This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
You have lived on the island all of your life, you grew up there, and are still growing. However, the time has come once again. The rivers are dry, it has not rained since the last summer, and the island's main source of food, the villages' crops, are beginning to wilt and die. The farmers have tried pouring and sprinkling water from the wells over them, but it is of no use. A sacrifice must be made yet again to the great and motherly Shyeerah, the deity of the island, to renew their crops so the island may last the next winter.
Not just any sacrifice, but one of either a child, or a young daughter. Which then they, and they alone must stab them self upon the stone altar at the bottom level of the ancient crypt, in the center of the island. However, the crypt is not a simple burial tomb, it is a large and mysterious dungeon, filled with trials, dangerous beasts, different realms and lands within itself, and of course, the mysterious strangers of the crypt, which may want to help, or hinder the sacrifice's journey to the bottom.
The Pontifex has appointed a sacrifice, and a single guard to go with them into the crypt. The island's fate rests in your hands.
Hello! I am looking for two people to join me in this RP, one to play as the guard, the other the sacrifice. However, I expect you to be able to type using paragraphs, proper spacing, capitalization, and punctuation. However, post length is completely adjustable.
If this has interested you, please post down below as the character you're going to play as. As well as feel free to post if you have any questions.
Not just any sacrifice, but one of either a child, or a young daughter. Which then they, and they alone must stab them self upon the stone altar at the bottom level of the ancient crypt, in the center of the island. However, the crypt is not a simple burial tomb, it is a large and mysterious dungeon, filled with trials, dangerous beasts, different realms and lands within itself, and of course, the mysterious strangers of the crypt, which may want to help, or hinder the sacrifice's journey to the bottom.
The Pontifex has appointed a sacrifice, and a single guard to go with them into the crypt. The island's fate rests in your hands.
Hello! I am looking for two people to join me in this RP, one to play as the guard, the other the sacrifice. However, I expect you to be able to type using paragraphs, proper spacing, capitalization, and punctuation. However, post length is completely adjustable.
If this has interested you, please post down below as the character you're going to play as. As well as feel free to post if you have any questions.
Magic is rare, but not unheard of. Mundane characters may or may not believe in it. Magical characters may form small and exclusive pockets for study, protection, etc.
Combat is expected as part of the storyline but it won't dominate the plot.
Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.
This definitely has me interested. I'd like to play as Dylan, being appointed as the guard accompanying the sacrifice to the altar. I'm guessing that he would go without his power (electrokinesis), but it's up to you.
I would like to be the sacrifice. This character could be adjusted to fit the setting. She also would probably have no power (Audiokinesis)
Technically, since this is fantasy, their powers would be completely acceptable. Either than that, we're good to go. I'll the pm later. You got any questions, though?
You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » The Sacrifice (closed.) (closed)
Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus