This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
You are an explorer, hearing rumors about an uncharted island within the Majora Strait that is rumored to be home to the moth demons. Curious to look more into the rumors, you begin to read about various things regarding the island, what it is, where it is, and what's on it. Curiosity peaked, you decide to head out towards the island despite knowing what has happened to those who travel towards the Moth Island. After much struggling, you manage to make it to the island, meeting the son of the Ceropia clan's chief. Befriending the young moth, you travel around the island, learning more about the young moth, his clan, and the clans around them. Eventually, you learn of the young moth's desires; he wishes to travel to other parts of the world, he wants to see things no other moth has. Will you bring the moth back to the mainland and develop a stronger bond beyond just friendship? Or will you bring more trouble for the moth people?
I'm looking for 1-3 people to take part in this RP. It's a simple adventure RP that is generally pretty mellow, but combat is possible, though it won't be played out for very long. Romance is allowed, but do not let it take over the purpose of the plot. PM me or reply down below.
The Moth Demons
Throughout the world, there are five large clans made entirely of moth demons. Each clan is unique in the fact that they can from a human like appearance to a large moth. Each clan is able to use a unique element.
Clan #1: Ceropia

This is the largest and most powerful clan. They are a fairly proud clan, and for good reason. They have never been defeated in battles for territories. They claim a large amount of the Moth Island. The Ceropia are capable of controlling fire. Their moth form is based off of the Hyalophora cecropia species.
Clan #2: Actius
The second largest and most notable of the clans. The Actius clan is a fairly calm, peaceful clan. They are well respected by the other four clans due to their refusal to battle. They often make homes far in the northern plains of the island. They can control water. Their moth form is based off of the Aticias luna species.

Clan #3: Atlas
The smallest, yet third most powerful clan is the Atlas clan. They are the most feisty of the group and are often the most eager to battle, despite this, they often get along well with the other clans. The often make their home in the central plains and forests. Their moth form is based off of the Attacus atlas species. They can control earth.

Clan #4: Atropos
This is the weakest clan despite being based off the greater death hawk moth. They are a very mysterious as they rarely interact with anyone outside their own kind. They are by far the most intelligent of the five clans. They make their homes near the coastlines. They are based off of the Acherontia atropos species. They can control lightning.

Clan #5: Chrysiridia
The youngest and most beautiful of the five clans. They often reside in the beautiful marshlands of the island. The clan takes great pride in their unique, beautiful appearances and often show off their unique appearance. They are generally peaceful moths, but will fight back if provoked. They are based off of the Chrysiridia rhipheus species. They can control poison.

Clan #6: Spilosoma (No longer exists.)
This clan existed millennia ago. It is unknown why they were wiped out or what wiped them out. They were an ancient, well respected clan. It is believed that there are a few survivors of the clan, but no one has confirmed this. They were masters of ice, but rumors had spread that they could control the other five elements at times. They were based off of the Spilosoma virginica species.

Clan #1: Ceropia

This is the largest and most powerful clan. They are a fairly proud clan, and for good reason. They have never been defeated in battles for territories. They claim a large amount of the Moth Island. The Ceropia are capable of controlling fire. Their moth form is based off of the Hyalophora cecropia species.
Clan #2: Actius
The second largest and most notable of the clans. The Actius clan is a fairly calm, peaceful clan. They are well respected by the other four clans due to their refusal to battle. They often make homes far in the northern plains of the island. They can control water. Their moth form is based off of the Aticias luna species.

Clan #3: Atlas
The smallest, yet third most powerful clan is the Atlas clan. They are the most feisty of the group and are often the most eager to battle, despite this, they often get along well with the other clans. The often make their home in the central plains and forests. Their moth form is based off of the Attacus atlas species. They can control earth.

Clan #4: Atropos
This is the weakest clan despite being based off the greater death hawk moth. They are a very mysterious as they rarely interact with anyone outside their own kind. They are by far the most intelligent of the five clans. They make their homes near the coastlines. They are based off of the Acherontia atropos species. They can control lightning.

Clan #5: Chrysiridia
The youngest and most beautiful of the five clans. They often reside in the beautiful marshlands of the island. The clan takes great pride in their unique, beautiful appearances and often show off their unique appearance. They are generally peaceful moths, but will fight back if provoked. They are based off of the Chrysiridia rhipheus species. They can control poison.

Clan #6: Spilosoma (No longer exists.)
This clan existed millennia ago. It is unknown why they were wiped out or what wiped them out. They were an ancient, well respected clan. It is believed that there are a few survivors of the clan, but no one has confirmed this. They were masters of ice, but rumors had spread that they could control the other five elements at times. They were based off of the Spilosoma virginica species.

The Island of the Moths

Actius: A barren, yet beautiful landscape that is slowly being turned into a Paradise. As suggested by the name, this houses the Actius clan.
Chrysiridia: A beautiful, varied landscape with many beautiful prairies, a large and gorgeous beach, a large mountain range, and a deep forest. This is the home of the Chrysiridia clan.
Atlas: A large portion of the island that is primed for farming. The soil is moist enough that foods grow to be delicious and plump. It is home to the Atlas clan.
Atropos: A rather flat and cool portion of the island that is notable for it's intricate river system. It is home to the Atropos clan.
Spilosima: The home to the long thought to be extinct Spilosoma clan. Due to years of abandonment, it has become mostly forested over with the exception of crumbling villages. It is unknown why none of the other clans have cosines the territory.
Ceropia: The largest and the home to the most powerful clan, the Ceropia. The center of the ispandnis quite varied and notable for having several large villages, rivers, a large lake, and several forests.
Most laws on island are set as an agreement between each of the clans leaders.
Thou shalt not leave their territory.
This is a tough and harshly enforced law. A moth is not to cross the border of another territory unless special permission is gained from both leaders of the territories. Anyone caught doing so is often punished with 100 lashes.
Thou shalt not leave the island.
This is enforced much like the other law. This law is in place to keep moths from getting lost when flying off the island.
Thou shall kill any human that steps foot on the island.
This law is in place as a sort of revenge towards the humans during the Great Genocide.
Murdering a fellow moth is punishable by death.
An ironic law, really. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
Slavery is strictly forbidden.
Selling off a moth to serve another is forbidden and often punishable by death.
Worship of human religions is strictly forbidden.
Yet another law that came to be after the Great Genocide. Those caught practicing these outlawed religions are subject to 200 lashes and sometimes even death.
Of course, there are many more, but the ones above are considered the most sacred.

Actius: A barren, yet beautiful landscape that is slowly being turned into a Paradise. As suggested by the name, this houses the Actius clan.
Chrysiridia: A beautiful, varied landscape with many beautiful prairies, a large and gorgeous beach, a large mountain range, and a deep forest. This is the home of the Chrysiridia clan.
Atlas: A large portion of the island that is primed for farming. The soil is moist enough that foods grow to be delicious and plump. It is home to the Atlas clan.
Atropos: A rather flat and cool portion of the island that is notable for it's intricate river system. It is home to the Atropos clan.
Spilosima: The home to the long thought to be extinct Spilosoma clan. Due to years of abandonment, it has become mostly forested over with the exception of crumbling villages. It is unknown why none of the other clans have cosines the territory.
Ceropia: The largest and the home to the most powerful clan, the Ceropia. The center of the ispandnis quite varied and notable for having several large villages, rivers, a large lake, and several forests.
Most laws on island are set as an agreement between each of the clans leaders.
Thou shalt not leave their territory.
This is a tough and harshly enforced law. A moth is not to cross the border of another territory unless special permission is gained from both leaders of the territories. Anyone caught doing so is often punished with 100 lashes.
Thou shalt not leave the island.
This is enforced much like the other law. This law is in place to keep moths from getting lost when flying off the island.
Thou shall kill any human that steps foot on the island.
This law is in place as a sort of revenge towards the humans during the Great Genocide.
Murdering a fellow moth is punishable by death.
An ironic law, really. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
Slavery is strictly forbidden.
Selling off a moth to serve another is forbidden and often punishable by death.
Worship of human religions is strictly forbidden.
Yet another law that came to be after the Great Genocide. Those caught practicing these outlawed religions are subject to 200 lashes and sometimes even death.
Of course, there are many more, but the ones above are considered the most sacred.
I'm looking for 1-3 people to take part in this RP. It's a simple adventure RP that is generally pretty mellow, but combat is possible, though it won't be played out for very long. Romance is allowed, but do not let it take over the purpose of the plot. PM me or reply down below.
Magic is rare. Some of the players might have it. There may be sages or other magical figures that could be sought out for tutelage.
A peaceful setting, but with a chance for small fights and struggles to break out on a very small scale.
Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.
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