapt up and started slashing at its exposed head, unfortunately the Heartless grew wise to the tactic and swatted Ritsuka way, sending him crashing to the ground.
"Ritsuka!" Moguri cried before casting a Thundara spell at the Armor in order to keep its attention. Ritsuka struggled to his feet before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a Potion, quickly chugging it and sighed in relief as his strength returned to him.
"I'm fine Moguri, just keep it busy!" Ritsuka said as he charged forward again. Moguri did as instructed and kept casting Thundara at the Heartless while Ritsuka snuck behind it. The boy then leapt into the air and landed a Quick Blitz on its head, landing in front of it and rolling away to avoid a retaliating swipe of its hand. He steadied himself and threw a Strike Raid at the Heartless that was easily knocked away by the arm, however this was Ritsuka's intention as he leapt up, summoned the Keyblade back to his hand, and landed the three consecutive slashes of Blitz to the Heartless' exposed torso, causing the creature to stagger back.
The Powered Armor steadied itself before sending its remaining arm and foot to fight on their own again, Ritsuka once again taking point with the foot while leaving Moguri and Cynthiera to deal with the arm.
Just when Aiko couldn't seem to take it anymore, the unnatural warmth of the dark corridor gave way to cool openness, and the bright white light tried to force its way through her eyelids. When Aiko opened her eyes, they were back inside the bright white room where she had been imprisoned. After seeing the darkness and what it was capable of, the monotony of the light almost seemed welcoming in comparison.
Yuxara's forehead was creased, as if she were contemplating something. But once they were clear of the corridor and she had cast a cursory glance to assure that no other darkness lurked in the room, she lifted her Keyblade a fraction. "Heal." Green light and flower petals seemed to be sprinkled around Aiko as she cast Cure, and immediately she felt the burn ease. If she were to touch the affected area the burn would be completely healed as if never had been. A few more moments of silence passed before the Nobody glanced at her. "Do you understand now?"
Yuxara's forehead was creased, as if she were contemplating something. But once they were clear of the corridor and she had cast a cursory glance to assure that no other darkness lurked in the room, she lifted her Keyblade a fraction. "Heal." Green light and flower petals seemed to be sprinkled around Aiko as she cast Cure, and immediately she felt the burn ease. If she were to touch the affected area the burn would be completely healed as if never had been. A few more moments of silence passed before the Nobody glanced at her. "Do you understand now?"
Aiko sighed shakily as the pain slowly faded, she turned and stepped over to the bed. The meager comfort was enticing, the girl laid down on the bed, a smile broke through the tears running down her face and the phlegm nearly dribbling out of her nose, she stared at the white ceiling. Today was hellish, Aiko wished she hadn't answered Yuxara. Maybe she could've been left to wallow in the slow erosion of her mind that was solitude.
She gave a weak, "Thank you," to Yuxara as she began to turn towards the wall, a feeling of calm setting over her. The girl had been on the verge of sleep before she was asked that question. It set something off, it wasn't an explosion of anger but more a race to understand whatever was to be understood. While Aiko had said she would wait and do this tomorrow, Yuxara now made her want to understand. So that her understanding might be praised. She had an intense craving to be praised at this point, especially when all she did to herself was reproach and criticize. Aiko sat up, exhaustion pulling at her muscles.
Wait, did Yuxara want her to understand about the χ-blade and the Keyblade Wars, or something else? At this point Aiko was lost, she laughed nervously. No praise today, looking to Yuxara she asked, "Understand what?" the question was nearly a whisper, shamefully she looked to the bedspread, awaiting an answer.
She gave a weak, "Thank you," to Yuxara as she began to turn towards the wall, a feeling of calm setting over her. The girl had been on the verge of sleep before she was asked that question. It set something off, it wasn't an explosion of anger but more a race to understand whatever was to be understood. While Aiko had said she would wait and do this tomorrow, Yuxara now made her want to understand. So that her understanding might be praised. She had an intense craving to be praised at this point, especially when all she did to herself was reproach and criticize. Aiko sat up, exhaustion pulling at her muscles.
