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Forums » Looking for RP » I'm Not In Kansas Anymore... (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

World of Majoria (played by KansasVenomoth)

The young trainer that was born and raised in the Pokemon world went about his day like normal. He battled, he trained his Pokemon, his did some studies. The usual trainer things, ya know? Everything seemed to be going perfectly okay, his Pokemon were happy, he was pretty happy himself as he went to bed that night, figuring absolutely nothing could go wrong. Unfortunately, something went wrong. Horribly wrong in fact. He woke up the next morning to find that he was camping in the woods which was nothing new for the young trainer, however nothing about this forest seemed familiar. He noticed strange creatures. A brown Pachirisu that couldn't use electricity? A small, brown bird that couldn't use Quick Attack? A strange lizard that wasn't on fire? It was a strange world indeed. What kind of world wouldn't have flaming moths or turtles that have cannons sticking out of their shells? Of course, this world's strange fauna was the least of Alex's concerns. He just wanted to know where he was, how he got there, why he was there, and how to return home. Perhaps one of you will help the poor, confused man.

Essentially what I'm looking for is someone to help Alex find his way around the new world, trying to decipher why he came to be in this place. I would prefer this to take place in the world of my partner's characters. Romance is possible, combat is possible, it's all entirely based on the world of my partner's character. We can discuss more details in a PM.
Magic 50%
Magic is rare, but not unheard of. Mundane characters may or may not believe in it. Magical characters may form small and exclusive pockets for study, protection, etc.
Technology 50%
Combat 50%
Combat is expected as part of the storyline but it won't dominate the plot.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.

Ooooooo, this sounds fun! Think Ari could work?
Hope and Light (played by Holly-Leaf)

This seems cool! Does these two work?
World of Majoria (played by KansasVenomoth) Topic Starter

Arizona Dent wrote:
Ooooooo, this sounds fun! Think Ari could work?

She certainly could!
World of Majoria (played by KansasVenomoth) Topic Starter

Hope and Light wrote:
This seems cool! Does these two work?

Yeah, they could! Shoot me a PM!
I feel like I always find this stuff late! Well at lest I find stuff. If you're still open I am gona be here for some time I hope...
But I could really do with some RP right now I can almost go with anything ;-;
Onyx (played by Arkavious)

I can has Punch?
World of Majoria (played by KansasVenomoth) Topic Starter

Onyx wrote:
I can has Punch?

Depends, does Onyx live in something separate from the Pokemon world or nah?
World of Majoria (played by KansasVenomoth) Topic Starter

Pulsar Celuthriath wrote:
I feel like I always find this stuff late! Well at lest I find stuff. If you're still open I am gona be here for some time I hope...
But I could really do with some RP right now I can almost go with anything ;-;

Shoot me a PM.
Onyx (played by Arkavious)

Alex Smith wrote:
Onyx wrote:
I can has Punch?

Depends, does Onyx live in something separate from the Pokemon world or nah?

He can fit on or off a pokemon world. He is awesome like that.. besides.. What is more awkward this suddenly running into him? And would likely make fun of him for flailing, or just be like 'Why..... Are you here? YOU ARE OUT OF PLACE!'
World of Majoria (played by KansasVenomoth) Topic Starter

Onyx wrote:
Alex Smith wrote:
Onyx wrote:
I can has Punch?

Depends, does Onyx live in something separate from the Pokemon world or nah?

He can fit on or off a pokemon world. He is awesome like that.. besides.. What is more awkward this suddenly running into him? And would likely make fun of him for flailing, or just be like 'Why..... Are you here? YOU ARE OUT OF PLACE!'

That could prove to be humorous XD

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » I'm Not In Kansas Anymore... (closed)

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