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Forums » General Roleplay » The alola regoin

Nitro (played by ReaperTheShadow67)

Hi newbie! Lynken said wanna see my Pokemon? Whilst Deino was eating a piece of cloth Deino! Bad boy Dieno no eating things that aren't food you cutie! Dieno walks up to the rockruff and wants to play with it hey! Raven can your rock ruff play with my Deino? Raven said yes. Trainer Lynken wants to battle!
Raven (played by Raven14)

Raven Eagerly agreed as Rockruff jumped off the desk he was jumping up and down Raven smiled happily
c'mon RockRuff!
Nitro (played by ReaperTheShadow67)

Deino hops around and licks rockruff on the nose and then Deino levels up to level 2 dei dei dei! Deino says happily
Raven (played by Raven14)

Rockruff waggs his tail and pounce around playfully tackling dieno (playfully not aggressive)
Ruff! -rockruff levels up-
Nitro (played by ReaperTheShadow67)

Dieno licks kitten who is having a nap yelling DEI DEI DEI DEI NO DEI
Raven (played by Raven14)

Rockruff jumps up nudging litten barking happily "ruff ruff!," Raven picked rockruff up "littens sleeping leave him alone Rockruff" Rockruff licked Raven barking in an apologetic tone.
Nitro (played by ReaperTheShadow67)

Hey Raven wanna see something cool? Lynken shows his dark Z-stone to raven
Raven (played by Raven14)

Oh wow! That's so cool I wish I had one me and Rockruff would be the best protectors here!
Nitro (played by ReaperTheShadow67)

Well I happen to have a rock z stone in my pocket! Do you want it because I don't have any rock pokemon
Alton (played by 11Rain11)

Litten abruptly woke up as it got licked and nudged by the other two pokemon. "Mrrrrow....!" It jumped up, and started batting at rockruff's ears with its paws. (not in a mean way) Alton laughed a little. "I guess Litten finally wants to play." They saw the z crystals and gazed upon them, so badly wishing they could get one. Surprisingly though, they wanted the z crystal for water type moves. For if they had that, they might be the most powerful trainer ever with a Z powered Garydos. And then they could stop team skull for good.
Raven (played by Raven14)

Raven smiled happily about the gesture, "that would be amazing! But... Don't you have to earn though?" She asked questionably glancing over giggling at litten and Rockruff.

Rockruff batted at litten as well "ruff!".
Atom (played anonymously)

Well you can earn it if you win a battle with me
Atom (played anonymously)

Arceus! go!
Raven (played by Raven14)

Despite the strong aponent Raven accepts "Rockruff let's go use bite!" Rockruff bites the arceus
Atom (played anonymously)

Raven (played by Raven14)

"rockruff Dodge now quick attack!" Rockruff just in time dodged the attack the used quick attack hitting the Arceus in it's leg
Atom (played anonymously)

Never mind this arceus return! Giratina Go!
Atom (played anonymously)

Giratina! Use your mega stone! What giratina mega evolved!? Mega giratina use HYPER VOICE! Hyper voice has a 100% accuracy meaning it can't miss!
Gregor McCourt (played by Fireflamer386) Topic Starter

(Hey atom nobody said you could join and I said no legendarys sorry but il have to say can you not comment anymore thank you)
Raven (played by Raven14)

(aww so the battle never happened oh well ok,)

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