"Ke-Chan! Ke-chan!!!!"
The voice of her best friend echoed through her mind. Why? Why did it seem like she was so far away? Darkness seeme to engulf the pink haired female completely, though something was making her feel off. She groaned gently before everything came flashing through the darkness of her unconscious mind...
School had been normal that day..it seemed like the day was just going slow..it was almost annoying to the stubborn female. She was off in the back of the school in archery practice, one thing she wasn't used to was how they wore simple p.e clothes for this practice and not the traditional clothing she was used to. "Ke-chan, it's your turn to go!" The silly nickname caused the female to turn and look to a petite and much smaller female by the name of Yumi. "How many times do I have to tell you..just call me Sakeko.." she growled a bit narrowing her pretty hazel eyes. As she sighed heavily she placed a hand on the females head and smiled a bit. "You did good today, but you have to keep your hand steady..here watch." The 5'7 female walked past the tiny 4'10 girl and lifted her bow, relaxing her stance and looking at the target with a concentrated, cold stare before shooting her arrow watching it hit the mark dead on.
"Wow ke-chan you are so amazing!" The female squealed and jumped around. How that girl had so much energy she would never know..
That day was amazing, she had got to have a good day at school with her closest friend..the girl she had found herself..in love with. That is..until the explosion had happened during school, there where screams of terror, and it seemed like the day had turned to pure hell..there where people walking down the street though they looked weird, some even had limbs missing or holes in their abdomen and head. But the last thing she remembered was losing yumi in the large sea of students running for help or cover.
Suddenly pastel hues snap open as the female jolts up looking around wildly groaning gently as she gripped her head. "Ow.." she mumbled softly as she shifted a bit and looked around the abandoned classroom. She then looked to the barricaded door. "Oh.." she muttered and stood as she stumbled a bit. She had tripped and hit her head after having closed off the door. She glanced over to the window and ran to it to see that it was now night time. "How long have I been out?..." she asked softly but she had been completely knocked out the rest of yesterday and almost the entire day of today.
"Yu.." she narrowed her eyes and went to begin clearing the door so she can go find her. "Are others okay?" She asked herself biting her lip softly before angrily wiping away her tears that threatened to take over. What would be come of the world now that it had come to a crashing halt?
As she cleared the doors quiet sobbing could be heard from the other side. "Noodles......." It was young, shaky male voice that belonged to a guy from school. He was kneeling on the ground and cradling something in his arms. Tears flowed down his face like that of a waterfall as the he sobbed and sobbed like a child.
A closer look would reveal he was cradling the remains of a dog, of what was left of it anyways. He himself seemed to be covered in burns and bruises but mostly ok. It was Jan Ula from school, he was on the track team and in cooking club.
A closer look would reveal he was cradling the remains of a dog, of what was left of it anyways. He himself seemed to be covered in burns and bruises but mostly ok. It was Jan Ula from school, he was on the track team and in cooking club.

As Sakeko continued to clear out the barricade, she shifted, pausing as she heard the sobbing of another. Slowly, she opened the door and glanced down to see the male from three of her classes holding..tattered remains of an animal. The smell of it instantly lurched her stomach causing her to move away and gag. The smell was putrid but she needed to remain calm.
Slipping out of the classroom she gently knelt down beside the male and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I am so sorry for your loss, but it isn't safe here..are there any others still alive?" She asked gently, her eyes continuing to roam about the halls with a nervous look. Those things where still around, but where they were was what made her nervous. "We need to get out of the school, and hopefully find some kind of survivors." She stated softly and glanced about once more.
Slipping out of the classroom she gently knelt down beside the male and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I am so sorry for your loss, but it isn't safe here..are there any others still alive?" She asked gently, her eyes continuing to roam about the halls with a nervous look. Those things where still around, but where they were was what made her nervous. "We need to get out of the school, and hopefully find some kind of survivors." She stated softly and glanced about once more.
He looked up at her, wiping his eyes with his sleeves. "Yeah....ok." He left the dead dog and put a rock on top of it, almost like a burial. *good enough......you will be remembered noodles.* He thought to himself. "I don't know about survivors, but it might be tough to get out. The stairs are completely blocked off." He said, looking around. There was movement from two what used to be doors down the hall, and he immediately looked, nervous to find out what it was. "Uh........maybe it's a survivor.....?" He said hopefully.
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