Wait, did Yuxara want her to understand about the χ-blade and the Keyblade Wars, or something else? At this point Aiko was lost, she laughed nervously. No praise today, looking to Yuxara she asked, "Understand what?" the question was nearly a whisper, shamefully she looked to the bedspread, awaiting an answer.
"Our purpose as the Organization," Yuxara mused, her hollow gaze wandering elsewhere as her thoughts trailed away as well. "Or, at least, why we took you from your world. And why we hope for you to join us." Her violet eyes softened, and one could tell that she had seen much.
Suddenly, another dark corridor opened, and another hooded figure, this one taller, broader, and masculine, stepped out from within the dark flames. "Yuxara."
Yuxara turned back to face him. "Raixon," she acknowledged. "You're back."
Raixon nodded solemnly. "Unfortunately, the imbalances of darkness are due to hearts gaining leverage. Our hearts," he emphasized pointedly to her, and Yuxara grimaced. He turned to Aiko, the hood obscuring any feature of his face. "I see that I no longer need to lecture you on why you are here. I trust that you will make your decision soon?"
Suddenly, another dark corridor opened, and another hooded figure, this one taller, broader, and masculine, stepped out from within the dark flames. "Yuxara."
Yuxara turned back to face him. "Raixon," she acknowledged. "You're back."
Raixon nodded solemnly. "Unfortunately, the imbalances of darkness are due to hearts gaining leverage. Our hearts," he emphasized pointedly to her, and Yuxara grimaced. He turned to Aiko, the hood obscuring any feature of his face. "I see that I no longer need to lecture you on why you are here. I trust that you will make your decision soon?"
Blinking, she let out a quiet, "Oh," her brained switched gears. Aiko did understand why they did it, it wasn't a bad cause, but at what cost? She took a glance at Yuxara, then to the dark corridor as it opened abruptly. As Raixon stepped in she had finished her thought process, yet she hadn't decided yes or no. She didn't want to lose anything in the process of joining the Organization but she felt becoming apart of it would somehow make her stronger. Strength wasn't all she wanted though, she wanted so much more that strength alone couldn't achieve, and if she had to sacrifice anything that she had now, then it would compromise potentially obtaining those things.
However, Aiko was put on the spot, pressure began to set in. What would they do to her if she didn't accept, would they cast her back out to the darkness? No, she couldn't think that, they saved her from it, they wouldn't do that. Would they? She pursed her lips and let out a hum, her brain kept counteracting with disadvantages to the yes and no, it wouldn't let her choose. Aiko had no idea which one she would pick and looked to Yuxara for guidance, but she couldn't depend on her for help.
The girl felt like the moment was overly tense, Raixon standing there alongside Yuxara. As if surrounded by people chanting, "Do it!" but the crowd behind her warned her. Aiko looked back towards Raixon, her brain deceived her, it felt like the hooded man was beckoning. Yet he was completely silent. With a small whimper, the pressure got to Aiko, she simply let out a small, "Yes, yes I'll join,"
However, Aiko was put on the spot, pressure began to set in. What would they do to her if she didn't accept, would they cast her back out to the darkness? No, she couldn't think that, they saved her from it, they wouldn't do that. Would they? She pursed her lips and let out a hum, her brain kept counteracting with disadvantages to the yes and no, it wouldn't let her choose. Aiko had no idea which one she would pick and looked to Yuxara for guidance, but she couldn't depend on her for help.
The girl felt like the moment was overly tense, Raixon standing there alongside Yuxara. As if surrounded by people chanting, "Do it!" but the crowd behind her warned her. Aiko looked back towards Raixon, her brain deceived her, it felt like the hooded man was beckoning. Yet he was completely silent. With a small whimper, the pressure got to Aiko, she simply let out a small, "Yes, yes I'll join,"
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