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Forums » Looking for RP » Bury Them Deep (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

"Who did this? The gunslingers? Outlaws? The greedy son o' bitches bleedin' every little town dry? I reckon it was all of 'em, right down to sweet ol' granny in her rocking chair. The way I figure, the world wouldn't be like this if there weren't something wrong with it, but the hell with all of 'em. We've survived. Satan can bring the beasts, the demons... everything he wants. Mankind'll continue to survive."

"Welcome to the new frontier, I suggest you carry some holy water and say your prayers every night because you never know if you're gonna make it."

Right now, I'm looking for a one on one RP mostly to test the concept behind this. The idea is a hell on earth scenario set in the Wild West. Mankind and Hellspawn live side by side, a sort of shaky peace exists for no particular reason other than the Hellspawn know they're not going anywhere, and if humans insist on living, why not let them? I'm hoping to find someone who's willing to play a human alongside a character that I'm currently working on. If you're interested feel free to PM me and we can talk specifics! My only request is that each post is a minimum of a paragraph, and you have fairly decent availability!

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Bury Them Deep (closed)

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