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Forums » General Roleplay » street side-singers

Gregor McCourt (played by Fireflamer386)

*hey this is me fireflamer386 you may rember me from prison (the rp) but I'm going to do a new roleplay about people who are buskers and kinda form idk but we will just see how this branches no-need to ask just lay your self out like this
place in band
most loved song

here is mine
name gregor
age 18
place in band lead singer+ guitarist
most loved song

gregor sat down in starbucks with his guitar with him he ordered a mocha and he was just waiting for it how much he wanted a band he thought. MOHCHA the lady called I approached her took it and sat down again. I wish I could find people like me
Gregor McCourt (played by Fireflamer386) Topic Starter

I started playing the first cords of are you mine? By the artic monkeys.
*i walk in with my hair died black even though its blonde and i have an eyebrow piercing and ear piercing and lip piercing and i have my guitar around me and i get a unicorn latte and i sit at a different table*
Gregor McCourt (played by Fireflamer386) Topic Starter

I start singing to myself "she's a silver lining lone ranging" then I took a sip from my mocha
*i start to sing gasoline by haisley really good and i play my guitar smiling an i run to the unisex toilets as my lip piercing went funny *
Rain (played by 11Rain11)

Jen walked ininto the starbucks, ordering a green tea and sitting at a table. She had headphones and began to drum her fingers on the table and tap her feet on the floor as if she was playing the drums, and it actually sounded good. "mmm mmm yeah~" She was humming a little bit as she drummed.
(more below image)

Tommy was already sitting on one of the comfy chairs, messing around with his portable keyboard. He took a sip of his tuxedo mocha frappaccino, and started to play a song. It seemed he had some mixing abilities as well.

Alice Black (played anonymously)

(Do you mind if I join?)
I run back out with my guitar and i put my piercing back in*
Alice Black (played anonymously)

Name:Alice Black
Age: 20
Place: base guitar
Appearance: see profile
Favorite song:
(Is this fine?) Alice walks into the star bucks and got a basic coffee and sat at a random table
*i almost choke"jesus christ "i cough and i sing the final masqerade by linkin park amazingly and i play the guitar
Nitro (played by ReaperTheShadow67)

Can I join?
Rain (played by 11Rain11)

As all the kids started playing different songs and music, one of the baristas came out and asked them all to leave for causing a ruckus. "Sorry guys but if you wanna play rock band you gotta do it somewhere else." Jen grabbed her tea and stood up. "Music isn't a rukus, it's art!" She left in a huff, bumping into someone else.

Tommy sighed, grabbing his keyboard and leaving. "I was done with this anyways..." He tossed the empty cup in the trash and headed outside, jamming to something with his headphones.
Alice Black (played anonymously)

Alice shrugs and follows them
Atom (played anonymously)

Guys can I join?
Atom (played anonymously)

Name atom
Place: keyboard
Fav song: owl city fireflies
Appearance: profile
Gregor McCourt (played by Fireflamer386) Topic Starter

(Hi guys you can all join)
He left Starbucks and saw that jenny girl "hey pretty good drumming back there in mean for fingers"
Anyone wanna continue with me in pm ??
I walk past you guys "this is bull "kicks the door open standing outside playing i write sins not tragedys by P!ATD and singing and someone starts to mock me
person:"you cant sing your awful"i sink to the floor in tear
Gregor McCourt (played by Fireflamer386) Topic Starter

(I thought we would continue here)
I saw the girl crying "hey you can sing we can all sing" He then said to all of them "hey everyone come round mine" he straightend out his levis shirt
I stand up teary as i follow you to your house

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