This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
The City Keeps On Going.

"I was brought up as a southern belle, grew into the queen of hell..~!" She chirped, placing her hand on either sides of her head, making some sort of crown before a grin began to creep across her face. She lowered her hands and continued to quietly sing 'Hit and Run' as she latched onto her gun, approaching her cornered victims. Around... Three. All spread out across the room. Her head jolted to the right as one of them tried to make a run for the doors. She laughed and aimed her gun at their head.
She continued laughing as the other two made a dash for it, thinking their fellows death was a big enough distraction, leaving them an opportunity to escape.
"You can't run from meee~" She chirped again as she aimed her gun yet again.
Two more headshots. She kept laughing as she started to hear the approaching police sirens. She darted to the door and kicked them down, cartwheeling out of the abandoned factory and running down the Main Street, her black hair flying like crazy behind her as she ran so fast.
"Haha... Hahaha.... HAHAHAHAHA....!!"
Her laughter.
Her laughter screamed and echoed through the streets she bolted down. Those damn streets she roamed.
Police sirens, ambulance sirens, so many of them. How many people had she hurt that night again?
Hm, around eighteen so far. And that was only in the space of a couple hours.
She wanted more than eighteen.
God damn, only eighteen.
More. More, more...
But, she had to focus on running right now. She wasn't getting caught for the first time now. No way, especially not without dragging her brother with her.
Speaking of, where the hell was he?! He said he'd meet her on Main Street.
Oh, there he is. He was waving at her in a nearby unlocked shop. Robyn grinned and darted to the side just before the police turned the corner. The pair ducked behind the counter so the lights wouldn't shine in the window and reveal their hiding spot.
Phew, the door shut behind them. Just in time.
They heard the police sirens pausing and the tyres of the cars rolling slowly down the street. Closer and closer to their hiding spot.
Robyn could feel her brother tensing up as a light was shone in the window, making a shadow of the counter they were hidden behind.
Slowly, but eventually, the cars passed and the pair waited a few minutes before jumping up and out of the enclosed shop. They danced and skipped up the local streets, their laughter roaming into small spaces hidden away in the huge city.
Ish me with another RP add, this time for Robyn ^^
Well, the basics would bbbeeeee:
> High voilence
> High chance of strong language
> Romance is optional but if included, F x F is preferred, but I can work with F x M too

> I can work with further than simply romantic, buuuut I get easily uncomfortable so don't judge me if I say no o-o
> Keep in kind that Robyn's insane, so her actions won't be predictable.
> Obvs no controlling her or anything like that. No godmod, preferably no 'magic' but she has some so I guess it's fair if your character would have some too~~
> A little more than one liners please. Maybe like 3 lines - 1 paragraph if that's not too awkward? Idk.
Well, thanks for reading this and I hope at least a couple people replyyy >v<
Magic is rare, but not unheard of. Mundane characters may or may not believe in it. Magical characters may form small and exclusive pockets for study, protection, etc.
Wartime/soldier RPs. Combat is a given and will likely be graphic, but there's the potential for non-combat "in the trenches" scenes. World War 2, Vietnam, etc.
Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.
I'm game heheheheh
Thatonionbrotho wrote:
I'm game heheheheh
Cool! Send me a PM ^^
im interested

Wow... just... wow... It's a nice idea, I'll give you that, and I've gotta love the insanity part... but quick question... How would she react if a Russian militia leader suddenly ran into her? I've been dying to do this kind of RP with Patricia for quite a bit, and was wondering if she could be used in this?
11Rain11 wrote:
im interested 

Awesome! Send me a Pm ^^
Patricia Lermont wrote:
Wow... just... wow... It's a nice idea, I'll give you that, and I've gotta love the insanity part... but quick question... How would she react if a Russian militia leader suddenly ran into her? I've been dying to do this kind of RP with Patricia for quite a bit, and was wondering if she could be used in this?
Thank you! And that sounds very unusual!
I love it!
I think it'd be awesome to do.
Send me a PM and we can talk it over ^^
May I give this a try?
Jade wrote:
May I give this a try?
Of course!
Shoot me a PM ^^
XxCandy-ChanXx wrote:
Robyn Fencaster wrote:
XxCandy-ChanXx wrote:
this sounds baller, can i shoot you a pm?
this sounds baller, can i shoot you a pm?
koobler wrote:
this sounds baller, can i shoot you a pm?
this sounds baller, can i shoot you a pm?
interested, So uhhh does this go into like a forum, or like what. (Please be patient i'm new....)
Hey, there.
This looks interesting, shoot me a pm?
This looks interesting, shoot me a pm?
Man-Made-Maniac wrote:
interested, So uhhh does this go into like a forum, or like what. (Please be patient i'm new....)
koobler wrote:
Hey, there.
This looks interesting, shoot me a pm?
This looks interesting, shoot me a pm?
Ahhh! I'm so sorry that I didn't see your replys!
I'll get right to those PMs if you're still interested? ^^
I'm waiting for your reply
Robyn Fencaster wrote:
Man-Made-Maniac wrote:
interested, So uhhh does this go into like a forum, or like what. (Please be patient i'm new....)
koobler wrote:
Hey, there.
This looks interesting, shoot me a pm?
This looks interesting, shoot me a pm?
Ahhh! I'm so sorry that I didn't see your replys!
I'll get right to those PMs if you're still interested? ^^
I'm definitely still interested, PM me whenever!
You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Just Try And Run, Just Try. (closed)
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